***Charlottesville Kiwanians Return for Service Work Night at Lafayette School in Troy
January 28, 2025 — For the past twenty-five years Kiwanis Charlottesville has designated the fourth Monday evening of every month as “Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night,” and a no more worthy project than this one at Lafayette School could have been found to fulfill the club’s mission of “Serving the Children of the World.” Lafayette School was established in August 1999 in Charlottesville, Virginia, to serve children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems in a therapeutic day school environment. In an email sent to the whole club, Kiwanis board member Cindy Reynolds explained that “Lafayette School is a private school serving approximately 9 children and youth with behavioral health disorders who need intensive support and therapy to succeed in school. Often, the child spends 1-2 years at Lafayette before successfully returning to graduate from their home high school.” Recognizing these sentiments, eleven Kiwanians led by President Wendy Cooper returned to this remarkable learning community located in Troy, Virginia yesterday evening. As they did this past October, the group divided into teams to accomplish a prodigious amount of work in just over an hour and a half. They shampooed carpet, touched-up paint, wiped down tables, chairs, and cubbies, hung some artwork, and decorated one of the cork boards. (Phew!) Yesterday evening’s service project demonstrated once again that “Kiwanis is a Verb.”Indeed, it makes you proud to be a Kiwanian!
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Benefits from Amazing Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts-in-Kind Program
December 30, 2024 — The International Rescue Committee (IRC) gave a shout out to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville in a facebook post: “Around this time of year, we’re especially grateful for the support we receive from local partners like the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. Over the last few weeks, they’ve been able to provide the IRC with donations of toys, household items, and other goods they’ve received through a charitable partnership with our local Walmart. Their giving spirit has a direct impact on the lives of the refugee families we serve, and we’re excited to continue working with them in the future. Our thanks to Jim Hart, Eric Lamb, and the rest of the Kiwanis team for all of their efforts!”
In November, 2018 the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation became the new donation distribution arm for Walmart Store #1780 in Charlottesville. Non-perishable items like clothing, small electronics, toys, school supplies, sports equipment, household items of all types, lawn and garden items, and more are made available to Kiwanis on a weekly basis for distribution to community agencies in need of gifts-in-kind. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has reached out to more than a dozen such community agencies since this partnership has been in effect and now has made available more than $1,000,000 worth of gifts-in-kind.
Agencies benefitted include: The Salvation Army, The Haven, the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia, Boy Scouts of America, Ready Kids, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), SARA, Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, Ronald McDonald House Charities, People Places, Piedmont CASA, Love INC, Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, FBC Soup Kitchen, Region Ten CSB, Come as You Are Cville, Pilgrim Baptist Church, Community Bikes, Abundant Life, Central Little League, Community Bikes, Stepping Stone, Albemarle County and Charlottesville City Schools.
Kiwanis Family projects, such as Cozy Comforts, Key Club, CKI at UVA, Dogwood Pancake Breakfast, Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race, Kiwanis Christmas Trees, etc., also benefit from this collaboration
***Kiwanians Back “In Person” Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army
December 22, 2024 — After a one-year hiatus made necessary by the sudden eruption of covid-19 among several of the volunteer ringers last year, Charlottesville Kiwanians were back in person staffing the kettle for theSalvation Army on the busiest shopping day of the season, Saturday, Dec. 21, from 10 a.m. until 6 :00 p.m. at Kroger Rio Hill. We have enjoyed working this busy location for many years until the pandemic, when we resorted to filling the “virtual” kettle. Club Past President Jim Hart circulated a sign up sheet several weeks before the date and fourteen Kiwanians took the opportunity to ring in one-hour shifts. This good turn out of volunteers allowed us to have two Kiwanians (or K-Family members) at each shift for fellowship and security. Salvation Army HQ reported that our kettle contained $800 as a result of our efforts, more than twice the amount reaped from our previous live effort in 2023. Kiwanis is proud to stand year-round with the Salvation Army in providing help to those friends and neighbors in desperate need in our community.
***Charter Presented to the Kiwanis Builders Club at Walton Middle School in Stirring Ceremony.
December 18, 2024 — Our club was honored to officially present the August 2024 Charter to the Walton Middle School Builders Club. There are so many to recognize and thank. First of all, the faculty leadership Jennifer G. & Rebecca K. along with our very own International Trustee Dennis B. who will be their club advisor. Immediate Past President Cheryl K. presented the charter certificate and Dennis and President Wendy C. spoke to both the students and parents. We want to recognize both the students for their hard work as a club already and the parents for supporting their children now and in the future as they work to improve the lives of children in our world.. We wish them so much success! (from facebook post)
***Santa and Mrs. Claus Pay Visit to Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at Fluvanna County High School
December 8, 2024 — With a hearty “ho-ho-ho,” the “jolly old elf” and his gracious companion, Mrs. Claus, entertained patrons and volunteers alike at the first-ever Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast with Santa which took place at Fluvanna County High School on Saturday morning, December 7. Guests were greeted by Kiwanis President Wendy Cooper who directed them to the griddle, supervised by Kiwanis Assistant Treasurer Matt Laird, who served up perfectly flipped flapjacks, ready to be covered in butter and drowned in syrup, and paired with hot sausage links. Our generous friends at the Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Central Virginia provided orange juice and bottled water. Proceeds from this special fundraiser are ear-marked for Kiwanis service projects, including the possible development of a Key Club at Fluvanna County High School, which is a special “intention” on President Wendy’s agenda this year.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Serve Thanksgiving-Style Meal for the Historic Tenth & Page Street Community
November 25, 2024 — A twenty-foot banquet table groaned under the weight of dozens of plates, trays, bowls, pans, dishes, and other containers brimming with hot Thanksgiving-style favorites prepared by a team of chefs from Pilgrim Baptist Church, located in the heart of the historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood. And along the wall, another large table held dozens of cakes, pies, and cookies. For this month’s Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night, seven Charlottesville Kiwanians showed up to “Feed the Community.” Kiwanis President Pastor Wendy Cooper had invited the neighborhood to join her congregation in the church’s beautifully decorated Fellowship Hall for a Sunday afternoon of good eating and warm togetherness. And no one went away hungry. Indeed, many guests were able to take plates to loved ones and shut ins, before the Kiwanis volunteers prepared two dozen to-go containers for delivery to visitors to The Haven, Charlottesville’s day shelter and housing resource center at First and Market. President Wendy’s vision for Kiwanis this year is for club members to be “intentional” about reaching into those communities within our community who may be over-looked and under-served. Won’t you consider becoming part of our efforts to make this vision a reality. Click here to find out how you can become a Kiwanis member.
***President Wendy Cooper Hailed as Capital District “Member of the Month”
November 1, 2024 — Over four thousand Kiwanians in 170 clubs across Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia are looking to Charlottesville Kiwanis President Wendy Cooper as the “Member of the Month” of October. In a Facebook post on October 30, Capital District Kiwanis stated the following: Wendy saw the devastation in North Carolina caused by Hurricane Helene. So, as President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, she took action. Wendy made a suggestion to her fellow club members about helping our fellow Kiwanians in Asheville. She reached out and made contact with Asheville Kiwanis President Beverly Buckner and Secretary Laura Foreman who helped Wendy to coordinate a support trip. She collected supplies for two weeks and, along with the help of her husband Chris, loaded up a van and drove to assist, not knowing what to expect. Wendy and Chris were met with tears and open arms. She was told that Charlottesville was the first Kiwanis club to visit with person-power on the ground in support of their community. At the time, Asheville still did not have running water, and the need was great. The need continues and will for some time. Wendy plans a return trip with other club members for an action-oriented interclub. This is a wonderful example of leadership, compassion, and serving wherever and whenever a need arises.Wendy replied in her own facebook post:Thank you! Couldn’t have done this without the support of the BEST group of Kiwanians yeah Charlottesville! I do it because I love the KidsYes, Wendy, and the Kids Love You!
***Lafayette School in Troy Benefits from Kiwanis Service Work Night
President-Elect Marieka Williams Sorts Books
October 29, 2024 — Yesterday evening’s service project at Lafayette School in Troy, VA, demonstrated once again that “Kiwanis is a Verb.” A dozen Kiwanians led by President Wendy Cooper divided into teams to organize the records room, arrange bookshelves, tidy up a small flower bed, stain the porch and a picnic bench, refresh the fall flowers on the porch, and clean desks. (Phew!) A delicious picnic-style meal was enjoyed by the participants, who also heard words of thanks from the school’s director, Jennifer O’Malley, and Brandi Washburn, Office & Records Manager. They explained that “Lafayette School was established in August 1999 in Charlottesville, Virginia, to serve children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems in a therapeutic day school environment.” For the past twenty-five years Kiwanis Charlottesville has designated the fourth Monday evening of every month as “Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night,” and no more worthy project than this one at Lafayette School could have been found to fulfill the club’s mission of “Serving the Children of the World.”Makes you proud to be a Kiwanian!
***Monticello High School Key Club Teams Up with Cville Sock Love for “PocketPositivity Project“
October 25, 2024 — In a post on facebook, Cville Sock Love gave a shout out to the Monticello High School Key Club for participating in their “Pocket Positivity” project. “The positive affirmations that these students took the time to write will be shared with our under-resourced and unsheltered neighbors at an upcoming sock distribution. Our “Pocket Positivity” project needs you! Are you or a group that you’re a part of willing to write some positive affirmations for our sock recipients? These add a loving touch to a bag of fresh socks. They’re pocket-sized to serve as reminders to recipients that they are loved & supported. Reach out to us at [email protected] to participate!” Stay tuned–the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville may be able to devote one of its monthly “Service Work Nights” to such a worthwhile project.
Cville Sock Love was created in 2019 by Lindsay and Lily Simpson while students at Monticello High School. Their aim was to provide “fun, uplifting socks to hospitalized children.” They expanded this mission in 2020 to serve the under-resourced, as well. The web site states: “For families of hospitalized kids, socks and slippers are easily-forgotten items. They’re needed for trips to the bathroom and walks in chilly hallways. When it comes to socks for ailing kids, the more fun the designs, the better! Socks are a basic need that we all share. Plain or patterned, socks protect our feet and keep us warm. Too often, we take a fresh pair for granted. For the unsheltered, a clean pair is a sought-after item.” Besides donating socks to all central Virginia hospitals, Cville Sock Love has established partnerships with more than a dozen local organizations serving children and families in need, including The Haven, PACEM, The Salvation Army, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), the Ronald McDonald House, and People Places. Lily was secretary of the Monticello High School Key Club and in the spring of 2023 was named Teenager of the Year of District Nine of Capital District Kiwanis. She was nominated by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for Teenager of the Year for the Capital District and finished as runner-up. Scroll down this page to see stories about Lily and Cville Sock Love on April 17, 2023 and July 24, 2023.
Charlottesville Kiwanis sponsors four Key Clubs at area high schools (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging upwards of 300 students. With more than a quarter million Key Clubbers in over 40 countries worldwide, Key Club is the largest high school student-run service organization. And this year, Key Club International is celebrating its 100th year of service to the community.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Conduct “Interclub” with Western Albemarle High School Key Club
October 15, 2024 — Four Kiwanians made an Interclub visit to the Western Albemarle High School Key Club on Monday afternoon, October 14. President Wendy Cooper, Kiwanis WAHS Key Club advisor Jim Hart, new member Joan Werner, and Past Capital District Key Club Zone Administrator and current WAHS Assistant Principal Teresa Tyler arrived to observe more than 60 energetic Key Clubbers gathering in the Choir Room for their first general meeting of the 2024-25 school year. The visiting Charlottesville Kiwanians were invited to introduce themselves at the outset of the meeting and explain briefly just what in the world “Kiwanis” was: it’s “Key Club for Adults,” said spokesperson Jim Hart. Then the Key Club president introduced her large board of directors, described the various service projects that were on the agenda in the upcoming three or four weeks, and the club’s secretary explained how members could sign up to serve and log their hours on the club’s web site. The Charlottesville Kiwanians were truly impressed to learn about the marvelous record of service, leadership, and fellowship displayed by the WAHS students.
Charlottesville Kiwanis sponsors four Key Clubs at area high schools (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging upwards of 300 students. With more than a quarter million Key Clubbers in over 40 countries worldwide, Key Club is the largest high school student-run service organization. And this year, Key Club International is celebrating its 100th year of service to the community.
WAHS Key Club Secretary Liam Lu was featured on NBC29 in a recent story about a class he was taking on emergency medical services. “I’ve gone on a couple calls, both as like a volunteer and all that, doing clinical’s for this class, and there’s a bunch of stuff you see on those calls that you don’t see,” WAHS Student Liam Lu said. “I feel like it offers a really unique perspective as to what goes on around you that you aren’t exposed to as a high school student.” See the video here: https://www.29news.com/2024/10/31/albemarle-high-school-students-get-hands-on-ems-experience/
***Kiwanians Read to Kids at Locust Grove Elementary School
October 11, 2024 — In a “thrilling visit” to Orange County’s Locust Grove Elementary School, three Kiwanians read to six classes about anti-bullying and the importance of being a good friend. Charlottesville Kiwanis President Wendy Cooper, KCOC Foundation board member Jeanne Masloff, and Kiwanis Asst Treasurer Matt Laird opened their hearts as well as their books to the children, who showed their eagerness to learn how to be the best persons they can be. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville board recently voted to establish a K-Kids Club at this school whose administration and teachers welcomed the Kiwanis volunteers with great enthusiasm.
***”Passing the Gavel:” New Leadership Team Installed for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
October 4, 2024 — “Happy New Year Kiwanis!” Immediate Past President Cheryl Kirby handed the gavel to President Wendy Cooper who then rang in the “New Year 2024-25” for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville at a spectacular gala held at Mt. Zion First African BaptistChurch on Monday evening, September 30. A unique “passing of the gavel” ceremony, which involved no fewer than 13 past Kiwanis presidents in attendance, preceded President Wendy’s inaugural address. (See the video here: https://www.facebook.com/1553678780/videos/pcb.10233284314640579/1109760063906055 Upwards of forty Kiwanians and distinguished guests filled Mt. Zion’s Fellowship Hall for an event that included a welcome from Pastor Alvin Edwards, a delicious dinner, greetings from Charlottesville Mayor Juandiego Wade, a year-in-review slide show, a splendid awards ceremony, the presentation of checks to this year’s “Top Five” children’s charities, and finally the installation of officers for the new year, our 103rd. Among the Kiwanians recognized for outstanding service in 2023-24 were Dana Douglas and Wendy Cooper for re-launching the perennial Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, Cindy Reynolds as Kiwanis Rookie of the Year, Jim Hart as Historian and Media Contact, Michelle LaRose for being Louise to Cheryl Kirby’s Thelma, Dennis Baugh (and wife Darlene) for friendly mentoring and leadership advice, and Eric Lamb in his role as Capital District Governor. Cheryl Kirby received a patriotic display of 50 American flags beautifully crafted by Kiwanis Secretary Bob Ribando to display in her office at Atlantic Union Bank on all national holidays. And then she was most appropriately honored by the presentation of the prestigious George H. Hixson Fellowship Award by Kiwanis International Trustee and Club Treasurer Dennis Baugh.
After remarks from current Capital District Governor Eric Lamb (Charlottesville), Governor-Elect Josh Hiscock (Ellicott City, MD), and Division Nine Lt Gov. Susan Knick (Jackson River Area), Division Nine Lt Gov-Elect Marcia Geiger (Waynesboro) presided over the installation of directors and officers for the new Kiwanis year: outgoing directors are Dana Douglas and Philip Day, continuing directors are Michelle LaRose, Cindy Harris, Bob Pflugfelder, and Jake Oswalt, and new directors are Cindy Reynolds and Eric Lamb. Continuing as Treasurer is Dennis Baugh and Asst Treasurer Matt Laird. Continuing as Secretary is Bob Ribando and as Asst Secretary Dennis Baugh. President-elect is Marieka Williams. After explaining the duties of Immediate Past President to Cheryl Kirby, Lt Gov-Elect Marcia installed Pastor Wendy Cooper as President to serve for the 103rd year of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. In her gracious and inspiring inaugural address President Wendy announced her “theme” for the year– “Be Intentional“ — and explained the importance for every Kiwanian to keep the Objects of Kiwanis in mind always and make their best efforts to fulfill our mission: “Serving the Children of the World.”
***Charlottesville Chief of Police Special Guest of Kiwanis Club
September 17, 2024 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was honored to have Charlottesville Chief of Police Michael Kochis as guest speaker on Monday evening, September 16, at Pilgrim Baptist Church located in the historic Tenth and Page Street neighborhood. It was a pleasure to hear about what has been happening in the Charlottesville community since his arrival in January 2023. For example, he spoke about “Community Policing.” He said: “What is one word that comes to mind when we talk about Community Policing? ‘Trust’ How do we get trust? We build relationships. How do we build relationships? We need to be present and communicate.” Chief Kochis was accompanied by Sergeant Eric Thomas. who has been doing a terrific job organizing “Community Action” teams, which engage local citizens to meet regularly and work along side police officers to promote the safety and security of their neighborhoods. Kiwanis President-Elect Wendy Cooper and her husband, Rev. Chris Cooper, who are co-pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church, are members of Sergeant Thomas’s Community Action team. The many Kiwanians and guests in attendance had challenging questions for Chief Kochis and Sergeant Thomas, which they gladly answered. Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby expressed our great appreciation to Chief Kochis for visiting us tonight by presenting him with the replica Kiwanis bell.
***The Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation Helps Eagle Scout Organize Refugee Swim Meet
September 10, 2024 — One of the “Top Five” non-profits designated for support in this year’s Kiwanis Project budget gained the attention of local news media by encouraging a local high school student in his Eagle Scout Project. See the NBC29 story by clicking here: High school student organizes “Splash Bash” refugee swim meet. Tommy Rockwell said he got the idea to organize the competition because, simply put, “he loves swimming.” He learned about the Benjamin Hair Swim Just for Life Foundation and wanted to contribute as part of his Eagle Scout Project. “I wanted to do something that would allow people to enjoy swimming just as much as I do,” Rockwell said. The event brought in nearly 60 young swimmers and their families, who lined the pool with beaming smiles and cameras out.“It’s for underprivileged kids in the community who have been swimming all summer and doing swim lessons,” Rockwell said. “This is like their culminating event for the season.”Charlottesville Kiwanian Gordon Hair established the foundation in memory of his son, Benjamin, who died in a tragic car accident fifteen years ago. Benjamin was an accomplished swimmer, life guard, a member of the Albemarle High School Key Club, and an Eagle Scout. “The mission of the Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation (BH-JSL) is to raise awareness of the need, and to provide the motivation, systems, and tools to waterproof our community so that all children have basic swimming skills and are safe around water.” The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville salutes BHJSL for reaching out to those chronically under-served members of our community to help them learn basic swimming skills, feel safe around water, and enjoy the fun and excitement of water sports for the enrichment of their lives.
***Capital District Convention Honors Outgoing Governor, Charlottesville’s Own, Eric Lamb
August 26, 2024 — Ahoy Matey! Charlottesville Kiwanians, President-Elect Wendy Cooper and Immediate Past President Jim Hart, joined with over 200 other Kiwanians and guests from Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia at the 104th Annual Capital District Convention held at the Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel to celebrate a successful year of serving the children of the world under the superb leadership of another Charlottesville Kiwanian, District Governor Eric Lamb. The sea-faring theme of the conference, entitled “Anchoring Our Future” ran from Friday, August 23 to Sunday, August 25, and featured a full-day of educational workshops, two service projects, several fellowship breakfasts and luncheons, a pirate-themed banquet gala, fun at the Norfolk Tides baseball game, Caring Corner, Ducky Derby, and several productive business meetings counseled by Kiwanis International Trustee from Butte, Montana, Cathy Tutty. Sunday morning’s inspirational breakfast was followed by ceremonies involving a bounteous farewell and thanks to Governor Eric Lamb and his team of Lt Govs for their service, and the installation of a new leadership team, led by Governor-Designate Ellicott City (MD)’s Josh Hishcock. In a dignified ceremony, Wendy transferred the Governor’s home club banner to the Ellicott City club.
Among the important workshops was one led by Wendy Cooper entitled “Charting a Course To Equity–Equipping Clubs with DEIBA.” Wendy, who has served as the 2023-24 chair of the District’s Young Children Priority One committee, is the 2024-25 chair of the District’s DEIBA committee.
Capital Kiwanians are urged to mark their calendars for upcoming events, including the Mid-Year Conference in Cambridge (MD) February 28-March. 2, 2025; the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention(ICON) in Pittsburgh (PA )from June 25-28, 2025; and the 105th Capital District Kiwanis Convention(DCON) in Arlington (VA) August 23-25, 2025.
***Charlottesville Kiwanis Club Speaker Meetings Are Informative and Fun
August 20, 2024 — The two speaker meetings of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville during the month of August provided attendees with important information as well as an opportunity to have just a good old time with dear friends. On Monday evening, August 5, Jessica Carter, the founder and executive director of HER Sports gave an inspiring talk about how the organization she leads “uses sports as a blueprint for girls to succeed in life by providing holistic experiences that create positive youth development.” And Jessica was a “good sport” as she pulled the winning ticket in the evening’s fifty-fifty drawing–reading the winning number “from left to right and very slowly” just as directed by Happy Dollars chairman, Jack Compton. And if that were not enough to set the room aglow with frivolity, club members also took the opportunity to sing Happy Birthday to sixty-year Kiwanian, Dr. Jim Masloff, who was celebrating his 93rd birthday with the group.
And on Monday evening, August 19, the club welcomed Kyle Ramey, Development Manager, at AHIP (Albemarle Housing Improvement) to Timberwood Grill. Kyle explained that “AHIP is here to keep our neighbors’ housing safe and secure. We perform repairs all the way from leaky roofs to broken plumbing.” Kyle was also pressed into service, pulling the winning ticket in the exciting fifty-fifty drawing. Kyle dutifully read off the numbers in the prescribed manner, which elicited the much-anticipated raucous cheers and groans. And on this night, another Kiwanian was celebrated for reaching his 90th birthday–none other than Happy Dollar chairman Jack Compton, whose daughter and new Kiwanian, Cindy Reynolds, shared with the group two beautiful and delicious birthday cakes. Come join us–we meet on the first and third Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. See the club calendar page for details: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/calendar/
***Kiwanis President-Elect Featured in TV Coverage of Westhaven Community Day
August 6, 2024 — For the second straight year Kiwanis participated in “Westhaven Community Day,” a spectacular service fair taking place on the first Saturday in August for the past 27 years along Hardy Drive in the heart of the historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood. And once again Kiwanian Wendy Cooper and her husband Chris, the co-pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church, set up the Kiwanis tent right next to the church’s tent and invited the public to visit the neighborhood, enjoy a meal, and interact with friendly and welcoming church members and friends. Wendy is the President-Elect of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club, and she took the opportunity to enlighten the wider community about the Westhaven neighborhood as well as the Kiwanis mission during an interview that was broadcast on the NBC29 weekend news. To view the story click here: Westhaven gathering highlights community, fun, mutual support. “We stand for children, family, and togetherness. so and this is what this event embodies children, family, and togetherness and including partnerships,” said Wendy. She spoke in front of a table groaning under the weight of information about Kiwanis activities. She also gave away colorful Kiwanis Independence Day 5K-branded tee-shirts to anyone who stopped by. And dozens and dozens of folks stopped by. “You get to foster relationships, you get to see people you haven’t seen in a while, and it kind of makes for a family reunion,” Cooper added. “The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has been around for a very long time,” she said, “and we’re all about serving the children of the world.” Thank you Wendy Cooper for carrying the Kiwanis banner and, as our Kiwanis International Trustee, Dennis Baugh, says: “spreading the word.”
***Large Contingent of Kiwanis Volunteers Provide Much-Appreciated Service at Salvation Army Thrift Store
July 23, 2024 — A record number of volunteers turned out for July’s Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night at the Salvation Army’s Family Store (aka Thrift Store) on Cherry Avenue on July 22. No fewer than 16 Kiwanians, led by President Cheryl Kirby and directed by Kiwanian Jim Battaglia, who happens to be the development director at The Salvation Army, undertook a simple but daunting task–washing the large store front windows (inside and out) and mopping the entire showroom floor. “Don’t be afraid of the bleach.,” Jim said, indicating that the thorough cleaning was long overdue. The numerous Kiwanians fanned out across the expansive building, each wielding the necessary dry mop, wet mop, broom, squeegee, paper towel roll, soap bucket, trash container, rags, dust pans, and whatever. The team approach allowed for the task to be completed in just under one-hour. Jim B. put his shoulder to the wheel in helping to move large pieces of furniture so that the volunteers could get to every nook and cranny. Past Kiwanis President and Salvation Army Advisory Board Life Member, Bob Pflugfelder, went above and beyond by locating a scraping device of some sort so he could remove signs plastered to the entry doors so he could then wash those windows and help the store present a clean, crisp welcome to shoppers. As always, the group was treated to a scrumptious picnic-style pizza meal as they relaxed in fellowship after completing a job well done. And also as always, we were out of there by 8 p.m.
***Cville Village Board Members Present Program for Kiwanis at the Club’s “Speaker Meeting” on July 15.
July 17, 2024 — A team of four enthusiastic board members from Cville Village. came out to Timberwood Grill on July 15 to provide a program for the Kiwanis Club’s third Monday evening speaker meeting. Before being called upon to speak, however, the guests were pressed into service by drawing the fifty-fifty raffle ticket and reading, in the obligatory fashion, the winning numbers. As always happens, hoots and hollers accompanied the reading of each number until the lucky winners were identified. Maryann Long, president of the Cville Village board, opened her presentation by asking the Kiwanians in attendance: “Do you need more help at home as you get older? You’re not alone. CVille Village is an all-volunteer nonprofit that can bring that support to you – right where you live. . . Services include transportation to and from appointments, shopping, or events; check-in visits for those living alone; light housekeeping and yard work; and help with setup and operation of electronic devices.” Kiwanians responded with numerous questions and requests for more information. The Cville Village board members patiently answered the questions and in the end recommended that we see their FAQ page here: https://cvillevillage.org/frequently-asked-questions/ The session became a mutual admiration society as Kiwanians praised Maryann and her colleagues for their innovative ideas, while the Cville Village people touted Kiwanis and the Kiwanians for their long-standing commitment to helping the world improve “one child and one community at a time.” Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby presented Maryann with the replica Kiwanis bell in appreciation for her team’s presentation.
***Two More New Members Inducted at Kiwanis Meeting at Timberwood Grill
July 16, 2024 — The membership roster increased yet again as the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville welcomed two community volunteers in an induction ceremony held at Timberwood Grill on July 15. Katie Price, branch manager of the United Bank on the Downtown Mall, received her Kiwanis pin and certificate from Capital District Kiwanis Governor Eric Lamb, and expressed her special interest in working alongside other Kiwanians in supporting agencies serving children and youth in need. United Bank has been an active financial sponsor of Kiwanis fund-raising events and, by supporting Katie’s membership, the bank’s leadership expressed its intention to provide volunteer support from among its employees whenever the opportunity arises. Governor Eric pronounced the slogan “Kiwanis is a Verb” and assured Katie that these opportunities will be plentiful. Coming on board alongside Katie Price was Joan Werner, who has been an active volunteer in the outreach program at Church of Our Saviour and served for many years as a certified mediator at The Mediation Center of Charlottesville. Joan said she was attracted to Kiwanis by the friendly and enthusiastic welcome she received from all Kiwanians when she visited the club several times as a guest of her sponsor, Immediate Past Kiwanis President Jim Hart. Current President Cheryl Kirby presented Joan with her pin and certificate and led the members in attendance in a standing ovation welcome for Joan and for Katie. In just the past six months, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has welcomed seven new members. Can we add any more in the two months that remain in this Kiwanis year? Remember: “We have enough members to do what we are doing, but not enough to do what needs to be done.”Don’t forget to ask.
