MONDAY EVENING MEETINGS: During the Covid-19 Crisis our Monday evening meetings (“Kiwanis Classic”) had been held, weather-permitting and observing all necessary public health precautions, outdoors at Shelter #1 at Pen Park. If an outdoor meeting was not possible, we met via Zoom video conferencing. Please see the club calendar highlights page (under What We Do) for the latest information about all meetings and events.
As we get back to normal times, Kiwanis is meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Timberwood Grill,3311 Worth Crossing, Charlotesville VA 22911 across from Hollymead Town Center near Forest Lakes North. The first and third Mondays are speaker meetings. The second Monday is the monthly board meeting night and we meet virtually, either on Zoom or Microsoft Teams at 6:30 p.m. The fourth Mondays have been designated as “Service Work Night” at a different local agency each month at 6 p.m. The occasional fifth Monday is reserved for a Kiwanis Family social activity. Guests are cordially invited to share a meal with us and learn about opportunities to join us for volunteer service that contributes to the betterment of our community. Please see the Club Calendar Highlights tab (under What We Do) for the latest information about when and where we gather “to serve the children of the world.” Remember, you are never more than six days away from a Kiwanis event.
Kiwanians Enjoy Fellowship Before Dinner at the Greencroft Club Fifty-Fifty and Happy Dollars are always much-anticipated events at our Monday evening meetings.Meg Phillips of Camp Holiday Trails expresses her appreciation to Kiwanis for our 50-year relationship “Serving the Children of the World.”
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Monday Evening Meetings (“Kiwanis Classic”)
MONDAY EVENING MEETINGS: During the Covid-19 Crisis our Monday evening meetings (“Kiwanis Classic”) had been held, weather-permitting and observing all necessary public health precautions, outdoors at Shelter #1 at Pen Park. If an outdoor meeting was not possible, we met via Zoom video conferencing. Please see the club calendar highlights page (under What We Do) for the latest information about all meetings and events.
As we get back to normal times, Kiwanis is meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Timberwood Grill, 3311 Worth Crossing, Charlotesville VA 22911 across from Hollymead Town Center near Forest Lakes North. The first and third Mondays are speaker meetings. The second Monday is the monthly board meeting night and we meet virtually, either on Zoom or Microsoft Teams at 6:30 p.m. The fourth Mondays have been designated as “Service Work Night” at a different local agency each month at 6 p.m. The occasional fifth Monday is reserved for a Kiwanis Family social activity. Guests are cordially invited to share a meal with us and learn about opportunities to join us for volunteer service that contributes to the betterment of our community. Please see the Club Calendar Highlights tab (under What We Do) for the latest information about when and where we gather “to serve the children of the world.” Remember, you are never more than six days away from a Kiwanis event.
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