Our club sponsors four high school Key Clubs, an elementary school K-Kids, a college level CKI, and an Aktion Club engaging over 400 active young people in meaningful community service and leadership opportunities.
Annual Banquet and Awards night at AHSWAHS Key Clubbers Make Greeting Cards for English Meadows Senior Living during in-meeting service project.Aktion Club members make blankets for Project LinusKey Club Division 9A Council MeetingCKI at UVA members have fun at the annual Breakfast with Santa at Ern Commons
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Service Leadership Programs (SLP)
Our club sponsors four high school Key Clubs, an elementary school K-Kids, a college level CKI, and an Aktion Club engaging over 400 active young people in meaningful community service and leadership opportunities.
Our club sponsors Key Clubs in four area high schools (Albemarle High School, Monticello High School, Western Albemarle High School and Charlottesville High School), a CKI Club at the University of Virginia, and a K-Kids Club at Venable Elementary School. We also sponsor the Jefferson Area Aktion Club, a unique service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide. The Jefferson Area Aktion Club, with members from Innisfree Village and from Virginia Institute of Autism’s Adult Academy, meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 1:45 p.m. at the Church of Our Saviour community outreach center called “The Mission.” More than 400 youth and young adults in these six clubs are engaged in programs that teach leadership skills and perform meaningful community service projects.
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