***41st Annual Kiwanis Independence Day Race Big Success
July 4, 2024 — “From 9 to 99”— all ages were welcome to participate in the 41st edition of the Kiwanis Independence Day Run/Walk held on Saturday, June 29, at Lakeside Middle School in Forest Lakes. The top female finisher, Zia Fadil, with a time of 18:59:57, is all of thirteen years old! The top male finisher, Eli Cook, whose chip time was 18:28:48, is nineteen. We had a ten year-old female, six 14 year-old males, and another 13 year-old male finish. At the other end of the age spectrum we were happy to see three octogenarians (one female and two males) finish with the vim and vigor of the other hundred participants. We even had a runner push a child in a stroller across the finish line. The winners were presented with beautiful wooden ribbon holders, hand-crafted by long-time Kiwanian and current Kiwanis Secretary, Bob Ribando.
This year five amazing local children’s charities will receive proceeds from the KID5K.:
And none of this would be possible without the caring and energetic Kiwanis volunteers as well as the most generous support of our loyal sponsors. Please patronize the sponsors whenever you can and thank them on behalf of the children and youth of this community.
***Kiwanis Reaching Kids in Need Through Sports and Music
July 2, 2024 — Kiwanis volunteers everywhere are dedicated to “improving the world, one community and one child at a time.” In Charlottesville, Kiwanis members were recently informed of opportunities to work alongside organizations which have a similar goal–aiming to help children and youth in need reach their greatest potential–one through sports and the other through music. On June 3, Catie Dugan Vargas of the Tysons Kiwanis Club spoke to us about supporting a “Girls Rule the Court” tennis program for Charlottesville. See this story from Chamber: https://www.cvillechamber.com/2022/10/03/chamber-spotlight-girls-rule-the-court/ and this story on NBC29: https://www.29news.com/2022/10/06/free-tennis-lessons-taught-young-girls/ Catie stated that her organization is exploring the possibility of establishing a tennis court in a site in the historic Tenth & Page Street neighborhood where traditionally underserved young girls might have a location nearby to become engaged in a GRTC program.
And on July 1, the program for the evening at Timberwood Grill was presented by Katen Reynolds and Eli Ratzlaff from the Front Porch Music School. Katen explained that “we’re more than just a music school. We connect people through music. Our focus on music education extends outside of the walls of our Charlottesville location and into the heart of the city through our Roots & Wings outreach program. Our intimate listening room venue hosts concert experiences that will change your life. And our open jam program draws players from throughout Central Virginia.” Katen specifically invited Kiwanians to help Front Porch staff when they conduct a “Musical Instrument Petting Zoo” at a local public community event. Club President Cheryl Kirby (pictured presenting our speakers with the replica Kiwanis bell) suggested that Front Porch might benefit from a visit from caring Kiwanians on one of our fourth Monday service work nights, where we can do a variety of tasks, from stuffing envelopes, to assembling furniture, to painting and clean-up, inside and out. After all, “Kiwanis Is A Verb” in the words of Capital District Governor, our own, Eric Lamb.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Spend an Evening Caring for the Families at Ronald McDonald House
June 25, 2024 — For the fourth time in the past year and a half, Charlottesville Kiwanians designated their monthly service work night to helping out at the Ronald McDonald House. On the agenda was the preparation of dinner for the approximately 18 families who were staying at this most valuable local resource while their children are receiving treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital nearby. RMHC staff had several other sorting and wrapping tasks for the Kiwanians to perform, making sure that there were not too many cooks in the kitchen spoiling the broth. As usual, expressions of amazement were heard referring to the efficiency, talent, and boundless energy of Kiwanis volunteers. Kitchen Crew Chief, Club President Cheryl Kirby, remarked that it is our distinct pleasure to help “Serve the Children of the World” in this way.
***Three New Kiwanians Added to Charlottesville’s Club Roster
June 18, 2024 — Not since the Installation of Officers night in September had the Community Room at Timberwood Grill seen as many Kiwanians and guests. Upwards of 30 people filled the long table and crammed into the surrounding booths to enjoy dinner and fellowship. Club President Cheryl Kirby, with the help of Kiwanian Jack Compton, brought the meeting to order by conducting a raucous fifty-fifty drawing and then soliciting Happy Dollars. Kiwanis International Trustee and Club Treasurer Dennis Baugh provided a brief slide show explaining the agenda for the upcoming International Convention (ICON) to be held in Denver, Colorado on the 4th of July. Capital District Kiwanis Governor and Club Past President Eric Lamb then issued an invitation to the upcoming Capital District Convention (DCON) to be held in Portsmouth, Virginia on the weekend of August 23-24. Our special guest, Division Nine Lt Gov Susan Knick of the Jackson River Area Club addressed the group and introduced her successor, Marcia Geiger of the Waynesboro Club. Finally it was time for the highlight of the evening, the induction of THREE new members. Eric Lamb sponsored Betty Farrell. Cindy Reynolds sponsored Betty’s daughter, Donna Clark. And Immediate Past Club President Jim Hart sponsored Kristy Jones. Lt. Gov. Knick conducted a most dignified induction ceremony and the three new members were welcomed to the club with a standing ovation. To say the club is growing would be no surprise to the friendly staff at Timberwood Grill, who assisted everyone in the festivities in a most efficient manner.
***Community Bikes Benefits from a Visit from Caring Kiwanis Volunteers
May 24, 2024 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville designates a “Day of Caring” each month on the fourth Monday. It’s called the “Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night” and it has become one of the most popular regular activities for Charlottesville’s Kiwanians. On April 22, Community Bikes, a non-profit “bicycle shop that promotes environmentally-sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible in Charlottesville.” welcomed a team of a dozen eager Kiwanians, who were not afraid to get their clothes and hands dirty while pitching in to help fellow Kiwanian, Jake Oswalt, clean bikes, do general maintenance, and perform other organizing and clean-up work in the shop located in Preston Plaza. Jake is the operations manager for Community Bikes and became a Kiwanian in January, 2023. He has since risen to a position on the Kiwanis board and has taken on responsibility for fund-raising. When Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby took note of how Community Bikes uses dozens of rags in their grease-producing operation, she put out a call for another “Flash Mob” in order to produce a huge supply of rags in a hurry. Kiwanians and their families and friends did not disappoint Cheryl or Jake as the rags started pouring in almost instantly.
***New Members–The Lifeblood of Any Vibrant Civic Organization
May 21, 2024 — ” We have enough members to do what we ae doing, but we do not have enough members to do what needs to be done.” This was the mantra of Past Capital District Governor the late Bob Cressy. And Governor after Governor, before Bob and since, including the current Capital District Governor, our own Eric Lamb, remind us of the simple truth: “The more members we have, the more good work we can do serving the children of the world.” The board of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has voted to accept five new members in just the second quarter of this Kiwanis year. And recently we were pleased to welcome two of them into the club with especially dignified ceremonies held during our meetings at Timberwood Grill. The first new member inducted is Cindy Reynolds, CFRE, the daughter of Club member, Jack Compton, who sponsored her membership. Cindy is a Philanthropy Consultant with many years experience in the healthcare industry, including at UVA Children’s Hospital. Cindy has been tapped to represent Division 9 on the Capital District Foundation board as well as to serve on the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation board. Moreover, her seemingly boundless enthusiasm and cheery smile have brought a new-found energy to each of our club’s meetings and projects.
The other new member we inducted is Jim Battaglia, recently-named Development Director for the Salvation Army Charlottesville Corps. Jim comes to us with nine-years experience as a Kiwanian in Syracuse, New York and showed off his props as an “expert pancake flipper” at the club’s recent Pancake Breakfast, which raised funds for five amazing local children’s charities. Jim was sponsored by Salvation Army Advisory Board Life Member and Past Kiwanis President Bob Pflugfelder, who commented that Jim’s membership will solidify the very active collaboration Kiwanis Charlottesville has had with the Salvation Army in Charlottesville for more than 100 years. Welcome Cindy and Jim: #KidsNeedKiwanis and Kiwanis Needs You!
***Kiwanis All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast Is Back for the 16th Time During Charlottesville’s Dogwood Season
May 9, 2024 — A Charlottesville Dogwood Season tradition has made its return after a five-year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic. On Saturday morning, April 20, 2024 roughly a hundred hungry patrons made their way to the fellowship hall of Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church off Elliot Avenue between the hours of 7 and 10 a.m. to enjoy pancakes, sausages, strawberries, coffee, juice, and water in support of five amazing local children’s charities.
Proceeds from ticket sales, placemat sponsorships, and donations will benefit: Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, Central Little League, Ronald McDonald House , Salvation Army, and Community Bikes. BH-JSL funds certified Water Safety Instructors to conduct learn-to-swim programs to improve water safety in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area. Central Little League provides area boys and girls with an enriching, challenging, and exciting baseball and softball experience. Ronald McDonald House allows families who have children getting treatment at UVA Hospital to have temporary lodging nearby Salvation Army invites Charlottesville youth to attend the wholesome and exciting Camp Happyland each summer. And Community Bikes promotes environmentally sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible.
It was “all hands on deck” as more than 20 Kiwanians led by committee co-chairs Wendy Cooper and Dana Douglas made the event run “like a well-oiled machine.” Kiwanians were assisted by volunteers from Monticello HS Key Club, Key Club parents, and many spouses and guests of Kiwanians (“not-yet Kiwanians”), whose friendliness and enthusiasm spread like a healthy contagion throughout the hall. The appearance of our perennial favorite “Celebrity Pancake Flippers” amazed and delighted the young and the young at heart. Countless community members, many of whom have been faithful attendees for years, expressed their gratitude to the club for bringing back this popular fundraiser and urged us to “do it again.” Rev. Dr. Alvin Edwards, pastor of Mt. Zion, stated that his congregation was pleased to provide the venue for this event and suggested we consider “doing it again” later in the year. President-Elect Wendy Cooper was heard saying that she was “up for it” provided we can get sufficient volunteers, especially new members. No one can doubt that #KidsNeedKiwanis, President Cheryl Kirby stated, and “Kiwanis Needs You.”
***Kiwanis Sponsors Central Little League Team for 65th Straight Year
May 8, 2024 — If it’s spring time, it is time for baseball and, as the oldest sponsor of the Central Little League, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is geared up to cheer on Kiwanis at Pen Park. On Monday evening, March 25, as part of our traditional Dick Fowler Memorial 4th Monday Service Work Night, Kiwanians staffed the concession stand at Pen Park while the Kiwanis CLL team took on Boylan Heights in a Majors tilt. While Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby, Membership Chair Michelle LaRose, and new member BettyFarrell took snack orders, Kiwanis Club Secretary Bob Ribando and ClubFoundation Board Member Tom Lowe met with the players and posed for a team photo. Other Kiwanians sat in the bleachers to cheer on the team and also talk up the upcoming Pancake Breakfast for which Central Little League was a designated beneficiary.
On a chilly Saturday morning, April 13 President Cheryl and Immediate Past Club President Jim Hart participated in Opening Day Ceremonies for Central Little League at Pen Park. Pancake breakfast tickets were sold to families who heard CLL President Alan Dalkin announce the event during the program. And on the big day, Saturday, April 20, dozens of Central Little Leaguers (in uniform) and their families came out to Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church to enjoy pancakes, sausages, strawberries, and a refreshing beverage before heading out to the ball fields for the morning’s games.
On Monday evening May 6, CLL President Alan provided a program for the Club’s 1st Monday Speaker Meeting at Timberwood Grill. A highlight of his presentation was a slide show profiling a half a dozen former Kiwanis team players he has known, who have gone on over the past 25 years to impressive careers in a variety of fields, including the ball field. Past Club President Jim reminded everyone that UVA Hall of Fame ball player and former Major League Baseball phenom, Mike Cubbage, started his sports career as a star on the Kiwanis Central Little League team that won the City Championship in 1962. CLL President Alan was presented with a replica Kiwanis bell by Club President Cheryl.
***“Service-Children-Community” — a Three-Part Catchphrase Draws the Interest of Kiwanians at Twice-Monthly Speaker Meetings
May 7, 2024 — Twice a month, on the first and third Monday evenings, Kiwanians gather at 6:30 p.m. at Timberwood Grill,3311 Worth Crossing, Charlottesville VA 22911 across from Hollymead Town Center near Forest Lakes North. to enjoy dinner, have fun with fifty-fifty and Happy Dollars, and then engage with a guest speaker representing one of our community’s dynamic non-profits who offer life-changing and sometimes life-saving assistance to those in need in our community. Each speaker explains ways for Kiwanians to step into a collaboration with this non-profit which has the mutual goal of improving the community by serving the children, youth, and families in need. Looking back at just the past few months, on February 5, we welcomed Jon Nafziger, executive director of Child Health Partnership. Formerly known as Jefferson Area CHIP, Child Health Partnership“provides at-home support to children and parents, who need our help the most, to promote the health and well-being of families in our community.” This superb agency was the very first recipient of the Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Back Packs donation on April 6, 2017. Here’s a brief video description of the work Jon’s organization does in “partnership.”
On March 4. we had a visit from Ashely Schneider who told us about the work of Stepping Stone Charlottesville. “Families struggling to pay rent, utilities, and grocery bills often can’t afford the basics their children need every day. At Stepping Stone, we help fill this critical yet overlooked need. To build an inventory of essentials for families, Stepping Stone relies on the donation of new and nearly new items through individual giving and grassroots community drives. We sort, clean, and bundle items, and then our team of volunteers delivers them to parents, caregivers, and children.” Stepping Stone Charlottesville has been a frequent beneficiary of donations made possible by the Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts in Kind program.
Then on March 18, Jim Battaglia, the Development Director at The Salvation Army Charlottesville Corps told us about preparations for a capital campaign designed to greatly enhance the offerings of this highly-respected community resource. “Wherever there is a need in Charlottesville, you’ll find The Salvation Army.” Jim recently submitted his application for membership in the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville and looks forward to working together with us to improve the community by serving the children, youth and families in need. And then on April 1, the new CEO at one of our favorite children’s charities, Ronald McDonald House, Alisa Powell, informed us about how engagement with the community allows them to provide temporary lodging to families who have children receiving treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital. All of our speakers were presented with a replica Kiwanis bell by Club President Cheryl Kirby in appreciation for their efforts,
***Second-Ever Kiwanis “Flash Mob” Returns Dozens of Children’s Books for Use in Cozy Comforts Backpack Project
March 3, 2024 — This time the call came from Past Lt Gov Barb Ritter who heads up Charlottesville’s Signature Cozy Comforts Backpack Project. Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations. The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Items in each backpack will vary based on need but might include hand-made fleece blankets to surround them with warmth; books and puzzles to share together as a family; nightlights for security and safety; and personal care items to ensure health and well-being. In the past six years we have presented more than 280 backpack kits to six local agencies. “Our hope is that this small gesture and thought will bring a sense of security and comfort to these children and their families as they navigate the challenge of transition and ensure them that they are happy, healthy, safe, and loved,” said PLG Barb. Seizing on the success of the first-ever Kiwanis “FLASH MOB” held in November to provide children’s coats and winter wear to People Places, Inc., Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby appealed to Kiwanians and their friends, families, neighbors, and “Not-Yet Kiwanians” to pool their resources during the month of love (February) to help answer the call. At the end of the month three large paper sacks overflowing with new and gently-used books and puzzles were handed over to PLG Barb who now has a large inventory to choose from as she and her committee members assemble Cozy Comforts Back Packs ready for distribution to a worthy agency. In addition, several Kiwanians made cash donations that were turned over to Treasurer Dennis Baugh to add to the line item for Cozy Comforts in this year’s service budget. “Instead of mounting a long drawn out ‘campaign,'” President Cheryl said, “we thought we could stimulate Kiwanians to react in a flash (!) to meet the needs of children and families desperate for help. We are not reinventing the wheel to boost Cozy Comforts, we’re just looking ahead to meet the community need we know is out there.”
***Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Makes Annual Gift to UVA Children’s Hospital
February 24, 2024 — Kiwanis International Trustee Dennis Baugh presented University of Virginia Children’s Hospital a check for $3,000 on behalf of the Kiwanis Capital District Foundation. Also pictured are Erin Chandler, from the hospital, and Cheryl Kirby, President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. “Formed in 1972, this IRS 501(c)(3) foundation has been harnessing the generosity of Capital Kiwanians to positively affect the children of the Capital District. Every Kiwanian in the Capital District is a member of the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation.” Each year at the Capital District Convention (DCON) a “DUCKY DERBY” raffle is held as the foundation’s biggest fundraiser. All proceeds support eleven designated pediatric trauma centers spread throughout the district. Since 1987 the foundation has donated over $825,000 to hospitals in Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, and West Virginia. The University of Virginia’s Children’s Hospital has received more than $100,000 over the past thirty-five years. This year’s gift will be directed to the operations of a family-support supply storehouse providing a variety of healthcare resources to families with children being treated at UVA facilities. Dennis Baugh, who is Past Governor of the Capital District and currently serves as Treasurer of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, stated that “Kiwanians are proud to be able to support those who care for the most traumatic injuries suffered by children in the Capital District.“
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Honor the Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Volunteering at All Blessings Flow
January 30, 2024 — Our monthly “Monday Evening Service Work Night” for January was held in conjunction with the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Caring atAll Blessings Flow, a local faith-based nonprofit that provides medical equipment and supplies to adults and children in need. Fourteen Kiwanians turned out to work on a project assembling “Blessings Packs” that are given to each recipient of the medical supplies provided for free by All Blessings Flow. ABF gives away hundreds of these each month and so we needed as many volunteers as possible to accomplish maximum result. And the eager-beaver Kiwanians did not disappoint. Most of the volunteers helped with writing notes in the Bibles, on the little envelopes for the crosses, and in sealing the crosses in the envelopes using a little sticker. Other handy Kiwanians were tasked with doing maintenance and clean-up on the many items in the large warehouse which serves hundreds of clients two days a week in Charlottesville. Also, in cooperation with Sentara Healthcare, All Blessings Flow operates a Mobile Rural Outreach Program in the surrounding counties. ABF reminds us all to not only count our blessings, but to share them.
***Kiwanians Join Innisfee Village Aktion Club Volunteers at Annual Toy Lift Event
December 15, 2023 — One of the most favorite projects of the members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village is participating in Charlottesville’s annual Toy Lift which aims “to provide toys and books to area children ages newborn through 8th grade.” The selfless Aktion Club volunteers, led by Innisfree Village Activities Director Carol Evans were joined by Kiwanis Club president Cheryl Kirby and long-time KiwanianKaren Dowell in sharing the Toy Lift mission: “Toy Lift Charities believe that every child is entitled to a happy and enriched childhood. Our mission is to support local families through volunteerism, community cooperation, morale building, and educational tools. We seek to provide that support through all of our events throughout the year.” On Friday morning, December 3, seven Aktion Clubbers and their counselor and two Kiwanians joined dozens of other community volunteers at the old Sears store at Fashion Square Mall which served as the massive warehouse (Toyland) for the more than 5,000 toys and other gifts (including hundreds of bikes) being donated by the community which drops them off at about five locations around the area, including at Fashion Square Mall where Santa, Toy Lift founder Tom Powell, and other celebrities take turns being lifted skyward on the legendary bucket truck “cherry picker.” The K-Family volunteers were assigned to about five locations in the massive warehouse, where they emptied the never-ending train of shopping carts delivering toys of all varieties–from sports supplies to stuffed animals to board games to books –all grouped by age and gender. Some volunteers were responsible setting up and breaking down cardboard boxes which assisted in the transfer of the deluge of donations. Watch this 5-minute you tube video to get an idea of this amazing 3-day operation that involves over 700 volunteers and many thousands of kids and families. All the area radio and TV stations were on site to document and promote this remarkable event. Kiwanis and the K-Family is proud to be part of it, year after year. The happy looks on the faces of our Aktion Club volunteers reminds us that this is “Why We Serve.“ Won’t you consider joining us at our next event and see how you can be involved? See our calendar highlights page for dates and times. Click this link: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/calendar/
***First-Ever Kiwanis “Flash Mob” Answers Call for the Children at People Places in Time for the Beginning of Winter
December 14, 2023 — The call came from Spencer Eavers, Outreach & Communications specialist for People Places, Inc., an amazing foster care agency serving families and children in Staunton, Harrisonburg, and Charlottesville for more than fifty years. Over the past six years, Kiwanis Charlottesville has provided People Places staff with no fewer than 100 unique Cozy Comforts backpacks to use while helping children during the first traumatic moments of entry into the foster care system. “We know Kiwanians care and we find ourselves right now in need of winter coats for some of our foster children. Is that something Kiwanis could help with?” Seeing an opportunity to try something fresh, new Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby organized a “FLASH MOB” to gather in the third week of November, where Kiwanians would pool the resources of their friends, families, neighbors, and some “Not-Yet Kiwanians” to help answer the call from People Places. Three large plastic bags stuffed with gently-used and new little girl and little boy coats, gloves, scarves, shoes, and boots were made ready for Spencer to pick up on December 1. In addition, several Kiwanians made cash donations that were turned over to Spencer to be applied for specific clothing needs of the children in foster care just as the temperatures were beginning to drop. “Instead of mounting a long drawn out “campaign,” President Cheryl said, “we thought we could stimulate Kiwanians to react in a flash (!) to meet the needs of children and families desperate for help. We are not reinventing the wheel to help People Places, we’re just putting on snow tires appropriate for the conditions.”
President Cheryl (l) and Spencer Eavers
***Kiwanis Club Brings Holiday Joy to Families at the Ronald McDonald House
December 13, 2023 — Ten volunteers, bearing gifts in the form of beautiful, fresh holiday greenery that Kiwanis has been known for in the Charlottesville area for generations, spent a recent Monday evening service work night at the Ronald McDonald House. On the agenda was the preparation of dinner for the approximately 18 families who were staying at this most valuable local resource while their children are receiving treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital nearby. RMHC staff had several other sorting and wrapping tasks for the Kiwanians to perform, making sure that there were not too many cooks in the kitchen spoiling the broth. As usual, expressions of amazement were heard referring to the efficiency, talent, and boundless energy of Kiwanis volunteers. After all, said President Cheryl Kirby, #KidsNeedKiwanis!
***Young Children Priority One–Topic of the First Program of the New Kiwanis Year in Charlottesville
December 12, 2023 — Young Children Priority One (YCPO) is an ongoing community service program of Kiwanis International that addresses the needs of early childhood (pregnancy to age five). All clubs are encouraged to carry out at least two YCPO projects per calendar year, though many clubs are able to do more—serving children, families, and communities. The first program of Charlottesville’s new Kiwanis year was presented by Meredith Locascio, the Senior Director of Ready Region Blue Ridge, a statewide network established by the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation to help coordinate early education programs with families in every community across Virginia. Ready Region Blue Ridge serves families living not only within the five-county service area of United Way of Greater Charlottesville but also those living as far north to Winchester, south to Buckingham County, west to Staunton and Harrisonburg, and east to Louisa. Ms. Locascio explained how Ready Region Blue Ridge supports all publicly funded birth-to-five programs in the area to help them improve the quality of the classroom experience and enhance the relationship between providers and the families who access birth-to-five programs.
Related to the interest of Kiwanians in early childhood education health, and welfare, NBC29 reported that educational leaders met Friday, December 8, to discuss new ways to increase access for families. Barbara Hutchinson with United Way of Greater Charlottesville spearheaded the Tom Tom Foundation’s Tomorrow Talks on early childhood education. Hutchinson says early childhood education is what gears our youth for the future. “It allows the the child’s brain to develop at the same time that a child’s learning, social interaction, self regulation, and then the beginnings of skills such as ABCs and 1-2-3s eventually when they’re in preschool,” she said.According to Hutchinson, those who don’t receive any form of early childhood education are more likely to head down a wrong path.”
One of the solutions presented in the Tomorrow Talks was for a Montessori School at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Wendy Cooper is a pastor at the church, and says the decision was made based on the great need in and around Charlottesville. “We’re going to help fill that gap and be able to provide some additional education, training, and learning for children so we can bring those margins down by opening up the school,” Cooper said. Wendy is President-Elect of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville and looks to her fellow Kiwanians to get behind community efforts to improve early childhood education in the spirit of Young Children Priority One. See the NBC29 story here: https://www.29news.com/2023/12/08/groups-working-improve-access-early-childhood-education-charlottesville-area/
***Turning the Page to a New Kiwanis Year: Charlottesville’s 102nd Installation of Officers and Awards Night
September 28, 2023 — Thirty Charlottesville Kiwanians and guests gathered at the Timberwood Grill for the 102nd annual Installation of Officers and Awards Gala on Monday evening, September 25. Outgoing PresidentJim Hart recognized a host of Kiwanians for making the 2022-2023 Kiwanis year such a success. Dana Douglas was recognized as Charlottesville Kiwanis’s “Top Banana” with a certificate and wooden banana hanger hand-crafted by Club Secretary Bob Ribando. Bob Pflugfelder received the “Community Booster Award” for his efforts in leading the club and the community in support of the local Salvation Army. Bob received a vintage autographed and framed certificate of thanks which had been presented to the club back in 2011 for its work that year at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. Jack Compton was hailed as the Kiwanis “Comeback Player of the Year” for having rejoined the club this year after a several year sojourn in the Richmond area. Jack received a Capital District Kiwanis license plate holder to show off his pride of membership to motorists far and wide. The following Kiwanians received certificates as well as gift cards to the Kiwanis International store in appreciation for the various contributions they made to the successful year of service to the children of our community and the world: Teresa Tyler, for leading the Holiday Greenery fundraiser; Cheryl Kirby for being race director for our 40th annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race; Barbara Ritter for chairing the Cozy Comforts Backpack Project; Eric Lamb, Charlie Krizek, and Tom Lowe for teaming up to carry out the phenomenally successful Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts-in-Kind Project; Dennis Baugh, Cheryl Kirby, and Eric Lamb for organizing the award-winning Innovative Service Project–decorating a Christmas Tree for the Ronald McDonald House; and Philip and Melody Day, Jim and Jeanne Masloff, Bob Ribando, and Eric Lamb for helping to make Jim Hart’s “Kiwanis Moment” during his illness and recovery last year.
Two very special awards were presented to long-time Kiwanians: first, Club Secretary Bob presented Ken Smith the Legion of Honor Certificate in recognition of his 60 years as a Kiwanian. Next, Kiwanis International Trustee, Dennis Baugh, and his wife Darlene, presented 26-year member Jim Hart with the George F. Hixson Fellowship in recognition of Jim’s significant contributions to Kiwanis’s history of generosity to the community.
The installation of officers ceremony was handled with dignity by Division 9 Lt Gov Susan Knick of the Jackson River Area Kiwanis Club. Outgoing board members, Charlie Krizek and Krister Briehl, were thanked for their service and continuing board members, Philip Day, Dana Douglas, and Cindy Harris, and new board members, Michelle LaRose, Bob Pflugfelder, and Jake Oswalt, were welcomed. The following officers were installed: Dennis Baugh, Treasurer, Matt Laird, Ass’t Treasurer; Bob Ribando, Secretary (with Dennis Baugh acknowledged as Ass’t Secretary.) And in the executive suite: Wendy Cooper was installed as President-Elect, while Jim Hart will occupy the slot of Immediate Past President
The final event of the night occurred when Lt Gov Susan invited Kiwanis International Trustee Dennis Baugh and Kiwanis Capital District Governor Eric Lamb to help her install Cheryl Kirby as President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for 2023-2024. Cheryl gave attendees small gift boxes which were meant to inspire members to be “present” in the upcoming year to help Kiwanis accomplish three main goals: 1) growing the membership; 2) reinvigorating and growing our Service Leadership Programs (SLPs); and all the while 3) not “reinventing the wheel.” Cheryl proudly accepted a special engraved gavel and used it to ring the Kiwanis bell (which has been in service since 1934) to adjourn the meeting.
