Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser — 2025

Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast to Support Three Local Children’s Charities

WHEN:  Saturday, April 5, 2025, Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church, 105 Lankford Ave. 22903

TIME:  8:00 AM – 11:00 AM

The “Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast” is back! For the 17th time over the past twenty years, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville invites the community to enjoy a pancake breakfast and support the work of Charlottesville’s most outstanding children’s charities. “We invite the public to come to Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church for a delicious fun-filled pancake breakfast,” said Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast Chairperson, Marieka Williams.  “This year proceeds will go to support three amazing local children’s charities.”

  • WHEN:  Saturday, April 5, 2024, Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church, 105 Lankford Ave. 22903
  • TIME:  8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Plentiful free parking in the church lot.
  • Tickets available for just $10 (Children between six and 10–tickets: $5. Children under six eat free!)
  • Book of ten tickets: $100. Golden Spatula Donation: $200; Silver Spatula Donation, $150; Bronze Spatula Donation, $125.

Square Link and QR Code to purchase blocks of tickets.  Can be used for donations and sponsorships.

or mail a check to KCOC, P.O. Box 6698, Charlottesville VA 22906

Proceeds will benefit: Central Little League, Charlottesville Community Bikes, and Salvation Army Camp Happyland.  Central Little League provides area boys and girls with an enriching, challenging, and exciting baseball and softball experience.  Charlottesville Community Bikes promotes environmentally sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible. And the Salvation Army invites Charlottesville youth to attend the wholesome and exciting Camp Happyland each summer. 

In addition to the all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausages, strawberries, coffee, juice, and water, there will the appearance of our perennial favorite “Celebrity Pancake Flippers” who will amaze and delight the young and the young at heart.

All money raised at Kiwanis events is returned to the community in club service projects mainly benefiting children and youth. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has been “Serving the Children of the World” since 1922. See our website:

Info: Marieka Williams, 434-409-8558, [email protected]

Jim Hart, 434-962-6218, [email protected]