***Kiwanis Participates in Westhaven Day and in a CommunityBike Clinic Benefiting the Kids and Adults in Charlottesville’s Historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood
September 12, 2023 — One highlight of the 2022-23 Kiwanis year has been the success the Club has had in linking up with agencies providing services to children and youth in the under-served Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood of Charlottesville. Twice a month, the Club held speaker meetings at the Fellowship Hall of Pilgrim Baptist Church, at 211 Albemarle Street, giving Club members an opportunity to visit the neighborhood, enjoy a meal, and interact with friendly and welcoming church members. On August 12, Kiwanian Wendy Cooper and her husband Chris, who are the co-pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church, invited the club to participate in the 26th annual “Westhaven Day,” a service fair taking place along Hardy Drive in the heart of the Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood. The Kiwanis tent stood side-by-side with the Pilgrim Baptist Church tent and Kiwanis President Jim Hart staffed a table with information about Kiwanis activities, while giving away children’s activities books and tee-shirts to anyone who stopped by. On September 9th, Pilgrim Baptist Church hosted a “Bike Clinic and Community Bike Ride” through the neighborhood. The event was organized by Kiwanian Jake Oswalt, the operations manager of Community Bikes, a non-profit “bicycle shop that promotes environmentally-sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible in Charlottesville.” This time, Kiwanis member Jeanne Williams Masloff set up a tent and staffed a table with information about Kiwanis activities while giving away children’s activities books and tee-shirts to anyone who stopped by. One of the “Superpowers” exhibited by members of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is the ability to provide the Club’s leverage to agencies and groups already delivering valuable service to children, youth, and families in need with the intention of improving the world. It is well known that Kiwanians come from a variety of backgrounds and join Kiwanis for all sorts of reasons. Once on board, individual Kiwanians make known their special interests to other Kiwanians and look for opportunities to spread the word about how Kiwanians working together as a Club can provide leverage to those groups or agencies who are addressing unmet needs in our community and the world.
***Kiwanis Presents Piedmont CASA with Unique Gifts-in-Kind to Help Youngsters Aging Out of Foster Care
August 30, 2023 — “For an eighteen year-old taking those first crucial steps towards an independent life after years in fosster care, it is a great relief to know that friends are ready to help. That they are not moving into an empty apartment, because the seeds of a full life are being planted there.” So says Leah Cole, Director of Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success program. At the August 21 Kiwanis meeting held in the Fellowship Hall at Pilgrim Baptist Church a presentation was made by Past Division 9 Lt Gov Barb Ritter, the founder and committee chair of the Cozy Comforts Project. Barb presented two very large laundry baskets, one jam-packed with items any young person would need to outfit his or her kitchen in the new apartment. The other laundry basket was overflowing with items especially selected to be useful in outfitting the bathroom of a new apartment. Two of Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success coaches, Ashlie Munoz Nieves and Rory Macgregor, explained how they guide youth on a most difficult journey through adolescence and, for example, strive to help their mentees make decisions about how to proceed when setting up their own household for the very first time. PCASA’s Advancement Director, Lexie Boris, expressed her heartfelt thanks to Kiwanis for helping to turn the community’s attention to this unmet need among a most vulnerable young population of foster kids.
***One Charlottesville Kiwanian Installed in the Top Leadership Position in Capital District Kiwanis while Another is Recognized for Unmatched Faithfulness to Kiwanis Ideals
August 30, 2023 — It’s official! Past Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Eric Lamb was installed in the position of Governor of Capital District Kiwanis for 2023-2024. There are more than 170 Kiwanis Clubs in the Capital District across the states of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. ‘Way to go, Eric! The ceremony took place at the 103rd annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention held August 18-20 at the Richmond Marriott Hotel where six Charlottesville Kiwanians attended and participated. Wendy Cooper gave a most rousing nomination speech for Eric at the Saturday’s House of Delegates meeting, and Charlottesville’s President-Elect Cheryl Kirby accepted the Home Club Banner at the Sunday ceremony. At the Saturday House of Delegates session, Immediate Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh (who could not attend) was recognized nonetheless for having been elected to a three-year term on the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees. This election took place at the Kiwanis International Convention held in Minneapolis this past June. Good going, Dennis, we are very proud of you! Another distinction we enjoyed was when Past Lieutenant Governor in Two DivisionsKen Smith was recognized at the fellowship luncheon as being the Kiwanian with the most years of service at the convention—60 years! He was the “last man standing” when the traditional salute to Legion of Honor recipients was made Be sure to congratulate Ken, Governor Eric, and KI Trustee Dennis when you see them at our next Kiwanis event,
***Kiwanis Eager Beavers Tackle Shrubbery in Front of Salvation Army Family Store and Return to Complete More Tasks
August 29, 2023 — SERVICE NIGHT UPDATE: Salvation Army Family Store Manager, Kailee Root, was so impressed with the work done at the July 24 service work night that she invited Kiwanis back for another go at the “punch list” that she and Salvation Army Life Advisory Board Member Bob Pflugfelder compiled. On Monday evening August 28, twelve Kiwanians turned out to continue trimming the overgrown bushes along the steet in front of the Cherry Avenue location. Also, several of the hard-working Kiwanians were able to put a new coat of paint on the dressing rooms. The team took a well-deserved break to enjoy pizza and fellowship after completing a job well done.
August 1, 2023 — In just about an hour and half six hardy Kiwanians crossed off several items from the extensive “punch list” compiled by new Salvation Army Family Store Director, Kailie Root at the monthly Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night on July 24. First, Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh worked alongside long-time Virginia Kiwanian, Tom Lowe, in transferring an amazingly large rack of plastic clothing hangers in the store’s back room, giving staff more room to organize the huge amount of donations received by the store every day. Next, Club Secretary Bob Ribando, single-handedly hauled out the tall ladders and gave the “squeegee treatment” to the store’s massive front display windows. All the while, Capital District Governor-Elect Eric Lamb and Salvation Army Life Advisory Board Member Bob Pflugfelder set about to tame the overgrown shrubbery across the parking lot. Extension cords were untangled, electric trimmers were set abuzz, and finally the ample clippings were raked into huge drop cloths and disposed of. After a job well done, the eager beaver Kiwanians retired to Applebees for a much-deserved dinner meal. The Salvation Army is near and dear to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, as both agencies have been to this community for more than 100 years. Every year Kiwanians ring the bell “to keep the kettle boiling” at Christmas time. And for the past dozen or so years, Kiwanians have issued a challenge to all other civic groups in the area (yes, including Rotary) to participate in the annual September Telethon raising hundreds of thousands of dollars that stay right here locally to help the Salvation Army “Do the Most Good” for those in desperate need.
***Monticello High School Key Clubber Honored as Kiwanis Teenager of the Year
July 24, 2023 — Recent graduate of Monticello High School, Lily Simpson, was honored at a recent Monday evening meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville as Teenager of the Year for 2022-2023. In a unique “double presentation,” Lily was cited first by Lieutenant Governor of Division 9 of Capital District Kiwanis, Samantha Bosserman, as the Division 9 candidate in the Capital District competition which took place this spring. Charlottesville club member, Past Capital District GovernorDennis Baugh, presented Lily with a beautiful framed certificate. Division 9 consists of seven Kiwanis Clubs including Charlottesville, Waynesboro, Staunton, Shenandoah Valley, Harrisonburg, Alleghany Highlands, and the Jackson River Area club . Then, the President of the Charlottesville Club,Jim Hart, handed Lily another certificate along with a check in the amount of $500, recognizing her as the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Teenager of the Year for 2022-2023. Lily, who was secretary of the Monticello High School Key Club, is distinguished for having founded several years ago, along with her older sister, Cville Sock Love, an organization which provides “fun, uplifting socks to hospitalized children.” They expanded this mission in 2020 to serve all “under-resourced” in this community. (For more information, click the hyper link above and see the story below about Lily’s presentation to the club on March 6, 2023.) Lily is preparing to begin studies at the University of Virginia this fall and plans to major in Kinesiology in the School of Education and Human Development. Lily’s other academic interests and accomplishments are numerous. She was also an active soccer player while at Monticello High School. Important for all Kiwanians is Lily’s stated interest in joining CKI (Circle K International) at UVA to continue her service efforts in the community and to appreciate leadership development opportunities. Lily’s parents were happy to attend this ceremony at Pilgrim Baptist Church and were invited to come visit with us again and even consider becoming members of KCOC.
***“Service-Children-Community” — a Three-Part Catchphrase Draws the Interest of Kiwanians at Twice-Monthly Speaker Meetings
July 20, 2023 — Twice a month, on the first and third Monday evenings, Kiwanians gather at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Pilgrim Baptist Church, 211 Albemarle Street, Charlottesville VA 22903, in the historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood to enjoy dinner, have fun with fifty-fifty and Happy Dollars, and then engage with a guest speaker representing one of our community’s dynamic non-profits who offer life-changing and sometimes life-saving assistance to those in need in our community. Each speaker explains ways for Kiwanians to step into a collaboration with this non-profit which has the mutual goal of improving the community by serving the children, youth, and families in need. Looking back at just the past few months, we can point to presentations made by Lily Simpson for Cville Sock Love, Troy Robinson of The Fountain Fund, Eric Lamb on behalf of the Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, Raymond Klein, executive director of Love INC, Tricia Howell of C4K, (also known as Computers 4 Kids), Athena Gould of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge, and Andrea Fasciano along with Alex Weathersby of the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE). There are hyper-links to each of these amazing organizations. We invite you to click on the hyper-links to see how you might join us in helping to improve the community by providing service to the children, youth and, families aided by them. Below are a few photos documenting appearances at our Kiwanis Club meetings. See our calendar highlights page for details about upcoming speaker meetings. Don’t hesitate to contact us for an invitation to join in on a fun and information-filled evening.
***40th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race Big Success
Pictured below are the first-place female and male finishers in this year’s race: Tiffany Polychrones and Chris Butko. They were each presented with a unique ribbon holder crafted by 35-year Kiwanian and current Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Secretary Bob Ribando.
***Kiwanians Turn Out to Help J-MRL Ready Books for Children’s Summer Reading Program
May 20, 2023 — “It’s not too early to get ready to welcome eager young readers to the library for summer fun,” said Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Assistant Director and Central Branch manager Krista Farrell. Fourteen Kiwanians answered the call on Monday evening, April 24, and, under the tutelage of Children’s Section Director Karen Gillaspie, helped put stickers on literally thousands of books that will be made available to children and youth coming to all eight branches of J-MRL this summer. “This is one of the most favorite locations for the Kiwanis Club’s fourth Monday evening service work nights,” said Club President Jim Hart, “and it was good to be back after an almost two-year absence.” Besides doing indoor work, Kiwanians spread mulch in an area along 2nd Street and trimmed overgrown bushes on the 3rd Street side of the historic building. A delightful pizza party took place in the Swanson Case Court Room allowing for fellowship and rewarding all involved for demonstrating the meaning of the slogan “Kiwanis is a Verb,” a saying oft promoted by Kiwanis Capital District Governor-Elect Eric Lamb.
***WAHS Key Club Blanket Makers Replenish the Supplies for Cozy Comforts Back Packs _
“If You Can Tie Your Shoes . . .”
May 1, 2023 — “Our younger generation has so much potential, we just need to guide them,” a comment made by Jay James, WINA Radio morning anchor during a recent “Tell Me Something Good” segment. Along these lines, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville salutes the Western Albemarle High School Key Clubbers who were able to make more than a dozen fleece blankets during WAHS Cares Day on April 17. The Key Clubbers, working under the guidance of Past Kiwanis President Teresa Tyler, used scissors and rulers and piles of colorful fleece to construct cozy blankets to be included in back packs given to children who are in emergency or transitional situations. Each back pack contains ahand-made blanket to surround the child with warmth; books and puzzles to share together as a family; a nightlight for security and safety; and personal care items to ensure health and well-being. The fleece was provided by Past Division 9 Lt Gov Barb Ritter who heads up the Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Back Packs Program. Over the past five years, Kiwanis has given more than 250 back packs to several local agencies who work with children and families in need. Among these agencies are People Places, DePaul Community Resources, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), and Piedmont CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates). And we are looking for more agencies that can use our help.
” . . . you can make a blanket.”
And Kiwanis is looking for more blanket makers. On February 27, the club dedicated its regular fourth Monday service work night to the task of making fleece blankets. Once again Barb Ritter provided the fleece and the simple tools as well as instructions for the group. A wonderful time was had by all and more than a dozen blankets were completed. If your group, club, or even your family would like to engage with us in making fleece blankets for the Cozy Comforts back packs, please contact us.
Loads of Fun for the Young and the Young at Heart
***Monticello HS Key Clubber Tells Inspiring Story “Warming Hearts and Feet Alike“
April 17, 2023 — The co-founder of Cville Sock Love, Monticello High School Key Clubber Lily Simpson, was the guest of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville at their March 6 speaker meeting at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Lily, who is a graduating senior and secretary of the Monticello High School Key Club, explained that she and her older sister, Lindsay, created an organization several years ago in order to provide “fun, uplifting socks to hospitalized children.” They expanded this mission in 2020 to serve the under-resourced, as well. The web site states: “For families of hospitalized kids, socks and slippers are easily-forgotten items. They’re needed for trips to the bathroom and walks in chilly hallways. When it comes to socks for ailing kids, the more fun the designs, the better! Socks are a basic need that we all share. Plain or patterned, socks protect our feet and keep us warm. Too often, we take a fresh pair for granted. For the unsheltered, a clean pair is a sought-after item.” Besides donating socks to all central Virginia hospitals, Cville Sock Love has established partnerships with more than a dozen local organizations serving children and families in need, including The Haven, PACEM, The Salvation Army, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), the Ronald McDonald House, and People Places. Kiwanians were impressed not only by Lily’s enterprising and caring spirit, but were inspired by her energetic, outgoing and friendly personality. This spring Lily took the message of her organization to Mountain View Elementary School’s Kind Kids Club and helped the fifth-graders organize their own sock drive to benefit The Haven. (Click here for a link to the story that ran on NBC29.) Congratulations to Lily and all the volunteers and supporters of Cville Sock Love, Lily’s accomplishments show that our community’s future is in good hands.
***“Kiwanis is a Verb” becomes a Mantra for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
Kiwanis Team Heads Home After Another Job Well Done
March 29, 2023 — The fourth Monday evening of every month is designated as a “service work night” for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. As a result, Kiwanians are sure to demonstrate the meaning of what has become a mantra coined by Capital District Governor-ElectEric Lamb: “Kiwanis is a Verb.” Fourteen Kiwanians made themselves available to refresh wrought iron lawn furnishings, trim a garden plot, and sanitize a massive collection of lego toys in an hour and a half blitz of service at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville on the fourth Monday evening of March. The staff of RMHC never ceases to be amazed at how much good Kiwanis volunteers can do in a short span of time. And they keep coming back for more. Month after month, the Charlottesville Kiwanis team proves the truth of another maxim: “You never know how far you can reach, until you stretch.” The photos below show energetic Kiwanians can really stretch!
***For Kiwanians “Collaboration” is the Name of the Game
February 17, 2023 — One the “Superpowers” exhibited by members of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is the ability to provide the Club’s leverage to agencies and groups already delivering valuable service to children, youth, and families in need with the intention of improving the world. It is well known that Kiwanians come from a variety of backgrounds and join Kiwanis for all sorts of reasons. Once on board, individual Kiwanians make known their special interests to other Kiwanians and look for opportunities to spread the word about how Kiwanians working together as a Club can provide leverage to those groups or agencies who are addressing unmet needs in our community and the world.
One example of how the Kiwanis Club can impact our community for good came from the recent Community Collaborative meeting hosted by Goodwill Industries of the Valley on Thursday January 13. Representatives from more than a dozen organizations came together “to discuss solving problems related to a challenging job market, including issues such as employee recruiting, retention, and engagement.” The Human Resources Director from Pepsi Cola CVA , Hunter Johnson, was the key note speaker. Pictured in the forefront is Cheryl Kirby, Present-Elect of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, along with several other partners of Goodwill of the Valleys, including Kiwanian Jennifer Mammi, Community Engagement Coordinator for Goodwill of the Valleys. Not pictured is Jim Hart, President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville who also attended the meeting.
Kiwanians among Community Partners meeting with Goodwill of the Valleys
Another example of successful collaboration came on January 16 when Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect Eric Lamb accepted the Outstanding Community Partnership Award on behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville from Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries, an organization whose volunteers have for twenty-five years been “walking alongside each family within the Prospect Avenue community, providing spiritual development, academic support, and economic empowerment.” .There is an old saying that “you never know how far you can reach until you stretch.” Kiwanians in Charlottesville have been helping community service organizations stretch their capacity for more than 100 years. Won’t you consider joining us? See the calendar highlights page to learn of your next opportunity to visit us and see us in action: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/calendar/ . Follow this link for a membership application: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/join-kiwanis/
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Decorates Valentine Cards for Kids at Greer Elementary School
January 27, 2023 — “‘Tis the Season for Hearts, Candy, and Flowers” and the Kiwanis Aktion Club decided to do something to share the excitement of upcoming Valentine’s Day this year with the children at Greer Elementary School in Albemarle County. Meeting after lunch in the community hall at Innisfree Village the Aktion Club teamed up with their co-workers to hold a card-making party before heading off to their various work-stations across the Village. In a little over a half-hour more than fifty colorful creations were crafted by the selfless volunteers who were encouraged by Innisfree Village Activities Director, Carol Evans, and two Kiwanians, Dana Douglas and Jim Hart. After the cards were collected, and the crayons and markers put away, the Aktion Club members held a planning meeting for their activities and projects in the coming months. Carol Evans announced that the Innisfree Village MusicFest will be held on the first Saturday of June and the Aktion Club would like Kiwanis help in setting up a booth to sell ice cream as a fundraiser. Kiwanians and Kiwanis-family members who would like to join in with Aktion Club in the planning and execution of this endeavor and other projects are urged to contact Dana Douglas for information about how to volunteer.
***Kiwanis Club Prepares Evening Meal for 18 Families at Ronald McDonald House
A “RockStar Team” of Kiwanians Prepare Meal at Ronald McDonald House
January 25, 2023 — “We Love Kiwanis and the Kiwanis Aktion Club!” such was the exclamation that greeted a “RockStar Team” of Kiwanians and Kiwanis Aktion Club members when they turned up on Monday afternoon, January 23, to prepare a scrumptious three-course meal for 18 families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville. Team leader President-Elect Cheryl Kirby planned the menu, shopped for the ingredients, and then orchestrated the preparation and packaging of the meal. The five Kiwanians on her team were: Matt Laird, Barb Ritter, Jack Compton, Eric Lamb, and Michelle LaRose. Also present for this event were two members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club from Innisfree Village, led by their Activities Director, the amazing Carol Evans. The Aktion Club baked brownies for dessert and brought freshly baked bread from the Innisfree Village bakery to go along with the meal. It has been suggested that since the event went so well, the Kiwanis Club should schedule such a service project at least once a month. No objections were heard from Melissa or Rita at RMHC.
Kiwanis Aktion Club Team Contributes to Ronald McDonald House Meal
***Jake Oswalt Welcomed as New Member of the Kiwanis Club
Jake Oswalt Receives Certificate of Kiwanis Club Membership
January 18, 2023 — The most important event for any volunteer community service organization is the welcoming of a new member. On Monday evening, January 16, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville held such an event at its regular 3rd Monday speaker meeting at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Jake Oswalt, operations manager for Community Bikes was presented by Kiwanian Tom Lowe on behalf of Jake’s sponsor, Gov-Elect Eric Lamb. Tom had some very kind words of welcome for Jake as he described how Jake became familiar with us through the Kiwanis/Walmart gifts-in-kind program. Past Lt. Gov. Herb Ely then conducted a dignified induction ceremony, which included Jake being presented with an official certificate of membership, the latest club roster, and several other mementos for the occasion. Jake then joined the executive director of Community Bikes, Lauren Riegl, in a presentation outlining the amazing work that this 501 (c) (3) agency is doing especially for the children and youth in the at-risk under-served neighborhoods in our town. Lauren said that Community Bikes is a “bicycle shop that promotes environmentally-sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible in Charlottesville, VA.” Hearty welcome, Jake!
Lauren Riegl Receives Replica Kiwanis Bell
***Fantastic Kiwanis-Walmart Partnership Produces Big Time Benefits Just in Time for Christmas
Tristan Kabesa (c) Shares the Excitement
December 23, 2022 — “I could not work, and now I can,” exclaimed the recipient of a pair of steel-toe work boots distributed by Tristan Kabesa of Come As You Are Charlottesville in a holiday giveaway supported by “gifts-in-kind” supplied by the Charlottesville Walmart Store #1780 in cooperation with the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. On Friday, December 16, Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect Eric Lamb reported that Kiwanis received an “overwhelmingly large” donation of overstock in our Walmart project. PLG Eric, who conceived of this project a little over four years ago, leads a small but dedicated team of Kiwanis volunteers, on a weekly visit to Walmart, where they pick up at least a pallet load of overstock merchandise that Kiwanis then makes available to more than a dozen agencies as gifts-in-kind. Eric wrote on Facebook: “When Walmart blesses you with over $75,000 worth of product in one donation. You call in Come as You Are Cville , Abundant Life, Community Bikes , Love Inc and Pilgrim Baptist Church to benefit from this amazing gift. Hundreds of people will be blessed by this amazing gift.“
Since this exclusive partnership has been in effect, more than $400,000 worth of gifts-in-kind have been made available by Kiwanis to the community. These gifts include non-perishable items like clothing, small electronics, toys, school supplies, sports equipment, household items of all types, lawn and garden items, and more. “Amazing things are happening daily,” says Eric, as he describes the IMPACT the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has for those in need in our community through a solid collaboration with Walmart.
Community Bikes Receives truck-load of BikesWalmart Overstock Ready to be Sorted and then Given Away by Kiwanis
***December is Busy Month of Service for Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village
December 22, 2022 — After participating in Charlottesville’s annual Toy Lift on Friday, December 5 (see story below), Kiwanis Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village accomplished two more December service projects in support of children in need in our community. As they did last year, the entire Innisfree community participated in a holiday card-making party on December 14 after having lunch in the community center building. The fun event was organized by Aktion Club leaders Carol Evans, the Activities Director at Innisfree Village, and Kiwanian Dana Douglas, and resulted in the creation of forty colorful holiday greeting cards for children in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School in Albemarle County. These children receive a weekend meal package from a special outreach project (Grab A Bag) at the Church of Our Saviour, and also are the ones who benefit from a special school supply drive that has been conducted by the Aktion Club with the Kiwanis Family each August for the past several years–also in collaboration with Church of Our Saviour. In addition, Aktion Clubbers responded to an appeal from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Charlottesville for children’s books and winter clothing to be distributed to the families of newly arrived refugees in our community. The IRC has led the resettlement effort for upwards of 500 individuals (mostly women and children from Afghanistan) who arrived in our area just since September of 2021. The need is great and ever-increasing, and it is truly remarkable to see how Aktion Club members (small in number but mighty in other ways) not only do not shrink back from responding to calls for help but also bring along the neighbors, staff, and families and friends of the unique Innisfree Village in their selfless endeavors.
Aktion Club Members Deliver Donations to the IRC headquarters in Charlottesville.
***Forty-Five Children Presented with Unique Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Back Packs
December 22, 2022 — Just in time for Christmas, representatives from three local agencies serving children facing extremely difficult situations accepted 45 uniquely packed Kiwanis Cozy Comforts backpacks to have on hand for presentation to the children when the need is most acute. Officials from Piedmont CASA, DePaul Community Resources, and from the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) met with Cozy Comforts Committee Chair PLG Barb Ritter and Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect Eric Lamb at “the shed” to make selections for the kids in their care. Committee Chair Barb explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations . . . Items in each backpack vary based on need but most certainly include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” Erika Robinson of SHE described a situation where they currently have seventeen kids ranging in age from 2 to 17 receiving trauma-informed services in their shelter system. Working with generous volunteer organizations such as Kiwanis, SHE is able to create a true “community of support” for victims of domestic violence in our area. DePaul Community Resources and Piedmont CASA are members of the Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition (FCAAC) who toil year round to assist more than 200 of the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Kiwanis is proud to work together with agencies such as these to help strengthen these families and prevent child abuse and neglect.
DePaul Community Resources vehicle packed wih Cozy Comforts
***Kiwanians Back “In Person” Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army
Past District Gov Dennis Baugh and wife Darlene on Duty at Kroger Rio Hill
December 21, 2022 — Charlottesville Kiwanians were back in person staffing the kettle for the Salvation Army on Saturday, Dec. 17, from 10 a.m. until 6 :00 p.m. at Kroger Rio Hill. We have enjoyed working this busy location in recent years (until the pandemic–when we resorted to filling the “virtual” kettle.) Club President Jim Hart circulated a sign up sheet several weeks before the date and fourteen Kiwanians took the opportunity to ring in one-hour shifts. This good turn out of volunteers allowed us to have two Kiwanians (or K-Family members) at each shift for fellowship and security. Salvation Army HQ reported that our kettle contained $330 as a result of our efforts. On Tuesday evening, December 20, Kiwanians and their guests at their annual Christmas Party at Carmello’s Restaurant donated another $170 to the kettle while “giving thanks” through Happy Dollars. Kiwanis is proud to stand with the Salvation Army in providing help to those friends and neighbors in desperate need in our community year round.
President Jim Rings with KCOC Foundation Secretary Martha Sites
***Kiwanians Help Assemble “Hope Packs” for Presentation to Inmates at County Jail
Chaplain Van Leads Volunteers in Blessing of the Hope Packs
December 13, 2022 — “Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Merry Christmas” — that was the theme of a “packing party” led by one of the newest Charlottesville Kiwanians, Richard Van Arsdale, a Chaplain at the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail. More than fifty volunteers, including three other Kiwanians, spent a couple of hours at Christ Community Church Monday morning, December 12, assembling 500 “Hope Packs” — consisting of inspirational pamphlets containing quotes from other inmates,, treats, crossword puzzles, greeting cards — to be distributed in time for Christmas to all 500 inmates and staff at the local county jail. Chaplain Van stated that he received such a Hope Pack when he was imprisoned in Illinois as a very young man at a most challenging and stressful time of his life. “Even for just the day, it changes the entire environment of a cell block,” he said. This is the second year in a row that the Good News Jail Ministry in Charlottesville distributed these Hope Packs, and the idea has spread to scores of other jails and prisons around the world where there is a Good News Chaplain present. This year some 50,000 Hope Packs will be distributed. And next year, Chaplain Van hopes to extend this gift of hope to those youth being held at Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention and to the women at Fluvanna Correctional Center. Past Capital District Kiwanis Governor Dennis Baugh noted that for Kiwanians to participate in such a community volunteer exercise is consistent with Kiwanis Object #1:To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. A very moving five-minute video featuring Chaplain Van’s testimony can be viewed at this link: https://youtu.be/Q_HYFScmHDM NBC29 reported on the packing event and the delivery of the packs to the jail. Their stories can be accessed here:
Past Gov Dennis Baugh Receives Packing Instructions from Chaplain VanKiwanian Tom Lowe on the Packing Assembly LineVolunteers Doing Their Part in Bringing Hope to Those Forgotten
***Community Foundation Official Addresses Kiwanis Club
President Jim Congratulates Ryan Jacoby for Excellent Presentation
December 6, 2022 — On Monday evening Dec. 5, at Pilgrim Baptist Church, the president of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation, Ed Schmitz, introduced our speaker, Mr. Ryan Jacoby, Operations Director for the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) Ryan shared a very impressive Impact Report brochure with the large audience and explained how in recent years “the Community Foundation introduced its Enriching Communities, Strengthening Systems, and Shaping Futures grant programs and has awarded over ten million dollars from their discretionary programs to local nonprofits and community-based organizations who provide a necessary safety net for many of our residents as well as cultural programs that make our region a remarkable place to live.” He said that it was important for CACF to recognize what he called a “Legacy of Generosity” demonstrated by this community over the last century and become in tune with the force for good that the Legacy affords donors. President JimHart noted that the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, now in its 100th year of operation, exemplifies this community’s Legacy of Generosity. Ryan agreed and encouraged all Kiwanians to contribute and solicit contributions to the endowment fund managed by CACF so that Kiwanis can continue to serve the children of this community and the world well into its second century and beyond. Contact Ed Schmitz to learn the various ways you can make an impactful and tax-deductible gift to this endowment fund–especially now during the holiday season and during the end-of-year planning period.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Helps Out at Toy Lift Once Again
10 of the Some 700 volunteers that Make Toy Lift Happen Every YearPast District Governor Dennis Helps Aktion Clubbers Corinne and Collin Deliver the Toys
December 3, 2022–One of the most favorite projects of the members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village is participating in Charlottesville’s annual Toy Lift which aims “to provide toys and books to area children ages newborn through 8th grade.” The selfless Aktion Club volunteers, led by Innisfree Village Activities Director Carol Evans and Kiwanis liaison Dana Douglas, share the Toy Lift mission: “Toy Lift Charities believe that every child is entitled to a happy and enriched childhood. Our mission is to support local families through volunteerism, community cooperation, morale building, and educational tools. We seek to provide that support through all of our events throughout the year.” On Friday morning, December 2, six Aktion Clubbers and their counselor joined three Kiwanians at the old Sears store at Fashion Square Mall which served as the massive warehouse (Toyland) for the more than 5,000 toys and other gifts (including hundreds of bikes) being donated by the community which drops them off at about five locations around the area, including at Fashion Square Mall where Santa, Toy Lift founder Tom Powell, and other celebrities take turns being lifted skyward on the legendary bucket truck “cherry picker.” The K-Family volunteers were assigned to about five locations in the massive warehouse, where they emptied the never-ending train of shopping carts delivering toys of all varieties–from sports supplies to stuffed animals to board games to books –all grouped by age and gender. Some volunteers were responsible setting up and breaking down cardboard boxes which assisted in the transfer of the deluge of donations. Watch this 5-minute you tube video to get an idea of this amazing 3-day operation that involves over 700 volunteers and many thousands of kids and families. All the area radio and TV stations were on site to document and promote this remarkable event. Kiwanis and the K-Family is proud to be part of it, year after year.
President Jim Helps Aktion Clubber Andy in the Sports Section of ToylandPast District Governor Dennis Helps Aktion Clubbers Sort the Toys
***Kiwanians Decorate Tree for the Annual Virginia Gingerbread Christmas to Benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville–Tree Wins First Prize as “People’s Choice”
A prize-winning Christmas tree if I’ve ever seen one.
November 30, 2022 — Five Kiwanians put their holiday decorating skills to the task by decorating a pre-lit Christmas Tree to be put on display at the Virginia Gingerbread Christmas event held at the Marriott Residence Inn (West Main & Ridge Street) during the week of December 3 – December 8. People will visit and have a chance to purchase ballots and vote for their favorite tree and/or gingerbread house and even participate in a silent auction to purchase a tree. And all the funds raised go to benefit the Ronald McDonald House. District Governor-elect Eric Lamb and Club President-elect Cheryl Kirby led the effort aimed at showing off the blue and gold colors of Kiwanis and highlighting the various ways the club serves the children and youth of our community. This beautiful creation was fittingly selected as the “People’s Choice” winner.
Silent Night, Holy Night
***Service Work Night at Piedmont CASA Accomplishes Two Important Tasks
Kiwanians present a fresh and fragrant greenery runner to Piedmont CASA
November 29, 2022 — On Monday evening, November 28, six able Kiwanians came out to the headquarters of Piedmont CASA to accomplish a holiday mailing for the volunteers of this outstanding agency serving the most desperate of our children and youth in this community. Once the task was complete, the Kiwanians presented Piedmont CASA with beautiful greenery that they will use to decorate the front door of their building for the holiday.
Six Kiwanis Knights of the Oblong Table
***PVCC Workforce Services Official Addresses Kiwanis Club
November 23, 2022 — On Monday evening, November 21, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was pleased to have as its guest speaker, Mr.Frank Squillace, employer relations liaison at the WorkForce Services Division of PVCC. Many of us have known and worked with Frank over the years, whether at Martha Jefferson Hospital, Church of the Incarnation, or the Chamber of Commerce, and it was helpful for us to learn from him about how PVCC serves many of the low-income and at-risk families that Kiwanis is also seeking to help out as the opportunities arise. Dinner, hospitality, and fellowship was provided ably by Pastor Wendy Cooper and her team at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Frank explained that “Workforce Services provides short-term training programs for industry credentials, employee professional development, adult core skills and language acquisition, lifelong learning and youth career exploration. Programming includes open enrollment courses for individuals as well as contract and custom courses for regional businesses and organizations. TJACE and KidsCollege programs are housed within the Workforce Services academic division.”
President Jim Hart hands Replica Kiwanis bell to Frank Squillace
***HOLIDAY GREENERY FUNDRAISER–Local Delivery Has Arrived–Extras Are Sold Out (YAY!)
November 23, 2022 — Past President Teresa Tyler submitted the order to Sherwood Farms on November 2 and the Local Delivery items have arrived (16 boxes). Kiwanians have bee notified and they are arranging to pick them up and are delivering them to their customers. SOLD OUT Because they are coming in case lots, we have a limited number (SOLD OUT) of beautiful Holiday Greenery items for sale. These items have already been paid for by the Club and will need to be sold in order for us to avoid a loss. The Direct Delivery items will come to customers here and all over the United States in the two weeks before Christmas. Last year, our customers were very happy with the freshness and beauty of the Holiday Greenery they received.
This fundraiser allows Kiwanis to maintain our SLPs (four High School Key Clubs, a CKI at UVA, and an Aktion Club at Innisfree Village), two Youth Baseball programs (Central Little League and Buddy Ball in Greene County), and several other programs which are not covered by our Signature Projects. SOLD OUT It’s not too late to purchase Holiday Greenery from the extra items (SOLD OUT) that will arrive before Thanksgiving. Contact us for list of items available. (SOLD OUT) Also, please do consider making a donation to this fundraiser (by check or using the Square site link) to help us attain success.
*** Chronological Review of Activities in October:
The first and third Monday evenings (Oct. 3 and Oct. 17) were speaker meetings and we gathered at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Pastors Wendy and Chris have designated a large parking area for us which can be accessed from West Street. We had dinner starting at 6:30 in the fellowship hall and the the program took place there as well. We ended at 8 p.m. as usual.
On Oct. 3 the speaker was David Barton of Twice is Nice Upscale Resale Boutique, affiliated with the Jefferson Area Board for Aging. “Twice is Nice, with two locations and a two-part mission, features gently used furniture, clothing, collectibles, jewelry and housewares. Twice is Nice promotes sustainability and recycling by finding new homes for old stuff. Our proceeds benefit community non profit programs dedicated to supporting quality life for seniors in need.”
David Barton Receives Replica Kiwanis Bell from President Jim
At the October 17 meeting we reviewed Kiwanis International’s Youth Protection Guidelines. As the premier provider of youth service clubs and programs, Kiwanis International holds itself and its members to the highest standards of conduct and awareness. Each year, more than 300,000 youth take part in Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs like K-Kids, Builders Club and Key Club. And Kiwanis reaches millions more youth around the world through club and district service projects. When we work with and mentor youth during projects and activities, their care and welfare are entrusted to us. Kiwanis members must know how to protect the youth with whom we interact. When we all share this commitment, we also protect ourselves and the organization we value. Kiwanis International has taken extensive action to equip Kiwanis clubs, districts and Service Leadership Programs with the tools to provide safe and secure environments for youth.
Nothing is more important than the safety of the children Kiwanis serves.
Service Project: Thursday, October 6, 5 30 – 7 p.m. with Abundant Life Ministries at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Fontaine Ave. EXT. , Kiwanians enjoyed fellowship with the Abundant Life family at their Fall Festival. We shared the evening with Board members, Staff, and supporters of the Ministry. Abundant Life thanked the community for the support and donations of our sponsors in support of the children and family of the Prospect Avenue Neighborhood.
Kids Had a Barrel of Fun at the Abundant Life Ministries Fall Festival
The second Monday evening (Oct. 10) was scheduled as our first Club Board meeting of the new year (our 101st). The meeting was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Club business was conducted by email, including the approval of the 2022-2023 Project and Administrative Budgets. The budget was developed in discussions held at a board retreat led by Immediate Past District Governor Dennis Baugh on September 29.
Kiwanis Leaders Make Plans for the Upcoming 2022-23 Kiwanis Year
Service Project: Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 19 – Oct. 20, any time: Piedmont CASA called for Kiwanis volunteers to come in and help them with an important Fall mailing. Advancement Director Lexie Boris is our contact person at PCASA. Kiwanis has established a good relationship with this superb agency caring for the foster children and other children and youth in desperate need in this community.
See the Advocate Newsletter to Find Out How You Can Help
Service Project: Friday evening, October 21, , 4 – 7 p.m. Kiwanians celebrated with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge at Ix Art Park, 2nd St. SE. This was the 2nd Annual BBBS Fall Fair at IX Park. The event was open for all to attend. The fair featured carnival games including, Hi Striker, Football Toss, Basketball Double Shot, Radar Speed Pitch; photo booth, cotton candy, popcorn, face painter, and more. Food trucks were on site. All proceeds went to support BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge mentoring programs. BBBS was the beneficiary of the 39th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race.
Athena Gould (front) is Proud of Her Staff and Volunteers
Kiwanis One Day — Saturday, October 22– This year, Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh organized a Kiwanis Cville 1 team to walk and raise money in the annual Alzheimer’s Walk which took place Saturday morning, Oct. 22, at the CFA Institute, the old location of Martha Jefferson Hospital. Dennis sent out a recruiting spread sheet for this and also indicated that Kiwanians and friends could support the cause by making a donation or by showing up to cheer on the walkers and enjoy the festivities. Our own Michelle LaRose was the Walk Director for this event! There was a good showing of enthusiastic Kiwanians and K-Family members at the event and Team Kiwanis Cville 1 exceeded its fundraising goal.
Kiwanians Prove that Volunteering is Good for Your Health
Service Work Night: normally fourth Monday evening (Oct. 24). BUT, it was also the day of the second annual In Search of Excellence Golf Tournament Honoring Dr. Bob Rotella at the Club at Glenmore. (10:30 – 5 p.m.) Eric Lamb headed up this project last year and we had a good turnout of Kiwanis volunteers. Matt Laird is in charge of our volunteers this year and a similar large group of enthusiastic Kiwanians came out to assist with the event and to support the cause.
Kiwanians help Distribute Swag Bags to the Golfers
Interclub: On Tuesday evening, October 25, five Charlottesville Kiwanians traveled to the James Madison University Campus to help the Kiwanis Club of Harrisonburg celebrate its 100th anniversary. The key note address was given by Kiwanis International President-Elect Katrina Baranko.
Charlottesville Kiwanians meet with KI President-Elect Katrina Baranko (at right)
Service Project: Saturday, Oct. 29, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fashion Square Mall. Kiwanians had a table with kids activities and Good Will Industries of the Valley held a Kids Fun Run and Job Fair. Our own Jennifer Mammi brought together community organizations to promote the resources available through Good Will to those families in need in our community. Family Fun Day and Multi-Employer Job Fair. The job fair will go along with the events of the day. Fun Run at 11:00. They kids ran from Sears to JCPenney where they had the job fair and other events set up. Everyone who’ had a table at the job fair did some sort of activity for the kids — be it a ring toss, a fishing behind a board — something for kids to do while their parents talked about job opportunities.
Kids Need Kiwanis and Kiwanis Needs YOU–Join Us!
***Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Annual Awards Presentation Accomplished in a “Laid Back” Style
Some of the more than two dozen Kiwanians and guests enjoy a “Laid Back” affair
September 28, 2022 — The 101st rendition of the Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Annual Awards Night was accomplished in a “laid back” style in the wonderful back yard of the home of PLG Barb Ritter on Monday evening, September 26. A catered meal from Wegman’s accompanied by a marvelous array of pot luck items from soup to nuts contributed by members and guests began the evening. After President Jim Hart cut the lovely decorated cake, he rang the bell to signal the beginning of the business side of the evening. District Governor Elect Eric Lamb introduced three new members of the club (Jack Compton, Jennifer Mammi and her husband Nick Mammi) and presided over their induction ceremony. Then President Jim and Immediate Past District Governor Dennis Baugh handed out a variety of special awards to deserving Kiwanians. PLGEric Lamb was honored for heading up the Service Project of the Year: the Kiwanis/Walmart Program, which over the past four years has contributed nearly $500,000 in gifts-in-kind to more than a dozen community organizations in the area. PLG Barb Ritter received the Signature Project Innovation Award for expanding the Cozy Comforts project in a special way to support youth aging out of foster care who are engaged in Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success program. Past District Governor Dennis Baugh was saluted for his extraordinary work in chairing “Task Force 100” and organizing a most wonderful Centennial Celebration at the Club at Glenmore on August 29. Finally, Wendy Cooper was hailed as the Kiwanis Rookie of the Year for having jumped into action “with both feet” once having joined the club in the spring of this year.
Three new members inducted into the ClubWendy Cooper Shows Off Her Rookie of the Year Certificate
Next, President Jim made special presentations to four Champions of Kiwanis who had their pictures appear on Wheaties (the “Breakfast of Champions”) cereal boxes: Tom Lowe for his eagerness to participate in anything having to do with the Kiwanis shed; Past President Teresa Tyler for her leadership of the Holiday Greenery project; President-Elect Cheryl Kirby for her last-minute assumption of direction over the Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race; and Edward Schmitz for his work in managing the “reboot” of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation.
Images of Four Kiwanis Champions Appear on Wheaties boxes
Finally, Lieutenant Governor Sam Bosserman of the Waynesboro Club took charge of the installation of officers and directors for 2022-2023. She first thanked outgoing board members for their service and then introduced individually the members of the 2022-2023 board and installed them in their various offices. The expanded board includes Krister Briehl, Charlie Krizek, Wendy Cooper, and Cindy Harris (they join Dana Douglas and Philip Day as directors); Matt Laird as Assistant Treasurer; Dennis Baugh as Treasurer and Assistant Secretary; Bob Ribando continuing as Secretary; Cheryl Kirby as President-elect; and, finally, Jim Hart repeating as President for the fourth time. In his closing remarks, President Jim reminded the audience of how the club will proceed both with the transition into the “new normal” of a post-pandemic era and also take its first bold steps into the Club’s second century of “Service to the Children of our Community and the World.” He then rang the same bell which the Club has had since 1934 to adjourn the event.
President Jim receives Kiwanis Centennial Ball Cap and Tee Shirt from Past Governor Dennis
***Neighborhood Back-to-School Celebration Assisted by Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh Serves the Kiwanis Volunteers
September 20, 2022 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville did something special for the kids of the Tenth & Page Neighborhood. As its September Service Work Night, Kiwanis assisted Pastors Chris and Wendy Cooper at Pilgrim Baptist Church, 211 Albemarle Street, in a Neighborhood Back to School Gathering. A picnic meal was prepared by church members while Kiwanians served. After the meal youth from the church presented a special musical program followed by an inspirational talk by one of the older teens. Finally, school supplies and other useful and fun gifts were handed out. The bulk of these gifts came thanks to the Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts-in-Kind Program while the club supplemented these with additional gifts. The club also underwrote the cost of the meal. This event was the club’s first effort to get to know the youth from the neighborhood where Chris and Wendy are pastoring. Many of the youth participate in other neighborhood enrichment efforts such as City of Promise and it is good for Kiwanians to lend our support to encourage the development of these fine programs in our community.
Amazing Talk by one of the Youth Group’s Leaders Kiwanians Tom Lowe and Jim Masloff Encourage Youngsters to Select Items They Need
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Join Division 9 Kiwanians and K-Family at Annual Picnic at Elks Lodge in Waynesboro
September 1, 2022–The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville accomplished an interclub (Eric Lamb, Dennis Baugh (w/Darlene), Wendy Cooper, Jim Hart) at the annual Division 9 picnic, hosted again this year by Waynesboro at the Waynesboro Elks Lodge. The turn out was great, food was plentiful, and much good Kiwanis fellowship took place.
***Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Celebrates 100th Anniversary with Festive Affair at the Club at Glenmore
Sixty-Five Members and Guests Enjoyed Dinner and the Festivities
August 30, 2022 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville commemorated its 100th year of “service to the children of the world” at a gala anniversary celebration dinner held Monday evening, August 29, at the Club at Glenmore. Immediate Past Kiwanis International President Art Riley was the key note speaker. Immediate Past Capital District Kiwanis Governor Dennis Baugh shared with the audience special proclamations from the Charlottesville City Council, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, and from the President of the University of Virginia, saluting the contributions made by the service club which has done amazing work for the children and youth of this community for the past century. Current Kiwanis President Jim Hart, a 25-year member of the Charlottesville Club, recognized past and present Kiwanis leaders in attendance, many of whom who are giants in their communities and serve as inspiration for the Club as it looks forward to its next 100 years of service. Popular radio talk show host Joe Thomas kept the affair running smoothly as Master of Ceremonies.
Past Kiwanis International President Art Riley and Capital District Governor Elana Gardner
Guests had an opportunity to participate in an exciting “silent auction” to benefit the endowment fund of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation (501 c, 3), which will help ensure that the Club will continue to do its important work into its second century. Period music and a slide show were presented and guests browsed a splendid display of historical artifacts and memorabilia from the club’s illustrious record of service to the community over the past 100 years.
Hundreds of photos and various items of memorabilia were on display.
August 23, 2022 — A strong contingent of a dozen Kiwanians turned out for the August Monday evening service work night organized at Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries at 780 Prospect Avenue. After receiving a brief tour led by Director Eddie Howard of the two headquarters buildings operated for the past 25 years by Abundant Life in the heart of one of Charlottesville’s “at-risk” neighborhoods, the volunteers were shown a basement area that the agency plans to convert to program space for the growing academic support, youth mentoring, and healthy after-school projects that Abundant Life conducts for more than 150 children and youth in the community. Shelves full of supplies of all sorts were moved, cleaned, repackaged and re-arranged. Trash and recyclables were hauled away. And a general sweeping, mopping, and scrubbing was accomplished in a space that will begin welcoming youth in the next few days as school begins. The group then enjoyed a picnic-style meal and fellowship while hearing from Community Outreach Director Faith Kelley about the impact Kiwanis efforts made this evening.
Past Lt Gov Bill Jones Swabs the Decks–though he is all Air Force! _________
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Tapped to Top Leadership Positions in the Capital District and Recognized for Unmatched Faithfulness to Kiwanis Ideals
Charlottesville Sends “Double Interclub” Delegation to DCON
August 22, 2022 — It’s official! Past Division Nine Lieutenant Governor Eric Lamb has been elected to the position of Governor-Elect of Capital District Kiwanis for 2022-2023. Way to go, Eric! This took place at the 102nd annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention held this weekend at the Baltimore Sheraton Inner Harbor where seven Kiwanians and one K-Family member attended and participated. At the same House of Delegates session, Immediate Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh was unanimously endorsed to run for the position on the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees. This election will take place at the next Kiwanis International Convention to be held in Minneapolis in June of 2023. Good luck, Dennis, we are very proud of you. Another distinction that we enjoyed, our dear Dr. Jim Masloff was recognized at the fellowship luncheon as being the Kiwanian with the most years of service at the convention—58 years. He was the last man standing when a gentleman from the Manassas, Virginia club had to sit down after reporting that he had “only” 57 years of service. Be sure to congratulate Dr. Jim, Gov-Elect Designate Eric, and KI Trustee-candidate Dennis when you see them at our next Kiwanis event, And while you are at it, send thanks and congratulations to Past Division Nine Lieutenant Governor Barb Ritter who prepared and donated a special Cozy Comforts back pack for the Caring Corner raffle–a popular and very effective fund-raising event for the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation. It was reported that the back pack was won by a Lieutenant Gov Designate who then met with Barb and collected ideas about starting that project in her own Division. Nice job, Barb!
Eric Lamb Installed as District Gov-Elect by Kiwanis International Trustee Steve Ingram
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Members Once Again Collect School Supplies for Agnor-Hurt Elementary School
August 19, 2022 — Aktion Club Kiwanis liaison Dana Douglas reported that for the fourth straight year the school supply drive organized with the help of Activities Director Carol Evans at Innisfree Village was a big success. Pictured are three charter members of the Aktion Club happily sorting some of the supplies, which Dana delivered to Church of Saviour on East Rio Road. The Outreach Ministry at Church of Our Saviour assists about 45 kids in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School with a Grab-a-Bag weekend meals program. They also help out in the school’s efforts to make sure all students are well-equipped for the beginning of the school year. Dana also reports that supplies gathered through the wildly successful Kiwanis-Walmart Gifts-in-Kind program were added to the amount collected by the Aktion Club and donated to the school. Nice going, Dana!
Jennifer Mammi (r.) and Christy Morris Visit Kiwanis Club
August 2, 2022 — Jennifer Mammi, business & community engagement specialist with Goodwill Industries of the Valleys provided a program for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville gathered at Pilgrim Baptist Church on Monday evening, August 1. Jennifer spoke to us on zoom back in January and attended one of our meetings at Hibachi Grill in March She explained that Goodwill is reaching out to various agencies in Charlottesville/Albemarle who work with young people (especially those in at-risk situations) to alert them to opportunities provided by Goodwill for job training and other career and life enhancement programs. She stated that funding for these programs come largely from the sales in their successful stores in our community. Jennifer was accompanied by Christy Morris,one of Goodwill’s talented Success Coaches. Mrs. Morris, who has been featured in a long-running TV commercial for Goodwill, most recently transitioned from her role as Jail & Prison Re-Entry specialist to Success Coach, where she provides case management and helps set career goals directly with Goodwill employees. It was good for us to hear this young woman’s inspiring success story (Click here to see her 3-minute You Tube video.). Kiwanis looks forward to helping Goodwill connect especially with youth and young adults seeking direction on the road to success in the community.
President Jim hands Jennifer Mammi replica Kiwanis bell in appreciation for their talk.
July 20, 2022 — Kiwanis members were pleased to have Executive Director Eddie Howard of Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries and CALM’s Advancement & Communications Director Faith Kelley provide a program for us at our meeting at Pilgrim Baptist Church on July 18. We are looking forward to finding partnering opportunities with them where our Kiwanis superpowers can be leveraged for the benefit of the families in the Prospect Neighborhood. Prospect is one of five federally-defined low-income neighborhoods in the city of Charlottesville and is home to a vibrant and diverse community of nearly 400 families. For twenty-five years, CALM volunteers have been “walking alongside each family within the community (holistically), providing spiritual development, academic support, and economic empowerment” through a wide variety of programs based on the principles of Christian Community Development (CCD). Among these principles are: reconciliation; listening to the community; leadership development, empowerment; redistribution. As the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville enters its second century of “Service to the Children and Families of the World,” we strive to be present in those neighborhoods where the need is greatest.
Faith Kelley and Eddie Howard receive the replica Kiwanis bell from President Jim Hart
BBBSCentral VA Executive Director Athena Gould with PLG Eric Lamb
BBBS Facebook post on July 5:“Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for organizing the 39th Annual Independence Day 5k to benefit BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge. We appreciate your continued support of our mentoring programs.”
***Pilgrim Baptist Church Hosts Kiwanis In-Person Meeting and Presents Program Celebrating Juneteenth
June 21, 2022 — New Kiwanian Wendy Cooper and her husband Chris are the Pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church on Albemarle Street in the historic 10th & Page Neighborhood of Charlottesville. They invited Kiwanis to come to their church for the regular third Monday in-person meeting, enjoy dinner, and participate in a commemoration of Juneteenth. Kiwanians did not know what a treat they were in for. Following a scrumptious three-course meal prepared and served by church members, Wendy introduced a West African Drum and Dance ensemble who explained the meaning of the holiday and provided us with a stirring demonstration of this traditional art form. And another church member sang beautiful inspiring spirituals that gave us all pause to reflect. Division 9 Lt Gov Pam Warren made her official club visit and even agreed to join club president, Jim Hart, in learning of few steps of the dance. Chris and Wendy mentioned that the church’s youth group meets on Monday evenings and would be interested in meeting with Kiwanians to establish a mutually beneficial relationship. Kiwanians in attendance heartily endorsed this idea and thanked the Coopers for their inspiring hospitality. See the brief video on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/KiwanisCville
West African Drum and Dance Ensemble Celebrates JuneteenthDivision 9 Lt Gov Pam and Club President Jim Learn a Few Steps
***Piedmont CASA Touts the Impact of the Kiwanis Partnership in TheAdvocate Newsletter and on Facebook
“The $500 Kiwanis sponsorship enabled us to offer prizes to winning bluebirds as well as raffle drawings for everyone who submitted a bluebird work of art. Thanks to their support, we received over 160 bluebird works of art.–thus meeting our goal of having one unique bluebird to represent each child in the foster care system in our community. You can see many of the bluebirds here: http://thebluebirdproject.org/bluebird-art-2022/
Facebook Post from Piedmont CASA
***Kiwanians and Friends Bring Good Luck to the Tom Sox
June 7, 2022 — On Monday evening June 6, twenty-five Kiwanians and friends came out to Charlottesville High School baseball field to enjoy a picnic-style meal and cheer on the home town Tom Sox as they took on the Staunton Braves in a Valley League contest. Gathering under and around two large Kiwanis tents over the left field fence, the Kiwanians and their guests (including a youth group from Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries) honored America when Kiwanis family-member Melody Day gave a stirring rendition of our national anthem just before the umpire intoned “Play Ball.” Kiwanis banners were hung from the fences along third base and an info table staffed by Jim Hart was set up between the bleachers behind home plate. The PA announcer declared it to be “Kiwanis Appreciation Night” and especially noted that it was our 100th anniversary this year. The Tom Sox trailed for mot of the game but rallied in the seventh inning to take the lead and hang on for their first win of the young season. Melody commented that she seems to bring good luck to every team where she has been invited to sing the national anthem. Nice going Melody! You made us all proud!
Twenty-Five Year Kiwanian Philip Day and Spouse, MelodyTwenty-five Kiwanians and Friends Enjoy Kiwanis Appreciation NightMelody Day Honors America with Singing of the National Anthem
***Boys & Girls Club Receives Another Large Donation of Toys and School Supplies from Kiwanis Charlottesville
Car load of Toys and Games Delivered to Cherry Ave Unit of Boys & Girls Club
May 19, 2022 — As a result of the phenomenal success of the collaboration between our local Walmart and the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, where over the past three and a half years more than $330,000 worth of gifts-in-kind has been distributed to more than a dozen community agencies, Club President Jim Hart and Club Secretary Bob Ribando were able to deliver a car load of toys to the Cherry Avenue Unit of the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia this week. Pictured are Hart (l) and Ribando flanking Cherry Avenue Unit Director David Cook and four of his young coaches as they accepted dozens of toys and games, which will be made available to the kids who participate in the after-school programs and summer camp at the Cherry Avenue location. As it slowly recovers from the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the Cherry Avenue unit alone aims to serve on average more than 200 children and youth every day in its after-school program. David Cook expressed his great appreciation to what he pointed out is the long-standing relationship Kiwanis Charlottesville has had with the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia. He described a unique “Points Program” managed through an APP, where the kids are encouraged to excel in various character-building and extra-curricular educational activities in order to qualify for rewards available to them through these Kiwanis donations. The kids are also taught basic financial literacy skills while becoming gratified with toys, school supplies, or other items they desire. Charlottesville Kiwanians can take pride in the partnership that we have built with this excellent and expanding local agency which serves hundreds of children and youth in Central Virginia.
***Piedmont CASA Director Speaks to Kiwanis about Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Month
May 17, 2022 — May is National Foster Care Month — when people and organizations all across our community create bluebird works of art, each one as unique as each child we care for.
A Sampling of the More than 100 Bluebird creations
“Our goal is one bluebird to represent each child in foster care.” You can see them all here: http://www.thebluebirdproject.org For the second year in a row, Kiwanis Charlottesville stands shoulder to shoulder with Piedmont CASA(Court Appointed Special Advocates) and the Foster Care Adoption and Awareness Coalition and supportive businesses who care for the foster children and families in our community. Kate Duvall , President and CEO of Piedmont CASA spoke to the club at the Monday evening speaker meeting, May 16, at Hibachi Grill. Kate thanked Kiwanis for our outstanding support for the Blue Bird Project (including the Bluebird Parade, Art Exhibit and Art Auction on-line) as well as for the special attention we are paying in support of their unique Bridges to Success program A presentation was made by Past Division 9 Lt Gov Barb Ritter, the founder and committee chair of the Cozy Comforts Project of a specially-designed care package consisting of household items to be presented to teens involved in the Bridges to Success program. Teens involved in this program will be aging out of foster care soon and are being mentored by volunteers recruited and trained by Piedmont CASA. Barb presented two very large laundry baskets, one jam-packed with items any young person would need to outfit his or her kitchen in the new apartment. The other laundry basket was overflowing with items especially selected to be useful in outfitting the bathroom of a new apartment. Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success coaches, who have been guiding these youth on a most difficult journey through adolescence, will be able to help their mentee make decisions about how to proceed when setting up their own household for the very first time. Kate Duvall expressed her heartfelt thanks to Kiwanis for helping to turn the community’s attention to this unmet need among a most vulnerable young population of foster kids.
PLG Barb Ritter, Kiwanis President Jim Hart, and PCASA’s Kate Duvall
***Kiwanis Charlottesville Extends Support to New Bambino Buddy-Ball Baseball League in Greene County
May 5, 2022 — Did you know that Kiwanis Charlottesville has supported the Central Little League for more than 60 years? We have continued that support this year and have been notified that a record-number of more than 300 boys and girls are engaged this spring in Little League baseball and softball at Pen Park. Additionally, Central Little League counts on more than 110 volunteers who help as Board Members, Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers, in Field Maintenance, and in the Concessions Stand. New for Kiwanis Cville this year, Bambino Buddy-Ball in Greene County. Read on . . .
Kiwanis “Blue” Shows Up Nicely at Pen Park“The wind-up and the pitch!”
This spring, PLG Eric Lamb championed support for the development of a Bambino Buddy-Ball Baseball program through the Greene County Youth Center in Ruckersville. Part of Babe Ruth Baseball, Buddy-Ball is designed for players 5-22 years of age who have a physical, cognitive and/or emotional disability. A buddy helps the player swing a bat, run the bases and catch the ball. Everyone gets to hit and everyone is playing defense, so no one is sitting on the bench in Buddy-Ball. They work together and learn the game of baseball and have lots of fun playing games. To see the CBS19 story click here. And for the Greene County Record story, click here.
“Together We Can”
Our Centennial Banner Shows Kiwanis Support
***Kiwanis under the Big Tent as Community Partner During Ready Kids 100th Birthday Bash
Bring on the Crowds–Kiwanians Under the Big Top at Ready Kids Birthday Bash
May 1, 2022 — Six hardy Kiwanians unfurled the big tent displaying our banners and oodles of PR-type information alongside a bowl of candy and a bead-making activity all in the hopes of showing off Kiwanis as an energetic partner for 100 years with the wonderful community agency Ready Kids at their 100th Birthday Bash held on Saturday, April 30 at their headquarters at 1000 East High Street. Upwards of a hundred kids and families strolled through the grounds visiting dozens of tents and tables staffed by Ready Kids staff who explained the multi-faceted activities of this organization and dozens more of community partners who entertained all visitors with a tremendous variety of games and activities from a bounce house to a sandbox scavenger hunt to mention a few. Pizza from Domino’s and scrumptious baked goods from KrissyCakes kept the crowds happily fed. There was even a shiny red fire truck for the kids to explore, courtesy of the Charlottesville Fire Department. Both Kiwanis and Ready Kids pledge to continue working together as we both enter our second century of service to the children of the world.
Kiwanian Charlie Krizek Shows Off His New “Tattoo” with Staff of Stepping StonePLG Eric Lamb Invites the Kids to Have Fun with Bead-Making Activity
***Kiwanis Co-Sponsors Easter Egg Hunt and Toys Give Away Conducted by Come As You Are Cville (CAYA Cville)
Tristan Kabesa and the Easter Bunny are the Center of Attention on Easter Sunday
April 20, 2022 — In accordance with a unique initiative devised by Tristan Kabesa, founder of this new Charlottesville agency, volunteers and community partners helped Come As You Are Cville take an Easter Egg Hunt and Toys Giveaway directly to the kids living in four “at risk” communities in Charlottesville on a beautiful Easter Sunday afternoon. In just two hours, kids at Prospect (Greenwood at 5th), Friendship Court, Hardy Drive, and Riverside chased one another for the coveted Easter Eggs, accepted gifts of small toys and candy from the Easter Bunny, and even had a chance to examine a real live Charlottesville Fire Engine. Come As You Are Cville, only recently became enrolled as a beneficiary organization of the Kiwanis/Walmart Gift-in-Kind Program where Mr. Kabesa is able regularly to select from a large quantity of toys, household goods, and various clothing items. His organization then distributes these to residents in need at one of several “at-risk” communities in the city during the last week of each month and on special occasions such as Easter and the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday.
A Shiny Red Fire Truck was Another Big Hit at the CAYA Cville Easter Egg Hunt
***Ready Kids Boosted as 2022 Kiwanis Dogwood Season Beneficiary
President Jim Hart presents Big Check to Ready Kids Bill Barefoot
April 19, 2022 — Citing our mutual 100-year history spanning “from pandemic to pandemic,” Ready Kids Finance Director, Bill Barefoot addressed the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville at its Monday evening speaker meeting at Hibachi Grill on April 18. Ready Kids opened its doors in 1921 as the Children’s Home, serving 30 kids who were orphaned by the Spanish flu epidemic. By the 1940s, with support from the UnIted Way (then called the Community Chest), they were serving about 350 children and adolescents. In the 1970s through the 1990s, the agency’s outreach extended to families at risk, offering parenting education, foster parent recruitment, counseling and emergency services for abused and neglected children, in Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. In the new century, the agency known as Children Youth and Family Services expanded its early childhood education services as well as support for pre-school education and in-home daycare settings. By 2013, CYFS was serving more than 5,000 children and youth and their families. Changing its name to Ready Kids in 2014 and after greatly expanding it headquarters at 1000 East High Street in 2019, records showed that the agency impacted more than 7,000 local kids, families, and early childhood educators in FY21. In recognition of this outstanding record of success in serving the children of our community, and to acknowledge the long-standing active partnership provided by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, a grant of $3,500 was made to Ready Kids. Kiwanis volunteers also participated at the annual Pin Wheel Planting at the Freedom of Speech Monument on the Downtown Mall on April 13, helping Ready Kids raise awareness for April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. And on April 15 Kiwanis was present to enjoy the annual Ready Kids Community Luncheon where the John L. Snook Child Advocacy Award was presented. Plans were announced and invitations extended at this event for a 100th Birthday Bash to take place at Ready Kids on Saturday, April 30 and, as so often happened over the past 100 years, Kiwanis stepped up to offer its collaboration as a community partner.
“There’s No Excuse for Child Abuse”
Ready Kids Counselor Shannon Noe and Symbolic Pin Wheel
***Four New Members Introduced to the Kiwanis Club on the 100th Anniversary of the Charter Signing
April 5, 2022 — Twenty-five members and guests celebrated the 100th anniversary of the signing of our charter yesterday at Hibachi Grill in a most fitting fashion–by inducting four of our newest members: Matt Laird, Dennis Baugh, Cheryl Kirby, and Wendy Cooper. No fewer than five Past Lieutenant Governors (LTGs) participated in the ceremony–Bill Jones, Ken Smith, Herb Ely, Barb Ritter, and Eric Lamb. The Immediate Past Governor of Capital District Kiwanis, Dennis Baugh, addressed the gathering and encouraged us all to live up to the charge “Kiwanis is a Verb” by stepping up the level of service we can deliver to our community and the world. I was moved to remember the words of Past Capital District Governor, the late Bob Cressy, who said: “We have enough members to do what we are doing, but not enough members to do what needs to be done.” Let’s remember these words as we strive to be the best we can be this year and for many years to come.
Charter signed on April 3, 1922
From the Archives:
“The organization meeting was held April 3, 1922, 62 were present of the 64 invited to join the new club. Happy 100th Birthday, Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville http://kiwaniscville.org#KidsNeedKiwanisThe idea of a Kiwanis Club for Charlottesville originated with Norman T Shumate, President of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. He visited his friend, Giles H Miller, Vice-President of the Lynchburg National Bank and a strong believer in Kiwanis Mr Shumate became thoroughly imbued with the ideals of Kiwanis. When he returned home he called together some of the representative businessmen of the community and explained to them the possibilities for community growth and civic betterment which would result from the organized effort of the men of the community. They wrote International, who sent Field Representative George Selig to Charlottesville to assist in letting the club properly start. From the very first, Mr Selig had the hearty cooperation of all those who were asked to join. Charter officers of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville: President Norman T Shumate, Vice President John L Manahan Secretary-Treasurer Lawrence A Davis, Trustee Dan O Via.”
***Founder of “Come As You Are Cville” Makes Presentation to Kiwanis Club
Tristan Kabesa Receives Replica Kiwanis Bell
March 22, 2022 — On Monday evening, March 21, Charlottesville Kiwanians returned to Hibachi Grill for its second in-person speaker meeting of the month. Our guest was Tristan Kabesa, the founder and executive director of Come As You Are Cville. His web site explains: “At Come As You Are Cville, we have adopted community, compassion, dignity, and equality as our core values. Each day this is displayed in the extraordinary measure through the unified effort of our staff, volunteers, and supporters. Located in Charlottesville, Virginia, Come As You Are Cville has been serving people throughout the area since 2018 and seeks to provide access to resources that empower people experiencing homelessness to progress on the road toward economic and personal stability.” CAYA Cville became enrolled last Thursday as a beneficiary organization of the Kiwanis/Walmart Gift-in-Kind Program when Mr. Kabesa visited with PLG Eric Lamb at the shed and was able to select a large quantity of toys, household goods, and various clothing items. His organization will distribute these to residents in need at one of five “at-risk” communities in the city during the last week of this month. Mr. Kabesa also announced that his second annual summer camp for kids from these specific neighborhoods is being organized at this very moment. He said that there are many ways Kiwanis and Kiwanians can join with CAYA Cville to help improve the lives for children and families in need in this community. NBC29 did an interesting story on this organization back in January. To check it out click here:
Kids Have Fun at CAYA Summer Camp 2021
***Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Backpacks Donated to DePaul Community Resources
In the Words of a Foster Child
March 18, 2022 — PLG Eric Lamb met at the shed with Chris Tompkins of DePaul Community Resources and presentedtwelve Cozy Comforts backpacks on Thursday, March 17. Committee Chairman PLG Barb Ritter explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations . . . Items in each backpack will vary based on need but most certainly will include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” Kiwanis Cville is proud to stand with DePaul in assisting those kids in most desperate need in our community:. A quote from DePaul’s web site explains: “The youth in our Foster Care program are looking for a place to belong, hope for tomorrow, and often times, healing after experiencing abuse and neglect. DePaul’s dedicated, professional staff support foster parents every step of the way, utilizing a collaborative team approach that helps young people in foster care to heal fromtrauma.” In just this current Kiwanis year, which is just about half over, Charlottesville Kiwanians have packed and distributed 45 of these gifts of love and warmth. The agencies who receive them keep these treasures on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they find themselves suddenly thrust into the most difficult circumstances in the coming months.
Facebook Post From DePaul Community Resources
***Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Makes Annual $3,000 Gift to UVA Children’s Hospital
March 11, 2022 — Over the past 30 or so years, the Capital District Foundation has contributed upwards of nearly $100,000 to the UVA Children’s Hospital. Foundation Board Member, Dennis Baugh who also serves as the Capital District Kiwanis Immediate Past Governor, recently provided UVA Children’s Hospital NICU a check for $3,000. Dennis is pictured here with Ms. Erin Chandler, Assistant Director of Development for Children’s Miracle Network and Annual Giving. They are standing in front of the Battle Building, which was named to honor the family of John S. Battle, past Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. The great UVA Children’s Hospital is one of nine pediatric trauma centers supported every year by the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation through the proceeds largely gained from the Ducky Derby held at District Convention (DCON).
Presentation at Battle Building at UVA
***Official from AHIP Makes Presentation to Kiwanis Club
March 10, 2022 — Twenty enthusiastic Kiwanians and their guests came out to enjoy the first in-person club speaker meeting after the disruptions of the omicron surge and nasty winter weather. The Hibachi Grill on Seminole Trail provided a spacious, private room and guests partook of a scrumptious Asian Fusion-style buffet meal. On the agenda, much to his surprise, was the awarding of a special Legion of Honor certificate to two-time Club President and Past Club Foundation Chair, Philip Day. Philip was cited for 25 years of loyal service to the children of the world through Kiwanis. Philip hardly ever misses a service work night, and he is front and center at all of our major projects. Congratulations, Philip! The program Monday night was presented by Elise Noyes, Development Manager for AHIP (The Albemarle Housing Improvement Program). Elise shared inspiring stories of families, who, with AHIP’s help, have become “Safe at Home.” She described specifically their Emergency Repairs Program; the Rehab Program; and the Energy Retrofit Program. There are many ways Kiwanis and Kiwanians can join with AHIP to help improve housing for families in need in this community–contact Elise at 434-817-2447 (ext 29) or check out AHIP’s web site at https://ahipva.org/about-2/
Llise Noyes Receives Replica Kiwanis BellPhilip Day inducted into Legion of Honor
***Kiwanis Charlottesville Accomplishes Inter-Club at Capital District Mid-Year Meeting in Williamsburg
Eric Lamb Named Distinguished Lt Gov for 2020-21
March 6, 2022 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville accomplished an interclub on the weekend of March 4-6–that means that four Charlottesville Kiwanians (Barb Ritter, Dennis Baugh, Eric Lamb, and Jim Hart) attended the Capital District Mid-Year Conference at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. Click on this hyper-link to see recordings of the presentations.) Barb presented a popular workshop session on Cozy Comforts while Eric provided a stimulating talk on Effective Communications. Eric also was awarded a certificate of achievement for his distinguished performance as Lt Gov of Division 9 in 2020- 21. Doing the awarding was Immediate Past District Governor Dennis Baugh, who accepted many plaudits for his outstanding year of leadership from all in attendance, including most especially from Kiwanis International President Peter Mancuso and his immediate predecessor Past Kiwanis International President Art Riley. Looking ahead, we have the Kiwanis International Convention slated from June 8-11 in Indianapolis, and the Capital District Convention set for Baltimore, August 19-21. Please save the date and make plans to attend these educational and fun events. Especially exciting will be the DCON in Baltimore because the District announced on March 4: “Past Lt. Governor Eric Lamb of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville with the support of the Kiwanis clubs of Division 9 has been officially certified today as a candidate for the office of 2022-2023 Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect.”
Barb Ritter Presents about Cozy Comforts
***Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village Goes All Out for Residents at Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House Thanks Aktion Club on Facebook
February 28, 2022 — On Tuesday afternoon (2/22/22) at (approximately) 2:22 p.m. ten members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village prepared and packed up a marvelous home-cooked dinner for the people staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville. This effort was coordinated and led by Innisfree’s amazing activities counselor, Carol Evans. Fifteen individually packed trays of meatloaf, gravy, broccoli, mash potatoes, and rolls; along with three dozen eggs sourced from their farm, a hundred fresh-baked chocolate chip and blueberry nut cookies; and two bags of apples and oranges were delivered to RMH-Cville by Kiwanians Jim Hart and Dana Douglas. As you know, families are able to stay at the facility for free while their children are being treated at the great UVA Children’s Hospital, one of the nine pediatric trauma centers supported every year by the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation through the proceeds from Ducky Derby.
***Disabled Marine Veteran Praises Kiwanis for Support and Encouragement
Barber Rob Gillette Poses with Service Dog at the Workplace
February 20, 2022 — President Jim Hart presented Rob Gillette, who spoke to us on ZOOM back on February 7, a replica of the Kiwanis bell as a token of our appreciation for his talk. Rob expressed his own deep appreciation to Kiwanis for all we do supporting disabled veterans and their families. Rob, who was seriously wounded while serving in combat in both Somalia and in Bosnia, explained that having a highly-trained service dog with him has made it possible for him to remain gainfully employed as a barber at His Barber Shop (formerly Staples) in Barracks Road Shopping Center. Many veterans, he said, suffer in lonely silence while dealing with the many challenges that they face every day as a result of their injuries. Rob specifically applauded the Club’s recent financial support for the training of a service dog through the Leashes of Valor program.
***Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Backpacks Donated to Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE)
December 23, 2021 –Another piece of very good news just in time for Christmas is that Committee Chairman PLG Barb Ritter and PLG Eric Lamb met with Kayla Ferguson of the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) and presentedfifteen Cozy Comforts backpacks on Tuesday, December 21. PLG Barb explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations.The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Items in each backpack will vary based on need but most certainly will include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” The SHE Shelter, as it is familiarly known, is “the only agency in the city of Charlottesville and the surrounding counties that provides comprehensive services to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Each year the Shelter responds to over 1,000 hotline calls, provides over 5,000 nights of safe shelter to more than 200 women and children, and assists many other victims of domestic violence through outreach services.” Over the past four years, Charlottesville Kiwanians have packed more than 200 of these gifts of love and warmth and distributed them to six agencies who keep these treasures on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they find themselves suddenly thrust into the most difficult circumstances in the coming months.
***Kiwanis Answers the Challenge and Establishes Virtual Red Kettle for the Salvation Army
Kiwanians Ring the Bell at Giant in 2019
December 22, 2021 — Answering the challenge from our friends at the Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club and conceding that many Kiwanians are hesitant or unable to come out in public during the pandemic’s latest surge, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville established a virtual Red Kettle and issued its own challenge to Kiwanians and Kiwanis Family members to donate in support of the local Salvation Army‘s good work here and around the world. To date, more than $1,200 has been raised towards meeting our $1,500 goal. This amount included a whopping $170 that was collected in Happy Dollars at the Kiwanis Christmas Party held Tuesday evening, December 21, at Carmello’s Italian Restaurant. It is hoped that friends will consider donating as part of their end-of-year giving and thereby help us meet the goal and endorse the efforts of the Salvation Army all year long.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Organizes Successful Gift-Card Fundraiser to Help Welcome Afghan Refugees to our Community
Gift- Cards Totaling $500
December 18, 2021 — “Think Globally, Act Locally” is a motto that the Kiwanis Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village takes literally. Having gotten word of the dynamic collaboration that is developing between Kiwanis Charlottesville and the Blue Mountains Rotary Club to help welcome the hundreds of Afghan refugees who are being settled in Central Virginia by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Aktion Club leaders sprung into, well, action. They designed and created hand-made signs to post throughout the Village and utilized the occasion of the Village’s annual holiday party to publicize the cause and solicit gift-cards that IRC will hand directly to the families being settled in our community so they can meet their needs. When all was said and done, $500 worth of generic Master Card and Visa gift cards was collected and sent to IRC headquarters in Charlottesville. The Aktion Club gesture will likely be accepted as a challenge when the Kiwanis/Rotary Joint Fundraiser gets organized shortly after the new year, all for the benefit of our new neighbors setting down new roots in our community.
***Five Kiwanians Volunteer to Assemble Christmas Gift Bags for Inmates and Staff at Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail
December 16, 2021 — “This small gift has created the opportunity for countless conversations with those who feel as though they’ve been forgotten” — such is the way Richard Van Arsdale, Chaplain at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail (and prospective Kiwanis member) described the impact of a collaborative effort to assemble five hundred Christmas Gift Bags to be donated next week to the inmates and staff at the local jail. Three hundred of the bags were put together by 25 volunteers (including five Kiwanians) in a “bucket brigade” session at Christ Community Church on December 13. Another two hundred bags were completed at a separate event by the students at Covenant School. The entire packing process took about 35 – 40 minutes and concluded with Chaplain Van’s blessing of the bags and an informative Q&A session with staff of the jail alongside Chaplain Van and Senior Chaplain Joseph. Kiwanian Charlie Krizek expressed his amazement of how much good could be accomplished in such a short time through the collaborative efforts of volunteers who just had a heart. Kiwanis President Jim Hart agreed and endorsed this project as a good example,of our club’s intention to fulfill Kiwanis Object #1: to give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Sends Holiday Greetings to Children-in-Need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School
December 15, 2021 — The Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village met on Friday afternoon to make Holiday Greeting Cards to go to fifty children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. These children receive a weekend meal package year-round from a special outreach project (Grab A Bag) at the Church of Our Saviour. These are the same kids that the Kiwanis Family has helped out for the last several years, following Aktion Club’s lead, for our school supply drive in July and August (again in collaboration with Church of Our Saviour’s outreach program.) Another aspect of community collaboration for a good cause is the fact that members of the entire Innisfree community participated in the card-making party, which was organized by Aktion Club leaders to take place after lunch in the Community Building at Innisfree Village.
Heart-felt Greetings Sent to Kids in Need
***CKI at UVA Hosts 12th Annual “Breakfast with Santa”
December 12, 2021 — Returning after a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Circle K International (CKI) at the University of Virginia organized the 12th iteration of “Breakfast with Santa” on Saturday, December 11. Six enthusiastic volunteers, led by CKI President Kate Dudley, decorated Ern Commons in the McCormick Road area of UVA Grounds. They then prepared and served an expansive breakfast/brunch buffet for upwards of thirty community children and their families who came out to play games, do arts and crafts, and, of course, welcome Santa. Three members of the Western Albemarle High School Key Club joined CKI in guiding the kids in their games and helping with arts and crafts. Smiles abounded, especially when Santa made his entrance and invited them to a socially-distanced meet and greet.
***Holiday Greenery Fundraiser–Local Delivery and Direct Delivery Orders Have Arrived–Patrons Report Satisfaction
The Mixed Evergreen 28″ Wreath
December 9, 2021 –The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville did its holiday fundraiser slightly differently this year. As far as anyone knows, this was the first time in more than 85 years that we did not sell Christmas trees. But through the month of October, we took orders for beautiful wreaths, garlands, centerpieces, and swags provided by Sherwood Forest Farms in Seattle, Washington. This company had provided greenery for the Albemarle High School Key Club’s annual holiday fundraiser for many years before the club decided to stop doing this just a few years back. Our order was placed by Past President Teresa Tyler on November 1. Club board memberSean Horn was cited for having sold, by far, the most greenery. Those members who were not able to sell greenery were encouraged to make a financial donation in support of this project.
The greenery items ordered for local delivery arrived at Club Secretary Bob Ribando‘s garage in the week before Thanksgiving, a bit earlier than we had expected. Bob and Teresa coordinated the delivery of the greenery by about 15 Kiwanians to customers (friends, relatives, neighbors, local businesses) in time for Thanksgiving. Since we had to order in case lots, about 30 items were “left over” and available for sale. Again, Bob and Teresa coordinated the sale of all but 10 or 12 of these items over the next three weeks. The remaining items were cheerfully donated to non-profit agencies and other special friends of Kiwanis.
In the meantime, word came that the direct delivery items started arriving at the homes and businesses of customers (friends, relatives, business associates and patrons) located in places as far apart as Louisiana, Florida, and Massachusetts, as well as in Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. And the reports were nearly unanimous in their positive assessment of the beauty and freshness of the greenery. These reports were especially gratifying in that the Kiwanis Christmas Trees had a well-deserved reputation among generations of Charlottesvillians for being the freshest and most beautiful in town. As is always the case, 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser go towards the support of the children and youth of our community. Especially designated are funds to support scholarships for outstanding graduating Key Clubbers. There is also money budgeted for general support of all of our Service Leadership Programs (four Key Clubs, the CKI at UVA, and the Aktion Club at Innisfree Village and VA Institute of Autism’s Adult Academy.) The holiday fundraiser also maintains our long-time sponsorship of a baseball team in the Central Little League and a Holiday Party for Persons with Disabilities at WorkSource Enterprises. To be sure, the club learned a lot from our experience this year and we are already planning a bigger and better fundraiser for next year–one that we hope will reach out to many of the loyal customers whom we served at the tree lot for decades and decades. All of this moves us forward to the fulfillment of our mission: “Serving the Children of the World.”
Kiwanis Garland Donated to Piedmont CASA on Public Display on Their Front Door
Kiwanis Greenery Elf
***Good News! A Second Chaplain has been Assigned to Help the Inmates and Staff at ACRJ
December 7, 2021 — The program for the Monday evening Kiwanis dinner meeting at Shadwell’s on December 6 was presented by Chaplain Van (Richard) Van Arsdale of the Good News Jail & Prison Ministry who recently joined Senior Chaplain Joseph Varaksa serving at the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail. Chaplain Van, a native of northern Illinois, shared an inspiring personal story about how he came to a career in Jail Ministry. He also explained how the Good News Ministry, which has been here at ACRJ since 1983, continues to come into the lives of the inmates and staff by providing spiritual support, inspiration, and motivational materials to those in desperate need, especially now during this time of pandemic and also during what for many people in a most festive time of the year. Chaplain Van invited Kiwanians to volunteer in a Christmas bag packing event next Monday at Christ Community Church. Several Kiwanians in attendance immediately stepped forward to sign up. We should all welcome Chaplain Van and his family to Charlottesville, and let him show us how we each might put into practice Kiwanis Object #1: To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
A small but appreciative crowd listened to Chaplain VanPresident Jim hands Chaplain Van the replica Kiwanis bell
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Members from Innisfree Village Volunteer at Annual Toy Lift
The “Might Five” plus a “Sixth Wheel”
December 4, 2021 — The Kiwanis Aktion Club from Innisfree Village once again this year helped out with Toy Lift at the Fashion Square Mall. The “Mighty Five” volunteers, including their Innisfree counselor, Carol Evans, and their Kiwanis adviser, Dana Douglas, met at the old Sears store, which had been transformed into Toyland, and they helped sort toys from 11 until 1 on Friday, December 3.. Kiwanis President Jim Hart was there as the “6th Wheel” to greet and cheer on everybody (with name tags) and, of course, to take some photos . We heard that some 3,600 children (1,600 families) benefited from this annual toy drive extravaganza. Congratulations to our Aktion Club for helping out in this way!
***Kiwanis Service Work Night Helps Piedmont CASA Launch Important Holiday Mailing
Kiwanians Put Their Penmanship to the Test
November 30, 2021 — Six faithful Kiwanians joined the President and the Director of Philanthropy at Piedmont CASA(Court-Appointed Special Advocates) on Monday evening, November 29, and put a big dent in a 1,200 piece mailing that was slated to go out in time for the holidays. PLG Eric Lamb took the remaining envelopes and address lists to the Ben Hair Foundation office and promised to recruit Kiwanians to finish the task by the end of this week. Way to go, Eric! Also, we decided to present Piedmont CASA with two of our 10′ garlands left over from the Greenery Sale. When you drive by the intersection of 9th Street and High you can admire how the garlands grace their beautiful front double doors on their HQ building.
Kiwanis President Jim Hart with Piedmont CASA President Kate Duvall
***Kiwanis and Rotary Propose Collaboration to Help IRC Settle Afghan Refugees in our Community
November 16, 2021 — “It all starts by getting acquainted.” This was the idea for the program presented at the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Monday dinner meeting at Shadwells on November 15. Kiwanis had invited Ronda Puryear from Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club to be our guest , get acquainted, and listen to brief presentations by two community leaders who have accepted the challenge of welcoming and helping to settle hundreds of recently evacuated Afghan residents in our community. Russ Linden, Task Force Chair of Welcoming Greater Charlottesville, and Harriet Kuhr, executive director of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Charlottesville, explained that just since October 1, some 200 Afghans have arrived in Charlottesville and are being housed in hotels while the IRC staff works with volunteer community members to find adequate housing for these recent arrivals. More than half the arrivals are children, many of whose needs include establishment as soon as possible in a school situation. Almost all the new arrivals have serious medical concerns related to the traumatic circumstances of their very recent evacuation from Kabul to safety in several countries in the Middle East and Europe and eventually to one of a dozen military bases across the United States. IRC has been officially designated by the US State Department to lead the effort of resettling these recent arrivals in Central Virginia (Richmond-Lynchburg-Charlottesville-Waynesboro-Staunton). IRC has been in Charlottesville since 1998 and has settled more than 6,000 refugees coming from all over the world. But never have they received such a sudden large influx of people in desperate need of assistance. Thus came the call to neighborhood groups, church congregations, civic groups, and the like to work together to meet this unusual challenge in the most humanitarian way possible. For Kiwanis and for Rotary, “this type of challenge is right in our wheelhouse,” said Jim Hart, current President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. “Both of our International Presidents have been encouraging local clubs to collaborate on the various humanitarian challenges of the day, especially those that impact children and youth,” Hart continued. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for January 5, when Kiwanis members will get acquainted with Rotarians at their breakfast meeting at Farmington. In the meantime, individuals from both clubs are encouraged to step forth and volunteer with offerings of time, talent, and financial assistance where appropriate in support of this effort. Watch for information about how you too might become involved for the good of all concerned.
***“Key Club Week” Celebrated at Monday Evening Kiwanis Meeting
November 2,, 2021 — The Kiwanis Key Club is the largest and oldest youth service leadership program in the world, with chapters on more than 5,000 high school campuses in the United States alone. The Charlottesville club sponsors four Key Clubs in this area (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging more than 300 students in energetic community service and thoughtful leadership development. On Monday evening, November 1, the president and vice president of the Albemarle High School Key Club, along with their faculty adviser, Mr. Ian Lyons, gave an inspiring report to the Kiwanians assembled for dinner at Shadwell’s Restaurant on Pantops. The Key Clubbers each had their own reasons for coming to Key Club and explained how they actually feel driven to share their experience with as many of their classmates as possible, especially with the younger students just making their way through the high school challenges. And both graduating seniors pledged to look for opportunities for service and leadership with Circle K International (CKI) when they get to college. Mr. Lyons was presented with the coveted replica Kiwanis bell, which he promised to bring to the next Key Club meeting on Friday.
During the meeting, Club President Jim Hart announced the news that the Capital District Kiwanis Key Club board, representing more than 14,000 Key Clubbers across Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, has recognized the Albemarle High School Key Club as Key Club of the Month of October. The citation reads that the AHS Key Club went “above and beyond” by completing 200 service hours as a club during the month of October, and noted that the Officers are “incredibly communicative and involved.” Hart remembered that the Western Albemarle Key Club was similarly saluted as Key Club of the Month for May of 2021. Past President Teresa Tyler, a former faculty adviser at AHS, was praised for her role over the past many years as Capital District Key Club Zone Administrator for Division 9A and 9B, leading more than a dozen Key Clubs on this side of the Mountain and in the Valley. And long-time SLP Committee chair and founder of and faculty adviser to the Albemarle Key Club for some thirty-five years, Past President Don Foss, received an especially loud round of applause from all in attendance.
*** Holiday Greenery Fundraiser–Order Placed!
November 2, 2021 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is doing our Holiday fundraiser slightly differently this year. We are not selling trees, but we are selling wreaths, garlands, centerpieces and swags. Your purchase helps us support the youth of our community. Won’t you help? The order has been placed. Items will be coming for local delivery in the days before Thanksgiving. Orders being directly shipped to customers will arrive in the two weeks after Thanksgiving. We will have a limited number of items available for sale or donation once the local delivery arrives. If you did not have a chance to order, please consider making a donation to this project. (Please make checks payable to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville.) All proceeds are returned to the community in support of our children and youth. Thank you!
***AHS Key Clubbers Join Kiwanians Making Blankets for the Cozy Comforts Project on Kiwanis One Day
October 26, 2021 — Following upon the successful “In-Meeting Service Project” at last Tuesday’s CKI meeting at UVA, PLG Barb Ritter provided the raw materials and the instructions for another K-Family effort in support of the Cozy Comforts Back Pack Project. The weather was absolutely horrible, scuttling plans to work outdoors at the Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation office on a variety of tasks related to Kiwanis One Day. The art director at Hospice of the Piedmont called to cancel her participation, and several Kiwanians begged off because of the drenching rain, lightning and thunder. But six intrepid Albemarle High School Key Clubbers and ten hardy Kiwanians braved the elements to make our monthly Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night a big success. While Jeanne Masloff and Club Secretary Bob Ribando joined Barb and the Key Clubbers making blankets around the large board room table, the seven other Kiwanians went to work in the shed sorting the most recent delivery of in-kind donations from Walmart. Club President Jim Hart selected toys to taken over to the Boys & Girls Club later in the week by Bob Ribando. Club Past President Teresa Tyler gave a report on the progress being made in our Holiday Greenery Fundraiser and collected orders and payments from sellers. The deadline for this project in support of our SLPs is next Monday evening, November 1, when we will meet to celebrate Key Club Week at Shadwells.
***CKI at UVA Makes Blankets for Cozy Comforts Project During In-Meeting Service Effort
October 20, 2021 — “If you can tie your shoes and handle a pair of scissors, you can make a fleece blanket.” So read the instructions handed out by PLG Barb Ritter during the CKI general meeting at Newcomb Hall on the University of Virginia Central Grounds on Tuesday evening, October 19. Twenty CKI members, ranging from UVA 1st through 4th years, led by CKI President Kate Dudley, gathered around the large board room table and pitched in to complete between a half dozen and ten beautiful, colorful, soft, and cozy fleece blankets, while listening to music and enjoying collegial fellowship. PLG Barb, who founded this project and chairs the committee, explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations.The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Items in each backpack will vary based on need but most certainly will include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” On the previous Monday afternoon, PLG Barb and PLG Eric Lamb handed over fifteen Cozy Comforts Back Packs to representatives from People Places, one of Charlottesville’s premier foster care agencies. Over the past four years, Charlottesville Kiwanians have packed more than 200 of these gifts of love and warmth and distributed them to six agencies who keep these treasures on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they enter the foster care system in the coming months. Another set of back packs are ready for donation to the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) who will present them to children who are victims of domestic violence and who are currently being cared for by this agency. And a third set is prepared for Ready Kids, an agency with which Kiwanis has worked closely over the past hundred years for the good of the children and families in need in our community.
Barb delivers Cozy Comforts Back Packs to Spencer of People Paces
***Kiwanis Volunteers Help Out at Kids ISO Excellence Golf Tournament at the Club at Glenmore
Michelle and Charlie Welcome Golfers
October 6, 2021–Our friends at the Club at Glenmore pulled out all the stops to honor world-renowned sports psychologist, Dr. Bob Rotella, by raising money to support scholarships to his Junior Golf Academy. With the solid backing of Dairy Market, Virginia National Bank, and Premium Service Brands/Kids Lift Foundation, Glenmore hosted the first annualKids ISO Excellence Golf Event. More than one hundred golfers braved the slight threat of rain to answer the challenge of one of the area’s premier courses, while keeping in mind “young people who possess the drive and passion to chase excellence in golf but lack the financial resources.” A dozen Kiwanians and potential Kiwanians led by Past Lt Gov Eric Lamb followed the detailed instructions of the golf pro and helped greet the golfers, assist in registration and other pre-tournament preparations, and then helped monitor several of the challenging “best shot” holes along the course. Many comments were received from golfers and Glenmore staff alike about how wonderful it was to have so many friendly and enthusiastic Kiwanians on the course actively helping to make things run smoothly for the good of the kids.
***Leadership Transition for Kiwanis as it enters 100th year in Charlottesville
September 28, 2021 — As the saying goes, “the third time’s the charm.” Having served twice already as Club President, Jim Hart was handed the gavel for a third time in an elegant installation of officers ceremony at The Club at Glenmore on Monday evening, September 27. Teresa Tyler was recognized by Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh for not only guiding the club through the onset and progress of the pandemic in her year as president, but also for taking back the gavel in mid-year when President Jackie Waymire had to leave office and the club due to her husband’s job transfer overseas. Teresa is now happy to serve as our Immediate Past President. Governor Baugh thanked outgoing board members Charlie Krizek and Karen Dowell and welcomed new board members Dana Douglas and Philip Day. He installed Krister Briehl continuing as treasurer and Bob Ribando carrying on as secretary. In his closing remarks, Jim Hart reminded the audience of how the club in this centennial year will look towards our second century of service while “standing on the shoulders” of our distinguished predecessors who were civic leaders of great stature in their own right.
Besides a fabulous dinner and the raucous fellowship in the company of all our special guests, including five members of the newly chartered Jackson River Area Club, the evening saw the presentation of numerous awards to our Kiwanis servant leaders. Immediate Past Lt Gov Eric Lamb handed the Home Club banner to new Division 9 Lt Gov Pam Warren of the Jackson River Area Club. Lt Gov Pam awarded Legion of Honor certificates to PLG Bill Jones (35 yrs), Gordon Merrick, Philip Day, and Jim Hart (25 yrs each). Teresa Tyler awarded special gifts to Eric Lamb and Jim Hart for their outstanding assistance during her year and a half as president. Teresa graciously accepted a specially engraved pewter Virginia Cup recognizing her efforts in support of the children and youth of our community. A unique presentation of Wheaties boxes bearing the images of three “Kiwanis champions” — Charlie Krizek, Dana Douglas, and Martha Sites — entertained the crowd. Last but certainly not least, Jeanne Williams Masloff was awarded the prestigious George F. Hixson Award for her dedication to the mission of Kiwanis– “Serving the Children of the World.”
***Aktion Club Sends Tasty Autumn Greeting to Ronald McDonald House
September 13, 2021– The Kiwanis Aktion Club gathered for their September meeting at the Community Center at Innisfree Village on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon. The club decided it was time to turn their thoughts to the families who are staying at Charlottesville’s Ronald McDonald House while their children are undergoing treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital. Aktion Club Staff Counselor Carol Evans guided the Aktion Clubbers in baking no fewer than six dozen chocolate chip and cranberry chip cookies. Other Aktion Clubbers worked with Kiwanis adviser Jim Hart to create handmade greeting cards to be delivered to the families later that afternoon. The Aktion Club also gathered four dozen eggs from the Innisfree Village farm and several loaves of gluten-free sourdough bread produced by the Innisfree bakery and placed them in specially decorated packages. Club members and advisers were encouraged in their selfless efforts by a message received from RMHC executive director, Rita Ralston, who stated that Aktion Club’s generosity “helps families feel special and cared for regardless of the difficulties of their situations.”
***Boys & Girls Club Receives Large Donation of Toys and School Supplies from Kiwanis Charlottesville
August 26, 2021 — Following a substantial re-organization of the Kiwanis shed at Monday evening’s service work night, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was able to deliver a car load of toys, school supplies, and other items to the Cherry Avenue Unit of the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia. Club Unit Director David Cook expressed his great appreciation to what he called the long-standing relationship Kiwanis has had with the Boys & Girls Club. Pictured are Kiwanians Jim Hart (l) and Bob Ribando flanking David Cook as they presented hundreds of kites, t–shirts, packs of colored pencils, mini-bottles of spray sanitizer, and six nifty razor kick scooters for the use of the kids who participate in the after-school programs at the Cherry Avenue location.
David Cook shows Kiwanian Bob Ribando the coveted rolling cart of toys that kids earn the right to choose from
Almost all of these gifts-in-kind came to Kiwanis through the Walmart Good 360 Program with the intention that they be distributed to community agencies in need. David Cook took Ribando and Hart on a tour of the facility, specifically describing a unique program they have where kids are encouraged to excel in various character-building and extra-curricular educational activities in order to qualify for rewards available to them through these Kiwanis donations. For example, the kids are taught basic financial literacy skills while becoming gratified with toys or other items they desire. Charlottesville Kiwanians ought to take pride in the partnership that we are building with this excellent and expanding local agency which serves hundreds of children and youth in Central Virginia. Before the pandemic, the Cherry Avenue unit alone was serving on average more than 200 children and youth every day in its after-school program.
The Kiwanis Toy and Games Shelf that serves to encourage kids to succeed in character-building exercises.
***Lamb and Hart Represent Charlottesville at Capital District Kiwanis Education Leadership Conference (ELC) in Roanoke
Lt. Gov. Eric leads session”Kiwanis is a Conjunction”
August 23, 2021 — Division 9 Lt Gov Eric Lamb and Charlottesville President-elect Jim Hart constituted what might be called a “half an interclub” by their participation in the second annual Education Leadership Conference of the Capital District Kiwanis, held at the luxurious Hotel Roanoke from August 21 until August 22. Lt. Gov. Eric played a prominent role in the line up of speakers by presenting a unique, interactive speech entitled “Kiwanis is a Conjunction” wherein thousands of Lego pieces were distributed to the 130 Kiwanians in attendance who brought out their inner child and constructed cube-like structures which Eric explained represented how each Kiwanis club has a variety of diverse shapes, colors, and other attributes–all functioning together in conjunction to provide service to the children of the world. Lt. Gov. Eric’s talk was a more than fitting follow-up to a dynamic speech given by Past International President Jane Erickson, who gave a rousing talk about what is means when we say “Kiwanis is a Verb.” The host club of Roanoke provided excellent hospitality and ran a very enjoyable conference, which included a Friday evening informal get-together, and featured excellent keynote speakers at Saturday’s breakfast and lunch, as well as at Sunday’s breakfast. The Governor’s banquet Saturday evening was hosted by Harrisonburg’s Gov. Dennis Baugh. It was a gala affairs where recognition of the accomplishments of the Capital District Kiwanis Family in the past year were recognized with much enjoyment.
Lt Gov Eric was named “Distinguished Lt Gov” for Division 9 from 2019-2020, Charlottesville was saluted for membership recruitment (including our success in sponsoring the new Jackson River Club) . The Saturday afternoon business section saw the election of Jen Wolff as our Governor-Elect and confirmed Elana Gardner as Governor for 2021-2022. The business session also finalized the inclusion of the West Virginia District into the Capital District starting on October 1, 2021. The annual Ducky Derby Raffle smashed through its goal and raised more than $12,000 for the Capital District Foundation’s support of the nine Children’s Trauma Hospitals (including the great Children’s Hospital at UVA). On Sunday morning, the Capital District’s leadership team for 2021-2022 was announced along with details about upcoming District-wide and International conventions and get-togethers. For more information about al things Capital District see the Capital District Kiwanis website by clicking the hyperlink. You will find that the entire weekend was recorded by Capital District Executive Secretary Jeffrey Wolff. Attending ELC (either in person or virtually) was almost as much fun as attending DCON. Try it, you’ll like it!
President-elect Hart with delegation from the Alleghany Highlands and the Jackson River Clubs
***“Big Check” Delivered by Charlottesville Kiwanis to Piedmont CASA to Encourage their Efforts in Support of Foster Children
PCASA’s President, Kate Duvall (former Key Clubber and CKI member) accepts check from Kiwanians Eric Lamb and Jim Hart
August 17, 2021 — In place of their annual Dogwood Pancake Breakfast, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was proud to support Piedmont CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates) and The Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition–FCAAC–in their annual project to raise awareness and to benefit the foster children of our community: The Bluebird Parade. For the second year, due to the pandemic, the parade (art show) of unique art work creations was held on-line. The Kiwanis Club sponsored the creation of a special web site for this project so that the community could submit and view their art, vote for their favorites, and participate in a fund-raising auction. Folks from all across the community created a flock of amazing bluebirds who are like our foster kids, each one unique.
Kiwanis Charlottesville is so very proud of the selfless efforts of the members of its Aktion Club at Innisfree Village in support of the children and families in most desperate need in our community and around the world. Pictured at the top of the photo collage below is the Aktion Club’s multi-media creation entitled “It Takes a Bluebird Village.” Our Aktion Club’s submission was selected for an Honorable Mention Award by the community voting in the Bluebird Parade. Kiwanis support for Piedmont CASA also extends to special efforts for their unique “Bridges to Success” program for teens aging out of foster care, a most-vulnerable youth population in our community.
***Aktion Club Comes Through Again for the Kids in Need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary
Aktion Club members Happily Show off the Success of the School Supply Drive
August 17, 2021 — Once again The Jefferson Area Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village took the lead in organizing a school supply drive for the children in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. The call was put out in early July by the Outreach Commission at the Church of Our Saviour, where before the pandemic the Aktion Club had been holding its monthly meetings. “Back-to-school time will be expensive for families struggling to deal with COVID-19 impacts in addition to their normally limited resources,” said Diane and Bruce Dotson, co-chairs of the Outreach Commission. “We will collect pens, glue sticks, notebook paper (wide ruled) small boxes of crayons, magic markers, composition books, loose leaf notebooks and three hole punched zippered pencil pouches.We already have plenty of pencils.” But how do you conduct a drive, go shopping, collect items, sort them into boxes, and deliver them to the church while living in “a bubble” at Innisfree Village in remote western Albemarle County?
Not to worry, at their meeting on July 20, the Aktion Clubbers led by their Innisfree counselor, Carol Evans, met with Kiwanis advisers, Dana Douglas and Jim Hart, and put together decorated collection boxes and colorful posters to set up at prominent locations in the Village. They also voted to use the Amazon gift card prize that they received for their submission to the Bluebird Parade art project to purchase supplies and get the collection started. Finally, they called on members of the Kiwanis Family in Charlottesville to match what they could collect and deliver it to Church of Our Saviour before the deadline of August 16. Kiwanis Div. 9 Lt Gov Eric Lamb was able to locate two large boxes of school supplies in the Kiwanis shed (donations from the Walmart Good 360 project), and then several other generous donations came in from Kiwanians in time for the deadline. Jim Hart made sure they were delivered to the church who sorted them and delivered them to the school. The Dotsons expressed their great thanks for the selfless efforts of the K-Family once again this year in support of the children in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary.
Aktion Clubbers and Kiwanians Work Together for the kids in Need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary.
***Kiwanians Engage in Lively Discussion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
President Teresa Tyler leads DEI Workshop
August 17, 2021 — “Racism of any type is intolerable, and we will not allow it in the Capital District.” So reads the opening line of the Joint Official Statement published on June 7, 2020 by Capital District Kiwanis, Capital District Key Club, and Capital District CKI. To enable Charlottesville Kiwanians to embrace this charge in their daily lives as well as in the execution of the Mission and Vision of Kiwanis International, President Teresa Tyler organized two free-wheeling, interactive workshops, held during the Monday evening club meetings on May 17 and August 16 at the AHS Pod Classroom. Participants were encouraged to reflect on the Mission and Vision of Kiwanis and, to the extent they felt comfortable, assess the level of their individual feelings about racial identity and diversity. President Teresa and her colleague, Albert Toole, the educational technology director, at Western Albemarle High School, shared their own personal experiences and guided the participants in a discussion that many felt was eye-opening though fairly uncomfortable. Participants agreed, no matter what, to 1) stay engaged; 2) expect to experience discomfort; 3) speak their own truth; and 4) expect to accept a lack of closure on these issues. Thank you President Teresa and Mr. Toole for moving the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville “with urgency and determination in the direction of living up to the Objects of our various Kiwanis Family branches.”
Mr. Albert Toole is presented with replica Kiwanis bell by President Teresa Tyler
***Kiwanians Team Up with AHS Key Clubbers for Service Night at Central Library’s Children’s Department
July 27, 2021 — “Many hands make light work” and tonight we had many, many hands. A dozen Charlottesville Kiwanians were joined by sixteen Key Clubbers from Albemarle High School for a most successful service night at the Central Library’s Children Department on Monday evening, July 26. The Library’s Summer Reading Program for children is going strong, despite the pandemic, and staff provided the masked eager beaver K-Family members with hundreds and hundreds of books that needed to be labeled with stickers and made ready for lending. Other Kiwanis volunteers were tasked with assembling hundreds of “Make & Take” craft bags for the August take home programs. After about an hour and a half, books and bags were boxed up and the hungry volunteers retreated to a welcome pizza party upstairs in the historic Swanson Case Court Room. Central Library Branch Manager, Krista Farrell, congratulated the Kiwanis Club on its return to the library for another very successful service work night.
***Local Major League Baseball Phenom Shares Memories of Playing for Kiwanis Central Little League Team 60 Years Ago
July 27, 2021 — “We were the champs of Charlottesville back then and there was no doubt about it!” That’s how Mike Cubbage described his fond memories of playing Little League baseball in Charlottesville. President-elect Jim Hart met with the affable former major leaguer at his home and was very glad to share these memories and more. Mike opened a scrapbook his mother kept for him to the page with an article from the Daily Progress in the summer of 1962. The headline reads: “Kiwanis Tops Barracks Road” The Barracks Road Shopping Center team won the championship of the Dixie Little League while Kiwanis won the championship of the Central Little League, and the two teams faced off in an exhibition match in McIntire Park. Kiwanis came out on top, 5 – 2, with Cubbage knocking in four runs, including a solo home run. The winning pitcher for Kiwanis was Lindsay Sadler, who held the Barracks Road team to two runs. Among his many other souvenirs, Mike showed Jim his Kiwanis uniform from back in the day. Mike presented this to the Kiwanis Club to keep as a memento of the club’s many decades of support of the Central Little League. Jim was thrilled to accept the uniform (and several other precious items) and assured Mike that it will have a prominent place among other keepsakes being collected for the centennial celebration of the club’s founding in 1922. Mike stated that he can still remember how it felt to get all dressed up in a suit to attend the Kiwanis Club dinner meeting at the Monticello Hotel. He said the president even let him “ring the Kiwanis bell!” Jim explained that that same bell has been used by Kiwanis since 1934 and will be rung with pride in service to the children of the world as long as the club survives.
***Kiwanis/Walmart “Good 360” Partnership Keeps Rolling Along
July 10, 2021 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation agreed to extend for at least one more year Kiwanis participation in the “Good 360” Project acting as the donation arm for Walmart Store #1780 in Charlottesville. Non-perishable items like clothing, small electronics, toys, school supplies, sports equipment, household items of all types, lawn and garden items, and more are made available to Kiwanis on a weekly basis for distribution to community agencies in need of gifts-in-kind. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville in turn has reached out to more than a dozen community agencies since this partnership began in November, 2018. And more than $250,000 worth of gifts-in-kind has been distributed to agencies such as: The Salvation Army, The Haven, the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia, Boy Scouts of America, Ready Kids, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Shelter for Help in Emergency, SARA, Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, Ronald McDonald House Charities, People Places, Love in the Name of Christ, Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, FBC Soup Kitchen, Region Ten CSB. Pictured are Kiwanians Eric Lamb and Tom Lowe with a couple of recently donated bikes ready to go to a worthy community agency serving kids in need.
***38th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Run/Walk Benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge
July 5, 2021 — More than a hundred runners came out to Lakeside Middle School in the Hollymead Subdivision on the most beautiful and refreshing day of the summer to make the 38th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Run/Walk a big success.
Twenty Kiwanians and Kiwanis Family volunteers, led by race directors Sean Horn and Matt Haas, followed the directions of the Charlottesville Track Club and Blue Ridge Timing to present a most delightful and proficient morning workout through Forest Lakes North and South on Saturday, July 3. Major sponsor Better Living Inc. and more than a dozen other businesses (such as Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Fdn., Jefferson Asset Management, MIncer’s, Crutchfield, Ragged Mountain Running Shop, and Pepsi Cola CVA made generous financial and in-kind contributions so thatBig Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge will get a significant boost from our efforts. NBC29 ran stories both before and after the race to keep the Central Virginia community informed about this Charlottesville summer holiday tradition. The Daily Progress and CvlleCalendar.com listed the race on their Holiday Event Pages.
***The Tom Sox Show Their Appreciation to Kiwanis and the Kiwanis Family
Play Ball! It was time once again to come out to Crutchfield Park at Charlottesville High School to enjoy a night with the Charlottesville Tom Sox. On Thursday evening, June 10, a dozen Kiwanians and their guests gathered under our own big white tent to enjoy a picnic-style meal and marvel at the finest players in college baseball this side of UVA as the Tom Sox took on the Staunton Braves in a Valley League contest.
Free admission was granted to all Kiwanians, K-Family members, and their guests. Kiwanis was honored throughout the game by the PA announcer for the club’s contributions to the community. The “Serving the Children of the World” banner was strung on the fence along the third base line and Kiwanians proudly wore their Kiwanis gear and invited fans to meet us and learn about Kiwanis. On the following Thursday evening, June 17, the Tom Sox showed their appreciation for our friends at the great Ronald McDonald House of Charlottesville. Our Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village came out in force and not only enjoyed the game but took the opportunity to present executive director, Rita Ralston, with a collection of hand-painted rocks to be donated to the RMHC rock garden. Rita praised our selfless Kiwanians for their efforts.
***Kiwanis Key Clubbers Recognized for Excellence
June 5, 2021–The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville recognized the accomplishments of two graduating seniors from Key Clubs at local high schools with $500 scholarships in memory of long-time community leader and Kiwanian, J. T. Graves. The following students were selected by school officials for outstanding academic achievement and for inspiring leadership among their peers in community service: Serena Shepard, Albemarle County High School, and Karen Raphael, Western Albemarle High School;
The Kiwanis Key Club is the largest and oldest youth service leadership program in the world, with chapters on more than 5,000 high school campuses in the United States alone. The Charlottesville club sponsors four Key Clubs in this area (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging more than 300 students in energetic community service and thoughtful leadership development. The Capital District Kiwanis Key Club board recognized the Western Albemarle High School Key Club as Key Club of the Month of May. The citation read that the WAHS Key Club went “above and beyond” by raising money for the Eliminate Project partnering with the local Chipotle and for maintaining an on-going “Pen Pal Project” with the seniors at English Meadows in Crozet. Other service leadership programs sponsored by Charlottesville Kiwanis are a Circle K International (CKI) Club at the University of Virginia and the Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village and VIA’s Adult Academy, Funds to support these programs are raised mainly through our Christmas Tree and Wreath Sales.
***Aktion Club Participates in Bluebird Parade to Raise Awareness about the Needs of Foster Children in Our Community
June 1, 2021 — UPDATE**Our Aktion Club’s submission (pictured below) has been selected for an Honorable Mention Award by the community voting in the Bluebird Parade–they will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Congratulations to our creative and selfless Aktion Clubbers at Innisfree Village!
May 15, 2021 — Folks from all across the community created a flock of amazing bluebirds who are like our foster kids, each one unique. Enjoy the “5th Annual Bluebird Parade for Children in Foster Care” sponsored this year by the amazing Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. Kiwanis Charlottesville is so very proud of the selfless efforts of the members of its Aktion Club at Innisfree Village in support of the children and families in most desperate need in our community and around the world. Pictured at the top of the photo collage below is the Aktion Club’s creation entitled “It Takes a Bluebird Village.” You can watch the entire parade and vote for your favorites by following this link : https://bit.ly/3f8tOqP And please take the time to learn more about Piedmont CASA and the good work of the other members of the Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition by following this link http://thebluebirdproject.org/ Remember #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Second Service Work Night helps Ronald McDonald House
April 27, 2021 — “We are so honored to have great partners like the Kiwanis Club. Thank you so much to the Kiwanis for coming to plant flowers, blow leaves, and paint rocks for our new rock garden. We LOVE our volunteers! (Thank you to Everyday Café’s yummy barbeque for providing them with the fuel to get it done!)” that’s how Rita Ralston, Executive Director, feels about the steadfast support provided over the decades to Ronald McDonald House by Kiwanis Charlottesville and indeed by the entire K-Family. We were thrilled to find memorial bricks donated by the AlbemarleHIgh School and Western Albemarle High School Key Clubsin 1995 among the many still beautifully maintained on the terrace.
***Kiwanis Central Little League Team Off to Hot Start
**April 14, 2021–With the most exciting play in baseball, the Kiwanis Central League team stole home in the bottom of the 6th inning to trip up the Boylan Heights team 5-4 in a game last night at Geer Family Field in Pen Park. This win brought their record up to 2-0, having beaten the same Boylan Heights team 6 to 1 in their season opener on March 30. Team Manager, Jason Ness, is preparing his team to meet the challenge of a strong Falcon Club team in their next tilt on April 15. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is sponsoring a “Majors” team this Spring. This is the most competitive of the divisions in Central Little League, composed of player ages 9 – 12 who are drafted up from the Upper Minors and who compete for the League Championship and then represent the Central Little League in the City Championship. All-Star players are eligible to be elected to play in the Virginia District 14 Tournament. More than 200 youngsters play in Central Little League across all four divisions: Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Upper Minors, and Majors. Follow this link to see the schedule and standings and get more info about Central Little League, where Kiwanis Charlottesville has sponsored a team for many decades. Come out to the ballpark and cheer on Kiwanis! Wear your Kiwanis gear, as do the players, coaches, and their families and fans. #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Service Work Night Helps Ronald McDonald House
On Monday evening, March 29, 6 – 7:30 p.m. we put together a 1,400-piece mailing for our friends at the Ronald McDonald House. Eight Kiwanians and guests gathered (masked and socially distanced) at the Ben Hair Swim for Life Foundationoffices. Before the pandemic, for some twenty years, Kiwanis Charlottesville had traditionally reserved the fourth Monday evening of each month to perform a service work night at a local non-profit in memory of the great Kiwanian PLG Dick Fowler . This is the first such work night the club has attempted now that some of the restrictions are being lifted. If all goes well, we plan to gather at the Ronald McDonald House itself on the fourth Monday evening in April to do some outdoor yard maintenance and possibly some cleaning and scrubbing in the downstairs family game and activity room. See the calendar page for the latest information.
***Kiwanis Donates $3,000 in School Supplies to Three Albemarle County Schools
March 20, 2021 The answer was a “no-brainer,” according to Kiwanis Past President and current Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Eric Lamb. “It was a case of do we wait until we have a school supply drive next summer, or are we in a position to help the kids RIGHT NOW?” Faced with the on-going but necessary task of having to sort and account for an abundance of school supplies accumulating in the Kiwanis shed as a result of the weekly donation of overstock through the local Walmart Good 360 Program, Lamb reached out to his friends at Greer Elementary School, where Lamb once served as principal. “Yes, we do have kids who deserve a boost, and especially a gift that will certainly help them succeed in their studies,” was the response from Dorothy Spencer and Darla Ullery, Greer front office staff members who are pictured below Lamb inquired about whether they knew of other schools in particular need, and a contact was given for Walton Middle School, who was more than happy to send a staff member over from the southern end of the county to select supplies for donation. At the same time, Lamb’s fellow Kiwanian, Charlie Krizek,learned of a special need at Broadus Wood Elementary from his daughter who teaches at the Earlysville school. As a result, a third donation was prepared for Broadus Wood. The estimated value of the school supplies donated by Walmart for this distribution to the community by Kiwanis was $3,000. Earlier this year, Kiwanis made a similar donation of Walmart-sourced school supplies valued at $1,500 to Buford Middle School. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation matched that in-kind donation with a grant in the amount of $2,000. Lamb commented “It’s who we are:” Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers, both men and women, dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.
***Our Special 2021 Dogwood Season Project: “May is National Foster Care Awareness Month.”
Our goal is to have one original bluebird artwork to represent each unique child in foster care in our community. Right now, that number is over 200. The Bluebird Parade will be held online in May for National Foster Care Month.
Your bluebird can be a painting, sculpture, wood, fabric, glass – any medium you like. You can compose a bluebird song – or create a video – or show us your bluebird in a poem or prose. Just get it to us by May 7 and we’ll post it on our Bluebird Project website.
On May 10, when all the bluebird art is posted, the community will be invited to vote for their favorites. So spread the word! Share your bluebird with friends and family because the three bluebirds with the most votes will win prizes!
PRIZES: FIRST – $200 Amazon Gift Card. SECOND – $100 Amazon Gift Card. THIRD – $50 Amazon Gift Card PLUS RAFFLE PRIZES: Everyone who submits a bluebird will have a chance to win one of many raffle prizes. These prizes are possible thanks to our generous sponsor, theKiwanis Club of Charlottesville…
***Special Speaker for March Tells Kiwanis About the Burley HS Bears
Our special speaker on Monday evening, March 15, at 6 p.m. via ZOOM was James Hollins, president of the Burley Varsity Club. He spoke to us about the Burley Bears football team.
In 1956 if you wanted to watch winning football you went to see the Bears, at Burley, the Black High School. UVA had a disastrous season and Lane High School football wasn’t much better. The Burley Bears won the state championship and did not give up a single point.
Mr. Hollins told us about the Bears and what was lost when Burley High became Burley Middle School in 1973. There is an excellent 45-minute film about the Bears made by Lorenzo Dickerson. You can watch Color Line of Scrimmage here: https://vimeo.com/175644113
***Capital District Kiwanis Holds Virtual Mid-Year Conference
To download all the Powerpoint Presentations used: Click here To view photos from the Kiwanis Club of Nakawa Uganda: Click here To download and watch the Roanoke DCON21 Promo Video: Click here
A session you did not want to miss: Cavanaugh Bell is the 8-year-old Chief Positivity Creator of the bullying prevention nonprofit, Cool & Dope. With a mission to end all bullying worldwide by 2030, Cool & Dope creates family volunteer and activism opportunities to empower youth to speak up and to speak out. For the pandemic, Cavanaugh used his life savings to make care packs for senior citizens and was able to quickly mobilize global donations to create the Love is Greater Than COVID-19 Community Pantry that has served 12,000+ people since April 2020, including sending $32k of critical COVID supplies and food to the poorest community in the Nation, the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Cavanaugh has been awarded a Congressional Certificate of Recognition by House of Representative David Trone, been named a 2020 CNN Young Wonder and the National Action Network’s 2020 MLK Award Recipient as well as has had his work acknowledged by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, President Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris.This guy can inspire us all to be the best that we can be!
Cavanaugh Bell with the Start Quilt received in gratitude from Pine Ridge
“This 8 year old just inspired us all. At 8 years old he has formed a nonprofit to combat bullying and feed the underserved. My mind is blown!!!!”#coolanddopewww.coolanddope.com
***Special Speaker for February Tells Kiwanis about Ready Kids
Our special speaker on February 15 was Allison Henderson, Director of Philanthropy for over nine years at ReadyKids. In her role, Allison oversees all fundraising, communications and marketing for the organization. Kiwanis is for Kids!–first and foremost, for kids in schools and pre-schools; but also for kids with special needs and for kids in transitional and/or difficult situations. Our club is proud of our partnership with ReadyKids for more than nine decades.
Another agency achievement we learned about is how even during the pandemic the STAR Kids educators from Ready Kids are able to engage kids at MACAA Headstart and Barrett Early Learning Center classrooms in social-emotional learning with the help of puppets Al, Keisha and Ty.
***Kiwanis Service Leadership Clubs Reach Out for Valentine’s Day
Feb. 15, 2021 — On the Tuesday before Valentine’s Day, members of two of the six Service Leader Programs sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville devoted time, energy, and creativity to reach out to those in our community undergoing medical challenges or perhaps those just needing a friendly “pick-me-up.” In the afternoon of Feb. 9, members of the Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village met to bake goodies and make colorful Valentine’s greeting cards for the children, youth, and their parents who stay at theRonald McDonald House while their loved ones are receiving treatment from the great UVA Children’s Hospital. Kiwanis Adviser Jim Hart met with the group through video messaging and applauded the group for its selfless activity. In the evening of the same day, the CKI Club @ UVA held it first meeting of the spring semester via zoom and together created Valentine’s cards for the residents of the Senior Living Community called Martha Jefferson House. Members were also encouraged to participate in a project sending e-cards to the famous St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Participants chose card designs based on patient art and added their own personal message. We salute the members and advisers of all six of our Service Leadership Programs for continuing to meet during the pandemic and remaining active in performing meaningful service to the community.
*** “Cozy Comforts Backpack Kits” Given to People Places by Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
Feb. 4, 2021– “Thank you SO MUCH Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for the generous donation of Cozy Comfort Backpacks! Youth coming into care appreciate them so much!” That’s how the staff of People Places in Charlottesville expressed their feelings on Facebook. Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations. The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Cozy Comforts Project Director, Past Lt Gov Barb Ritter, explained that our Cozy Comforts project gives a backpack with a handmade fleece blanket, books, personal care items, and toys and games to children entering foster care. These treasures will be kept on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they enter the foster care system in the coming months. In the past three years our club has presented more than 200 backpack kits to 6 local agencies working with children in transitional and/or difficult situations.
***Kiwanian Retires Wreath-Making Machine and Converts it into a Planting Bench
January 15, 2021. When 35-year Kiwanian, Bob Ribando, took the wreath-making equipment and supplies back to WorkSource Enterprises, he got the idea of decommissioning the oldest of the three stands the club has been storing in Chuck’s closet. It is easily 40 years old and probably hadn’t been used in 20 years. Bob’s initial plan was to recycle the metal and use the wood as kindling, but then he realized it was much too valuable for such a fate. So Bob got the idea of making it into a planting bench. Here is what it looks like now after reducing its width by 6″ and replacing some of the rotten wood.
Bob didn’t spend a dime on anything. “The tile on top is from our kitchen back splash; the vertical elements in front are recycled shower curtain rods. the decorative ‘filigree’ on the front is the stuff used to keep leaves out of the gutters.” All fasteners, glue, mortar, grout, paint, etc. was stuff Bob already had in his shop. “Now I think it is too nice for a planting bench and am looking for a church or other non-profit that needs a new pulpit or lectern.” Kiwanis thinking green; recycling Christmas!!
***Buford Middle School Receives $3,500 School Supplies Donation from Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation
January 11, 2021. What can Charlottesville Kiwanians do right now to show their love for the kids of Charlottesville? This question came from a teacher at Buford Middle School who observed that many Buford students lacked the necessary supplies to help to them be successful in their studies. Teacher Elaine Sites brought this question in November, 2020 to her mother, Kiwanian Martha Sites, who raised it with her colleagues on the board of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation. Past Kiwanis President Eric Lamb, current Division 9 Lt Gov., learned of the need and got involved. He coordinates the “Kiwanis/Walmart Good 360 Project”, which on a weekly basis distributes on average two pallets of a variety of overstock and returned items (such as clothing, small electronics, toys, household items of all types, and more) from Walmart as “gifts-in-kind ” to more than a dozen local community organizations. He noted the overstock included school supplies such as pencils and notebooks that were on the list of needs for the Buford students. As a result, those items (and others) valued at more than $1,500 were donated to the Buford project, along with an initial cash donation of $250 from the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation. With this donation, Kiwanis filled an important gap for a planned first round distribution of school supply kits to Buford’s 575 students that took place in December 2020. The assembled kits are pictured below.
Also, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation treasurer Barb Ritter is pictured presenting a check in the amount of $1,806.08 to Elaine Sites which will allow a second distribution to be made to students on January 22, 2021. NBC29 did a story on this event, highlighting the club’s partnership with the local Walmart. The video was not archived, but here is the story https://www.nbc29.com/2021/01/22/buford-middle-school-holds-school-supply-distribution-event/ Hats off to the Kiwanis Club for this splendid effort and for its pledge of continued support for the children and youth of our community.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village Makes Holiday Cards for Children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School.
A file photo of the Aktion Club card-making activities
December 16, 2020. Members of the Kiwanis-sponsored Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village, once again working in cooperation with the Western Albemarle High School Key Club, created colorful holiday greeting cards at their regular meeting on December 15 while thinking of the children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School who participate in the Grab-A-Bag program of Church of Our Saviour. Aktion Club is a unique service leadership program for adults with disabilities sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. Their regular meeting place is “The Mission” at Church of Our Saviour, where the church’s food pantry is also located. The church operates a “Grab-a-Bag” program where 45 children in need at Agnor-Hurt receive foods for the weekend every Friday during the school year and even during the period of the pandemic when the children are not able to be in school. Church of Our Saviour volunteers were able to share these cards with the children with the “Kiwanis Family’s” best wishes of JOY and PEACE to all in this wonderful season.
***Virtual Salvation Army Kettle
January 11, 2021 UPDATE:
Thanks to all who participated in this year’s drive, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville met its goal and raised $1,500 for the Salvation Army.
December 11, 2020.
Calling all Kiwanis Family members and Friends! Join us in helping fill the Salvation Army kettle virtually this year. Help us to support the great work The Salvation Army does all year long. #KidsNeedKiwanis
The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has been ringing the bell for the Salvation Army probably as long as we have been selling Christmas trees and wreaths–possibly longer! Because of the health and safety precautions taken by many of our members due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to raise money this year with “a virtual kettle” in order to support the good work The Salvation Army does all year long. See my facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/jim.hart.336).
Please check out the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville’s virtual fundraising page at the link below and consider making a donation!: You can also share my post, if you like, to all our K-Family friends (such as our Key Clubbers and other SLPs) so that they can help contribute to the cause. Thank you. https://give.virginiasalvationarmy.org/team/334773
***Tree Lot Opened Black Friday; Sales are Brisk; Sold Out by Dec. 12.
We will have only 100 trees to sell this year, so we expect to sell out fast. Kiwanians will staff the lot in three-hour shifts: 10-1; 1-4; 4-7. Saturday-Sunday hours are 10 – 7; Monday-Friday, 4 – 7. Members can sign up to serve using the google spreadsheet sent out by Past President Teresa. Or simply call or email Teresa or President Jackie to claim a shift. Wreath-Making is set for Monday and Tuesday Nov. 30-Dec. 1, at 5:30 at a location TBA. During all activities, strict COVID-19 safety precautions will be observed Please cooperate.
***Charlottesville “Kiwanis One Day” Project Delivers Books to Ronald McDonald House Family Library
November 19–Kiwanis One Day! This year Kiwanis Charlottesville collected books (scores of books) for the children, youth, and their parents who stay at the Ronald McDonald House while their loved ones are receiving treatment from the great UVA Children’s Hospital.
On the morning of November 19 President Jackie delivered exactly 165 books to this remarkable community resource, where staff and volunteers will sort them and make them available in the library of the family room of the facility located adjacent to UVA Hospital.
All books have been discreetly labeled with a friendly Kiwanis sticker expressing our long-term and on-going support for the Ronald McDonald House. At the same time, the Jefferson Area Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village met on Tuesday, November 17, and as a service project baked two dozen gluten-free muffins to be delivered soon to Ronald McDonald House Charlottesville. #KiwanisOneDay#KidsNeedKiwanis
***Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village Raises Funds for Save the Children
October 17, 2020–Members of the Jefferson Area Aktion Club teamed up with the Western Albemarle High School Key Club on a beautiful fall Saturday afternoon to conduct a bake sale fund-raiser during the annual Innisfree Village community hay ride event. Amidst all the smiles and laughs and socially-distanced fun and fellowship, $241 was collected in support of Save the Children, a very well-known and respected international organization dedicated to improving the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities. Founded in London in 1919, Save the Children also provides emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts and is at work in 120 countries around the world. (See https://www.savethechildren.org/) Aktion Club counselor, Carol Evans, commented that it is fitting that the local Kiwanis family take on such a project as this in order to confirm our commitment to making a difference in global issues of importance while at the same time acting locally.
***Kiwanian Honored by Salvation Army During Annual Telethon
September 29, 2020–The Charlottesville Salvation Army, in partnership with CBS19, hosted the Eighth Annual Charlottesville Salvation Army Telethon Presented by Better Living, Inc. on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. The social distancing hosts included Dan Schutte (CBS19 News Anchor) and Joe Thomas (Joe Thomas in the Morning on talk radio WCHV). The community’s support is vital to the programs and services of The Salvation Army. This year’s goal was to raise $175,000 during the Telethon to support the soup kitchen and social service programs, and thanks to the receipt of two major challenge matching grants, one for $50.000 and another for $25,000, the community responded by donating $183,000. Other major supporting sponsors were Cathcart Properties and Neighborhood Properties.
Thirty-five yearKiwanian Bob Pflugfelder issued his annual Kiwanis Club Challenge to all service clubs in the area during the TV broadcast. Bob also posted a fundraising appeal for this event on his Facebook page. More than $2,000 came in through this challenge! Bob is a Life Member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and was presented at the telethon with a special award for his efforts over many decades. This rare salute called the “Others” award from The Salvation Army recognizes Bob for 34 years of service and his dedication to helping “Others” in need in the Charlottesville area. Congratulations, Bob, for an honor well-deserved.
***Refreshed Leadership Team Installed and Accomplishments Recognized at 99th Annual Kiwanis New Year Shindig
September 21, 2020–“Out with the old and in with the new” is a commonly heard shout at New Year’s celebrations. So let’s recognize and thank Teresa Tyler who is now our Immediate Past President, Don Foss, past treasurer, and outgoing board members Gordon Hair, and Christina Horton. Let us welcome new board members Sean Horn and Sandy Glennie, new treasurer Krister Briehl, and new president of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, Jackie Waymire. Hail, Jackie! The position of president-elect remains open. We should all be thinking about asking the right person to fill this position in 2020-2021 so that he or she can assist Jackie in her work this year and can contemplate leading the club as it enters its centennial year in 2021-2022. For more information about preparations for 2022, please follow the Task Force 100 page which can be found on the About Us tab. For the full slate of directors and board members for 2020-2021, also see the About Us tab.
President Teresa presented the following awards: for Excellence in Service to Jeanne Williams Masloff, who received a monogrammed (J–her favorite letter) travel case with elastics to hold essential oils; for Excellence in Leadership to Christina Horton, who received a monogrammed Yeti tumbler; for being “Mr. Kiwanis–The Nice One” — Jim Hart, who received a Kiwanis sweater quarter zip pullover; for being “The Shining Light” — Lt Gov Eric Lamb, who received a vintage Halloween blow mold for his collection; and for being “The Lifesavers” — Bob Ribando, Charlie Krizek, and Don Foss, who each received a #KidsNeedKiwanis cloth face mask –potentially life-saving accoutrements.
***Three Long-time Kiwanians Join Legion of Honor
September 21, 2020–How is it possible for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville to have become the great organization that it is today? Look no further than to the strong and active service provided by its long-standing members. Three such selfless veterans were singled out for recognition at the 99th Annual Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Gala on Monday evening, September 21. Hats off to Ray Hogan (40 years), Bob Pflugfelder (35 years), and Bob Ribando (35 years). Each has served the club in many capacities, including in the club’s top leadership position as president. All members of the club, including especially our most recent members, should look to these leaders for inspiration as well as for encouragement as the club approaches its centennial year in 2022. #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Tom Lowe Awarded the Walter Zeller Fellowship
September 21, 2020–In recognition of his many years of outstanding service to the children of the world while a member of the Kiwanis Club of Middlesex and now the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, Tom Lowe was presented with the prestigious Walter Zeller Fellowship at the 99th Annual Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Gala on the evening of September 21. Past President Bob Pflugfelder commented: “Tom Lowe is most deserving of a Zeller, as he is the hardest working man that I have been fortunate to know through our Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, and our KCOC Foundation. Tom is the consummate professional, ready to get going on a project for a non profit, lead us in a patriotic song, and reach out to help those in need. Thanks Tom Terrific .” The Zeller Fellowship represents a $1,250 contribution from Kiwanis Charlottesville and from Capital District Kiwanis to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund in support of the Eliminate Project. Through the Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus—a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 31,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. This Kiwanis Worldwide Service Project launched in 2010 has thus far resulted in the elimination of MNT in 46 out of 58 targeted countries around the world. The money raised through Kiwanis ($110 million) since 2010 has helped UNICEF and its partners combat maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) across the globe through education, outreach, and mass immunization drives. Tom’s award means that 694 women have been vaccinated, protecting them and their children forever from the scourge of neonatal and maternal tetanus. Since 2010, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, together with its various Service Leadership Programs, has donated more than $34,000 to the Eliminate Project. Congratulations, Tom, and thank you for your enduring service!
***99th Annual Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Night
September 21, 2020– About twenty-five Kiwanians and guests gathered on Monday evening, September 21, in the beautifully decorated backyard of the home of PLG Barb Ritter for the 99th edition of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Gala. All COVID-19 health and safety precautions were observed throughout the event which featured a scrumptious four-course meal catered by The Local, remarks of greetings and congratulations by Capital District Governor-Designee Dennis Baugh, a welcome and presentation of awards by outgoing President Teresa Tyler, and finally the installation of officers by Division 9 Lt Gov Eric Lamb who presented the gavel to our President for 2020-2021, Jackie Waymire, who addressed the group and adjourned the meeting by striking the historic Kiwanis bell. For details about all the many awards and citations, please see the stories that appear on this page.
***Kiwanis Family School Supply Drive Succeeds Amidst the Pandemic
School Supplies Sorted and Organized for the Parents at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School
August 24, 2020–The Jefferson Area Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village took the lead this year in spurring the Charlottesville Kiwanis family to respond to the call for school supplies for the children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. The call was put out by the Outreach Commission at the Church of Our Savior, where the Aktion Club holds its monthly meetings. “Back-to-school time will be expensive for families struggling to deal with COVID-19 impacts in addition to their normally limited resources,” said Diane and Bruce Dotson, co-chairs of the Outreach Commission. The most-needed items: pencils, pens, glue sticks, notebook paper (wide-ruled), small boxes of crayons, magic markers, composition books, loose leaf notebooks, and three-hole punched zippered pencil pouches. But how do you conduct a drive, go shopping, collect items, sort them into boxes, and deliver them to the church while living in “a bubble” at Innisfree Village in remote western Albemarle County? Not to worry, at their meeting in early August the Aktion Clubbers decided to purchase $100 worth of the needed school supplies and then set up a “store” in the Innisfree Village, where community members could come and purchase items for donation. Aktion Club staff advisor, Carol Evans, then arranged her schedule to make sure the items would be brought to the church on East Rio Road on the designated Saturday, between 11 a.m. and 12 noon, for the “contactless drive-up drop off.”
Inspired by the selfless effort made by the members of our very special service leadership program, Kiwanis Aktion Club advisor Jim Hart appealed to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville to come up with a way tomatch this effort. Almost immediately, PLG Barb Ritter and Division Nine LTG Eric Lamb put their heads together and searched the Kiwanis shed where weekly donations from Walmart are kept for distribution to local agencies as in-kind gifts. They found a plethora of school supplies that had been placed in reserve for the Cozy Comforts backpack program. A decision was made to make use of these supplies now to match the support given Agnor-Hurt by the Aktion Club. Eric boxed up the materials and brought them to Pen Park where the Kiwanis Club was having its regular Monday evening open-air meeting. Barb placed them in her vehicle and arranged her schedule to make sure they could be delivered to the church on the upcoming Saturday morning or to the school directly. Other Kiwanis members were encouraged to bring supplies to Pen Park to add to Barb’s collection. And, in addition, Kiwanians were invited to make cash donations directly to the church’s outreach seasonal ministry in support of their efforts helping Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. The church’s food pantry operates a “Grab-a-Bag” program where 45 children in need at Agnor-Hurt receive foods for the weekend every Friday during the school year and even now through the summer and during the period of the pandemic when the children are not able to be in school.
On behalf of the Agnor-Hurt families, the Dotsons applauded the efforts of the Kiwanis Aktion Club in showing innovation and leadership amidst these challenging times to meet the needs of children and families in need. For Charlottesville Kiwanis, it was just another example of how we realize: “Life is short. Do stuff that matters.”
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Play Big Role At 101st Annual Capital District Convention
August 23, 2020–The 101st Annual Capital District Convention had been scheduled for August 21-23, 2020, in Richmond, VA. As Convention Chair, past Charlottesville Kiwanis President and present District Nine Lt GovEric Lamb had been working tirelessly for more than a year to make this the best DCON ever. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District board needed to convene an “emergency” House of Delegates meeting. It was held via video conference at 7 p.m. on Friday, August 21. The District conducted the business of the typical House of Delegates with District Delegates-at-Large only. These included the District Officers, District Board Members, and Past District Governors. Congratulations to Dennis Baugh on his election as Governor designate and Elana Gardner on her election as Governor Electdesignate for the 2020-2021 year. Amendments to District Bylaws were approved and the State of the District address took place
Lt Gov Lamb had organized a splendid program for what the District has called A Kiwanis Education Day scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thanks to the cooperation of many leaders throughout the Capital District, (including Charlottesville Kiwanians Teresa Tyler, Jim Hart, Christina Horton, Don Foss, and of course Eric Lamb, the “Education Day” Program took place virtually and went on right on schedule without a hitch. All of the on–line presentations were recorded by Past Gov Jeff Wolf and published to the District website and are available now for all to view at any time. For a PDF of the program called “Vision for the Future” click here https://drive.google.com/file/d/128KXluySYuJdI7bjJ2kQwZILpFBnsbUv/view
***Cozy Comforts Backpacks Donated to Three Local Agencies
July 30, 2020– Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations.The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. In the past two weeks forty-five backpacks were distributed to representatives of Ready Kids, Elk Hill, and Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), who will make sure children in their care receive them in their time of desperate need. Each back pack includes a hand-made fleece blanket to surround a child with warmth; books and puzzles to share together as a family; nightlights for security and safety; and various personal care items to ensure health and well-being. Our hope is that this small gesture and thought will bring a sense of security and comfort to these children and their families as they navigate the challenges of transition and ensure them that they are happy, healthy, safe and loved. More than 170 backpacks have been donated by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville over the past several years to a half-dozen local agencies serving children and youth who are in transitional and/or difficult situations.
Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Team Leader Barb Ritter (L) presents backpacks to Shannon Banks from Ready KidsSarah Ellis from Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) accepts Kiwanis Cozy Comforts donation
***Kiwanis Charlottesville Awards $1,500 in Three J.T. Graves Key Club Scholarships
July 20, 2020–The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville recognized the accomplishments of three graduating seniors from Key Clubs at local high schools with $500 scholarships in memory of long-time community leader and Kiwanian, J. T. Graves. The following students were selected by school officials for outstanding academic achievement and for inspiring leadership among their peers in community service: Jonathan Swap, Albemarle County High School; Chloe Kienzle, Western Albemarle High School; and Hannah Alther, Monticello High School.The Kiwanis Key Club is the largest and oldest youth service leadership program in the world, with chapters on more than 5,000 high school campuses in the United States alone. The Charlottesville club sponsors four Key Clubs in this area, engaging more than 300 students in energetic community service and thoughtful leadership development. Other service leadership programs sponsored by Charlottesville Kiwanis are a Circle K International (CKI) Club at the University of Virginia and the Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village and VIA’s Adult Academy, Funding to support these programs comes mainly from the annual Kiwanis Christmas Tree and Wreath sales project, looking forward to its 88th year.
***Kiwanians Craft Necklaces and Bracelets Showing Care for Kids
July 13, 2020– Charlottesville Kiwanians met at Pen Park Shelter #1 for a board meeting at 5:30, followed by a general club meeting. Dinner prepared by Tropical Smoothie was served picnic-style to attendees who maintained proper physical distance while socializing. Following dinner, members engaged in a service project where they crafted colorful bracelets and necklaces composed of exactly 206 beads. Why? I’d bet you did not know that each Kiwanian impacts an average of206 kids per year? 1 bead =1 child impacted. That means this year sixty Charlottesville Kiwanians have the potential to impact 12,360 kids. Do the math! #KidsNeedKiwanis.
A sample of one of dozens of necklaces and braaelets crafted by Charlottesville Kiwanians to demonstrate their care for kids.
***Kiwanians Provide Support for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge through the 37th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race
From Left, Blue Ridge Bigs Executive Director Athena Gould accepts the “Big Check” from Division 9 LTG Eric Lamb and KID5K Race Director Sean Horn
July 1, 2020–All Kiwanians and K-Family members are encouraged to participate in the 37th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K race, taking place VIRTUALLY on July 3-4-5. We are all invited to participate in support of BBBS even though we will not gather as a group as we have done for the past 36 years. First, visit the Charlottesville Track Club site http://www.cvilletrackclub.org/july-4.html There you will find all the information you need regarding the format for this year’s virtual event. We are raising money for a great kid nonprofit, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge and we’ve received a generous head start with outstanding contributions from Better Living Inc. and Magellan Health. You too can contribute to the cause–simply go on-line as if to register and find the “donate” button. You will see that a goal has been set of $1,000. You can donate right there and help us reach and exceed the goal. You can also register to run or walk–it’s good for your health; consider participating in that way. I hope to see the names of many Kiwanians and K-Family members registering and donating for the 37th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K.
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Current News & Activities
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Return for Service Work Night at Lafayette School in Troy
January 28, 2025 — For the past twenty-five years Kiwanis Charlottesville has designated the fourth Monday evening of every month as “Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night,” and a no more worthy project than this one at Lafayette School could have been found to fulfill the club’s mission of “Serving the Children of the World.” Lafayette School was established in August 1999 in Charlottesville, Virginia, to serve children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems in a therapeutic day school environment. In an email sent to the whole club, Kiwanis board member Cindy Reynolds explained that “Lafayette School is a private school serving approximately 9 children and youth with behavioral health disorders who need intensive support and therapy to succeed in school. Often, the child spends 1-2 years at Lafayette before successfully returning to graduate from their home high school.” Recognizing these sentiments, eleven Kiwanians led by President Wendy Cooper returned to this remarkable learning community located in Troy, Virginia yesterday evening. As they did this past October, the group divided into teams to accomplish a prodigious amount of work in just over an hour and a half. They shampooed carpet, touched-up paint, wiped down tables, chairs, and cubbies, hung some artwork, and decorated one of the cork boards. (Phew!) Yesterday evening’s service project demonstrated once again that “Kiwanis is a Verb.” Indeed, it makes you proud to be a Kiwanian!
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Benefits from Amazing Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts-in-Kind Program
December 30, 2024 — The International Rescue Committee (IRC) gave a shout out to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville in a facebook post: “Around this time of year, we’re especially grateful for the support we receive from local partners like the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. Over the last few weeks, they’ve been able to provide the IRC with donations of toys, household items, and other goods they’ve received through a charitable partnership with our local Walmart. Their giving spirit has a direct impact on the lives of the refugee families we serve, and we’re excited to continue working with them in the future. Our thanks to Jim Hart, Eric Lamb, and the rest of the Kiwanis team for all of their efforts!”
In November, 2018 the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation became the new donation distribution arm for Walmart Store #1780 in Charlottesville. Non-perishable items like clothing, small electronics, toys, school supplies, sports equipment, household items of all types, lawn and garden items, and more are made available to Kiwanis on a weekly basis for distribution to community agencies in need of gifts-in-kind. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has reached out to more than a dozen such community agencies since this partnership has been in effect and now has made available more than $1,000,000 worth of gifts-in-kind.
Agencies benefitted include: The Salvation Army, The Haven, the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia, Boy Scouts of America, Ready Kids, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), SARA, Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, Ronald McDonald House Charities, People Places, Piedmont CASA, Love INC, Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, FBC Soup Kitchen, Region Ten CSB, Come as You Are Cville, Pilgrim Baptist Church, Community Bikes, Abundant Life, Central Little League, Community Bikes, Stepping Stone, Albemarle County and Charlottesville City Schools.
Kiwanis Family projects, such as Cozy Comforts, Key Club, CKI at UVA, Dogwood Pancake Breakfast, Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race, Kiwanis Christmas Trees, etc., also benefit from this collaboration
***Kiwanians Back “In Person” Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army
December 22, 2024 — After a one-year hiatus made necessary by the sudden eruption of covid-19 among several of the volunteer ringers last year, Charlottesville Kiwanians were back in person staffing the kettle for the Salvation Army on the busiest shopping day of the season, Saturday, Dec. 21, from 10 a.m. until 6 :00 p.m. at Kroger Rio Hill. We have enjoyed working this busy location for many years until the pandemic, when we resorted to filling the “virtual” kettle. Club Past President Jim Hart circulated a sign up sheet several weeks before the date and fourteen Kiwanians took the opportunity to ring in one-hour shifts. This good turn out of volunteers allowed us to have two Kiwanians (or K-Family members) at each shift for fellowship and security. Salvation Army HQ reported that our kettle contained $800 as a result of our efforts, more than twice the amount reaped from our previous live effort in 2023. Kiwanis is proud to stand year-round with the Salvation Army in providing help to those friends and neighbors in desperate need in our community.
***Charter Presented to the Kiwanis Builders Club at Walton Middle School in Stirring Ceremony.
December 18, 2024 — Our club was honored to officially present the August 2024 Charter to the Walton Middle School Builders Club. There are so many to recognize and thank. First of all, the faculty leadership Jennifer G. & Rebecca K. along with our very own International Trustee Dennis B. who will be their club advisor. Immediate Past President Cheryl K. presented the charter certificate and Dennis and President Wendy C. spoke to both the students and parents. We want to recognize both the students for their hard work as a club already and the parents for supporting their children now and in the future as they work to improve the lives of children in our world.. We wish them so much success! (from facebook post)
***Santa and Mrs. Claus Pay Visit to Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at Fluvanna County High School
December 8, 2024 — With a hearty “ho-ho-ho,” the “jolly old elf” and his gracious companion, Mrs. Claus, entertained patrons and volunteers alike at the first-ever Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast with Santa which took place at Fluvanna County High School on Saturday morning, December 7. Guests were greeted by Kiwanis President Wendy Cooper who directed them to the griddle, supervised by Kiwanis Assistant Treasurer Matt Laird, who served up perfectly flipped flapjacks, ready to be covered in butter and drowned in syrup, and paired with hot sausage links. Our generous friends at the Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Central Virginia provided orange juice and bottled water. Proceeds from this special fundraiser are ear-marked for Kiwanis service projects, including the possible development of a Key Club at Fluvanna County High School, which is a special “intention” on President Wendy’s agenda this year.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Serve Thanksgiving-Style Meal for the Historic Tenth & Page Street Community
November 25, 2024 — A twenty-foot banquet table groaned under the weight of dozens of plates, trays, bowls, pans, dishes, and other containers brimming with hot Thanksgiving-style favorites prepared by a team of chefs from Pilgrim Baptist Church, located in the heart of the historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood. And along the wall, another large table held dozens of cakes, pies, and cookies. For this month’s Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night, seven Charlottesville Kiwanians showed up to “Feed the Community.” Kiwanis President Pastor Wendy Cooper had invited the neighborhood to join her congregation in the church’s beautifully decorated Fellowship Hall for a Sunday afternoon of good eating and warm togetherness. And no one went away hungry. Indeed, many guests were able to take plates to loved ones and shut ins, before the Kiwanis volunteers prepared two dozen to-go containers for delivery to visitors to The Haven, Charlottesville’s day shelter and housing resource center at First and Market. President Wendy’s vision for Kiwanis this year is for club members to be “intentional” about reaching into those communities within our community who may be over-looked and under-served. Won’t you consider becoming part of our efforts to make this vision a reality. Click here to find out how you can become a Kiwanis member.
***President Wendy Cooper Hailed as Capital District “Member of the Month”
November 1, 2024 — Over four thousand Kiwanians in 170 clubs across Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia are looking to Charlottesville Kiwanis President Wendy Cooper as the “Member of the Month” of October. In a Facebook post on October 30, Capital District Kiwanis stated the following: Wendy saw the devastation in North Carolina caused by Hurricane Helene. So, as President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, she took action. Wendy made a suggestion to her fellow club members about helping our fellow Kiwanians in Asheville. She reached out and made contact with Asheville Kiwanis President Beverly Buckner and Secretary Laura Foreman who helped Wendy to coordinate a support trip. She collected supplies for two weeks and, along with the help of her husband Chris, loaded up a van and drove to assist, not knowing what to expect. Wendy and Chris were met with tears and open arms. She was told that Charlottesville was the first Kiwanis club to visit with person-power on the ground in support of their community. At the time, Asheville still did not have running water, and the need was great. The need continues and will for some time. Wendy plans a return trip with other club members for an action-oriented interclub. This is a wonderful example of leadership, compassion, and serving wherever and whenever a need arises. Wendy replied in her own facebook post: Thank you! Couldn’t have done this without the support of the BEST group of Kiwanians yeah Charlottesville! I do it because I love the Kids Yes, Wendy, and the Kids Love You!
***Lafayette School in Troy Benefits from Kiwanis Service Work Night
October 29, 2024 — Yesterday evening’s service project at Lafayette School in Troy, VA, demonstrated once again that “Kiwanis is a Verb.” A dozen Kiwanians led by President Wendy Cooper divided into teams to organize the records room, arrange bookshelves, tidy up a small flower bed, stain the porch and a picnic bench, refresh the fall flowers on the porch, and clean desks. (Phew!) A delicious picnic-style meal was enjoyed by the participants, who also heard words of thanks from the school’s director, Jennifer O’Malley, and Brandi Washburn, Office & Records Manager. They explained that “Lafayette School was established in August 1999 in Charlottesville, Virginia, to serve children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems in a therapeutic day school environment.” For the past twenty-five years Kiwanis Charlottesville has designated the fourth Monday evening of every month as “Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night,” and no more worthy project than this one at Lafayette School could have been found to fulfill the club’s mission of “Serving the Children of the World.” Makes you proud to be a Kiwanian!
***Monticello High School Key Club Teams Up with Cville Sock Love for “Pocket Positivity Project“
October 25, 2024 — In a post on facebook, Cville Sock Love gave a shout out to the Monticello High School Key Club for participating in their “Pocket Positivity” project. “The positive affirmations that these students took the time to write will be shared with our under-resourced and unsheltered neighbors at an upcoming sock distribution. Our “Pocket Positivity” project needs you! Are you or a group that you’re a part of willing to write some positive affirmations for our sock recipients? These add a loving touch to a bag of fresh socks. They’re pocket-sized to serve as reminders to recipients that they are loved & supported. Reach out to us at [email protected] to participate!” Stay tuned–the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville may be able to devote one of its monthly “Service Work Nights” to such a worthwhile project.
Cville Sock Love was created in 2019 by Lindsay and Lily Simpson while students at Monticello High School. Their aim was to provide “fun, uplifting socks to hospitalized children.” They expanded this mission in 2020 to serve the under-resourced, as well. The web site states: “For families of hospitalized kids, socks and slippers are easily-forgotten items. They’re needed for trips to the bathroom and walks in chilly hallways. When it comes to socks for ailing kids, the more fun the designs, the better! Socks are a basic need that we all share. Plain or patterned, socks protect our feet and keep us warm. Too often, we take a fresh pair for granted. For the unsheltered, a clean pair is a sought-after item.” Besides donating socks to all central Virginia hospitals, Cville Sock Love has established partnerships with more than a dozen local organizations serving children and families in need, including The Haven, PACEM, The Salvation Army, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), the Ronald McDonald House, and People Places. Lily was secretary of the Monticello High School Key Club and in the spring of 2023 was named Teenager of the Year of District Nine of Capital District Kiwanis. She was nominated by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for Teenager of the Year for the Capital District and finished as runner-up. Scroll down this page to see stories about Lily and Cville Sock Love on April 17, 2023 and July 24, 2023.
Charlottesville Kiwanis sponsors four Key Clubs at area high schools (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging upwards of 300 students. With more than a quarter million Key Clubbers in over 40 countries worldwide, Key Club is the largest high school student-run service organization. And this year, Key Club International is celebrating its 100th year of service to the community.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Conduct “Interclub” with Western Albemarle High School Key Club
October 15, 2024 — Four Kiwanians made an Interclub visit to the Western Albemarle High School Key Club on Monday afternoon, October 14. President Wendy Cooper, Kiwanis WAHS Key Club advisor Jim Hart, new member Joan Werner, and Past Capital District Key Club Zone Administrator and current WAHS Assistant Principal Teresa Tyler arrived to observe more than 60 energetic Key Clubbers gathering in the Choir Room for their first general meeting of the 2024-25 school year. The visiting Charlottesville Kiwanians were invited to introduce themselves at the outset of the meeting and explain briefly just what in the world “Kiwanis” was: it’s “Key Club for Adults,” said spokesperson Jim Hart. Then the Key Club president introduced her large board of directors, described the various service projects that were on the agenda in the upcoming three or four weeks, and the club’s secretary explained how members could sign up to serve and log their hours on the club’s web site. The Charlottesville Kiwanians were truly impressed to learn about the marvelous record of service, leadership, and fellowship displayed by the WAHS students.
Charlottesville Kiwanis sponsors four Key Clubs at area high schools (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging upwards of 300 students. With more than a quarter million Key Clubbers in over 40 countries worldwide, Key Club is the largest high school student-run service organization. And this year, Key Club International is celebrating its 100th year of service to the community.
WAHS Key Club Secretary Liam Lu was featured on NBC29 in a recent story about a class he was taking on emergency medical services. “I’ve gone on a couple calls, both as like a volunteer and all that, doing clinical’s for this class, and there’s a bunch of stuff you see on those calls that you don’t see,” WAHS Student Liam Lu said. “I feel like it offers a really unique perspective as to what goes on around you that you aren’t exposed to as a high school student.” See the video here: https://www.29news.com/2024/10/31/albemarle-high-school-students-get-hands-on-ems-experience/
***Kiwanians Read to Kids at Locust Grove Elementary School
October 11, 2024 — In a “thrilling visit” to Orange County’s Locust Grove Elementary School, three Kiwanians read to six classes about anti-bullying and the importance of being a good friend. Charlottesville Kiwanis President Wendy Cooper, KCOC Foundation board member Jeanne Masloff, and Kiwanis Asst Treasurer Matt Laird opened their hearts as well as their books to the children, who showed their eagerness to learn how to be the best persons they can be. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville board recently voted to establish a K-Kids Club at this school whose administration and teachers welcomed the Kiwanis volunteers with great enthusiasm.
***”Passing the Gavel:” New Leadership Team Installed for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
October 4, 2024 — “Happy New Year Kiwanis!” Immediate Past President Cheryl Kirby handed the gavel to President Wendy Cooper who then rang in the “New Year 2024-25” for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville at a spectacular gala held at Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church on Monday evening, September 30. A unique “passing of the gavel” ceremony, which involved no fewer than 13 past Kiwanis presidents in attendance, preceded President Wendy’s inaugural address. (See the video here: https://www.facebook.com/1553678780/videos/pcb.10233284314640579/1109760063906055 Upwards of forty Kiwanians and distinguished guests filled Mt. Zion’s Fellowship Hall for an event that included a welcome from Pastor Alvin Edwards, a delicious dinner, greetings from Charlottesville Mayor Juandiego Wade, a year-in-review slide show, a splendid awards ceremony, the presentation of checks to this year’s “Top Five” children’s charities, and finally the installation of officers for the new year, our 103rd. Among the Kiwanians recognized for outstanding service in 2023-24 were Dana Douglas and Wendy Cooper for re-launching the perennial Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, Cindy Reynolds as Kiwanis Rookie of the Year, Jim Hart as Historian and Media Contact, Michelle LaRose for being Louise to Cheryl Kirby’s Thelma, Dennis Baugh (and wife Darlene) for friendly mentoring and leadership advice, and Eric Lamb in his role as Capital District Governor. Cheryl Kirby received a patriotic display of 50 American flags beautifully crafted by Kiwanis Secretary Bob Ribando to display in her office at Atlantic Union Bank on all national holidays. And then she was most appropriately honored by the presentation of the prestigious George H. Hixson Fellowship Award by Kiwanis International Trustee and Club Treasurer Dennis Baugh.
This year’s “Top Five” Children’s Charities were recognized in a dignified check presentation ceremony: The Salvation Army-Camp Happyland, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Ben Hair Just Swim for Life,(represented by Gordon Hair) Community Bikes,(represented by Jake Oswalt) and Central Little League (represented by Alan Dalkin).
After remarks from current Capital District Governor Eric Lamb (Charlottesville), Governor-Elect Josh Hiscock (Ellicott City, MD), and Division Nine Lt Gov. Susan Knick (Jackson River Area), Division Nine Lt Gov-Elect Marcia Geiger (Waynesboro) presided over the installation of directors and officers for the new Kiwanis year: outgoing directors are Dana Douglas and Philip Day, continuing directors are Michelle LaRose, Cindy Harris, Bob Pflugfelder, and Jake Oswalt, and new directors are Cindy Reynolds and Eric Lamb. Continuing as Treasurer is Dennis Baugh and Asst Treasurer Matt Laird. Continuing as Secretary is Bob Ribando and as Asst Secretary Dennis Baugh. President-elect is Marieka Williams. After explaining the duties of Immediate Past President to Cheryl Kirby, Lt Gov-Elect Marcia installed Pastor Wendy Cooper as President to serve for the 103rd year of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. In her gracious and inspiring inaugural address President Wendy announced her “theme” for the year– “Be Intentional“ — and explained the importance for every Kiwanian to keep the Objects of Kiwanis in mind always and make their best efforts to fulfill our mission: “Serving the Children of the World.”
***Charlottesville Chief of Police Special Guest of Kiwanis Club
September 17, 2024 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was honored to have Charlottesville Chief of Police Michael Kochis as guest speaker on Monday evening, September 16, at Pilgrim Baptist Church located in the historic Tenth and Page Street neighborhood. It was a pleasure to hear about what has been happening in the Charlottesville community since his arrival in January 2023. For example, he spoke about “Community Policing.” He said: “What is one word that comes to mind when we talk about Community Policing? ‘Trust’ How do we get trust? We build relationships. How do we build relationships? We need to be present and communicate.” Chief Kochis was accompanied by Sergeant Eric Thomas. who has been doing a terrific job organizing “Community Action” teams, which engage local citizens to meet regularly and work along side police officers to promote the safety and security of their neighborhoods. Kiwanis President-Elect Wendy Cooper and her husband, Rev. Chris Cooper, who are co-pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church, are members of Sergeant Thomas’s Community Action team. The many Kiwanians and guests in attendance had challenging questions for Chief Kochis and Sergeant Thomas, which they gladly answered. Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby expressed our great appreciation to Chief Kochis for visiting us tonight by presenting him with the replica Kiwanis bell.
***The Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation Helps Eagle Scout Organize Refugee Swim Meet
September 10, 2024 — One of the “Top Five” non-profits designated for support in this year’s Kiwanis Project budget gained the attention of local news media by encouraging a local high school student in his Eagle Scout Project. See the NBC29 story by clicking here: High school student organizes “Splash Bash” refugee swim meet. Tommy Rockwell said he got the idea to organize the competition because, simply put, “he loves swimming.” He learned about the Benjamin Hair Swim Just for Life Foundation and wanted to contribute as part of his Eagle Scout Project. “I wanted to do something that would allow people to enjoy swimming just as much as I do,” Rockwell said. The event brought in nearly 60 young swimmers and their families, who lined the pool with beaming smiles and cameras out.“It’s for underprivileged kids in the community who have been swimming all summer and doing swim lessons,” Rockwell said. “This is like their culminating event for the season.” Charlottesville Kiwanian Gordon Hair established the foundation in memory of his son, Benjamin, who died in a tragic car accident fifteen years ago. Benjamin was an accomplished swimmer, life guard, a member of the Albemarle High School Key Club, and an Eagle Scout. “The mission of the Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation (BH-JSL) is to raise awareness of the need, and to provide the motivation, systems, and tools to waterproof our community so that all children have basic swimming skills and are safe around water.” The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville salutes BHJSL for reaching out to those chronically under-served members of our community to help them learn basic swimming skills, feel safe around water, and enjoy the fun and excitement of water sports for the enrichment of their lives.
***Capital District Convention Honors Outgoing Governor, Charlottesville’s Own, Eric Lamb
August 26, 2024 — Ahoy Matey! Charlottesville Kiwanians, President-Elect Wendy Cooper and Immediate Past President Jim Hart, joined with over 200 other Kiwanians and guests from Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia at the 104th Annual Capital District Convention held at the Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel to celebrate a successful year of serving the children of the world under the superb leadership of another Charlottesville Kiwanian, District Governor Eric Lamb. The sea-faring theme of the conference, entitled “Anchoring Our Future” ran from Friday, August 23 to Sunday, August 25, and featured a full-day of educational workshops, two service projects, several fellowship breakfasts and luncheons, a pirate-themed banquet gala, fun at the Norfolk Tides baseball game, Caring Corner, Ducky Derby, and several productive business meetings counseled by Kiwanis International Trustee from Butte, Montana, Cathy Tutty. Sunday morning’s inspirational breakfast was followed by ceremonies involving a bounteous farewell and thanks to Governor Eric Lamb and his team of Lt Govs for their service, and the installation of a new leadership team, led by Governor-Designate Ellicott City (MD)’s Josh Hishcock. In a dignified ceremony, Wendy transferred the Governor’s home club banner to the Ellicott City club.
Among the important workshops was one led by Wendy Cooper entitled “Charting a Course To Equity–Equipping Clubs with DEIBA.” Wendy, who has served as the 2023-24 chair of the District’s Young Children Priority One committee, is the 2024-25 chair of the District’s DEIBA committee.
Capital Kiwanians are urged to mark their calendars for upcoming events, including the Mid-Year Conference in Cambridge (MD) February 28-March. 2, 2025; the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention (ICON) in Pittsburgh (PA )from June 25-28, 2025; and the 105th Capital District Kiwanis Convention (DCON) in Arlington (VA) August 23-25, 2025.
***Charlottesville Kiwanis Club Speaker Meetings Are Informative and Fun
August 20, 2024 — The two speaker meetings of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville during the month of August provided attendees with important information as well as an opportunity to have just a good old time with dear friends. On Monday evening, August 5, Jessica Carter, the founder and executive director of HER Sports gave an inspiring talk about how the organization she leads “uses sports as a blueprint for girls to succeed in life by providing holistic experiences that create positive youth development.” And Jessica was a “good sport” as she pulled the winning ticket in the evening’s fifty-fifty drawing–reading the winning number “from left to right and very slowly” just as directed by Happy Dollars chairman, Jack Compton. And if that were not enough to set the room aglow with frivolity, club members also took the opportunity to sing Happy Birthday to sixty-year Kiwanian, Dr. Jim Masloff, who was celebrating his 93rd birthday with the group.
And on Monday evening, August 19, the club welcomed Kyle Ramey, Development Manager, at AHIP (Albemarle Housing Improvement) to Timberwood Grill. Kyle explained that “AHIP is here to keep our neighbors’ housing safe and secure. We perform repairs all the way from leaky roofs to broken plumbing.” Kyle was also pressed into service, pulling the winning ticket in the exciting fifty-fifty drawing. Kyle dutifully read off the numbers in the prescribed manner, which elicited the much-anticipated raucous cheers and groans. And on this night, another Kiwanian was celebrated for reaching his 90th birthday–none other than Happy Dollar chairman Jack Compton, whose daughter and new Kiwanian, Cindy Reynolds, shared with the group two beautiful and delicious birthday cakes. Come join us–we meet on the first and third Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. See the club calendar page for details: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/calendar/
***Kiwanis President-Elect Featured in TV Coverage of Westhaven Community Day
August 6, 2024 — For the second straight year Kiwanis participated in “Westhaven Community Day,” a spectacular service fair taking place on the first Saturday in August for the past 27 years along Hardy Drive in the heart of the historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood. And once again Kiwanian Wendy Cooper and her husband Chris, the co-pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church, set up the Kiwanis tent right next to the church’s tent and invited the public to visit the neighborhood, enjoy a meal, and interact with friendly and welcoming church members and friends. Wendy is the President-Elect of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club, and she took the opportunity to enlighten the wider community about the Westhaven neighborhood as well as the Kiwanis mission during an interview that was broadcast on the NBC29 weekend news. To view the story click here: Westhaven gathering highlights community, fun, mutual support. “We stand for children, family, and togetherness. so and this is what this event embodies children, family, and togetherness and including partnerships,” said Wendy. She spoke in front of a table groaning under the weight of information about Kiwanis activities. She also gave away colorful Kiwanis Independence Day 5K-branded tee-shirts to anyone who stopped by. And dozens and dozens of folks stopped by. “You get to foster relationships, you get to see people you haven’t seen in a while, and it kind of makes for a family reunion,” Cooper added. “The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has been around for a very long time,” she said, “and we’re all about serving the children of the world.” Thank you Wendy Cooper for carrying the Kiwanis banner and, as our Kiwanis International Trustee, Dennis Baugh, says: “spreading the word.”
***Large Contingent of Kiwanis Volunteers Provide Much-Appreciated Service at Salvation Army Thrift Store
July 23, 2024 — A record number of volunteers turned out for July’s Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night at the Salvation Army’s Family Store (aka Thrift Store) on Cherry Avenue on July 22. No fewer than 16 Kiwanians, led by President Cheryl Kirby and directed by Kiwanian Jim Battaglia, who happens to be the development director at The Salvation Army, undertook a simple but daunting task–washing the large store front windows (inside and out) and mopping the entire showroom floor. “Don’t be afraid of the bleach.,” Jim said, indicating that the thorough cleaning was long overdue. The numerous Kiwanians fanned out across the expansive building, each wielding the necessary dry mop, wet mop, broom, squeegee, paper towel roll, soap bucket, trash container, rags, dust pans, and whatever. The team approach allowed for the task to be completed in just under one-hour. Jim B. put his shoulder to the wheel in helping to move large pieces of furniture so that the volunteers could get to every nook and cranny. Past Kiwanis President and Salvation Army Advisory Board Life Member, Bob Pflugfelder, went above and beyond by locating a scraping device of some sort so he could remove signs plastered to the entry doors so he could then wash those windows and help the store present a clean, crisp welcome to shoppers. As always, the group was treated to a scrumptious picnic-style pizza meal as they relaxed in fellowship after completing a job well done. And also as always, we were out of there by 8 p.m.
***Cville Village Board Members Present Program for Kiwanis at the Club’s “Speaker Meeting” on July 15.
July 17, 2024 — A team of four enthusiastic board members from Cville Village. came out to Timberwood Grill on July 15 to provide a program for the Kiwanis Club’s third Monday evening speaker meeting. Before being called upon to speak, however, the guests were pressed into service by drawing the fifty-fifty raffle ticket and reading, in the obligatory fashion, the winning numbers. As always happens, hoots and hollers accompanied the reading of each number until the lucky winners were identified. Maryann Long, president of the Cville Village board, opened her presentation by asking the Kiwanians in attendance: “Do you need more help at home as you get older? You’re not alone. CVille Village is an all-volunteer nonprofit that can bring that support to you – right where you live. . . Services include transportation to and from appointments, shopping, or events; check-in visits for those living alone; light housekeeping and yard work; and help with setup and operation of electronic devices.” Kiwanians responded with numerous questions and requests for more information. The Cville Village board members patiently answered the questions and in the end recommended that we see their FAQ page here: https://cvillevillage.org/frequently-asked-questions/ The session became a mutual admiration society as Kiwanians praised Maryann and her colleagues for their innovative ideas, while the Cville Village people touted Kiwanis and the Kiwanians for their long-standing commitment to helping the world improve “one child and one community at a time.” Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby presented Maryann with the replica Kiwanis bell in appreciation for her team’s presentation.
***Two More New Members Inducted at Kiwanis Meeting at Timberwood Grill
July 16, 2024 — The membership roster increased yet again as the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville welcomed two community volunteers in an induction ceremony held at Timberwood Grill on July 15. Katie Price, branch manager of the United Bank on the Downtown Mall, received her Kiwanis pin and certificate from Capital District Kiwanis Governor Eric Lamb, and expressed her special interest in working alongside other Kiwanians in supporting agencies serving children and youth in need. United Bank has been an active financial sponsor of Kiwanis fund-raising events and, by supporting Katie’s membership, the bank’s leadership expressed its intention to provide volunteer support from among its employees whenever the opportunity arises. Governor Eric pronounced the slogan “Kiwanis is a Verb” and assured Katie that these opportunities will be plentiful. Coming on board alongside Katie Price was Joan Werner, who has been an active volunteer in the outreach program at Church of Our Saviour and served for many years as a certified mediator at The Mediation Center of Charlottesville. Joan said she was attracted to Kiwanis by the friendly and enthusiastic welcome she received from all Kiwanians when she visited the club several times as a guest of her sponsor, Immediate Past Kiwanis President Jim Hart. Current President Cheryl Kirby presented Joan with her pin and certificate and led the members in attendance in a standing ovation welcome for Joan and for Katie. In just the past six months, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has welcomed seven new members. Can we add any more in the two months that remain in this Kiwanis year? Remember: “We have enough members to do what we are doing, but not enough to do what needs to be done.” Don’t forget to ask.
***41st Annual Kiwanis Independence Day Race Big Success
July 4, 2024 — “From 9 to 99”— all ages were welcome to participate in the 41st edition of the Kiwanis Independence Day Run/Walk held on Saturday, June 29, at Lakeside Middle School in Forest Lakes. The top female finisher, Zia Fadil, with a time of 18:59:57, is all of thirteen years old! The top male finisher, Eli Cook, whose chip time was 18:28:48, is nineteen. We had a ten year-old female, six 14 year-old males, and another 13 year-old male finish. At the other end of the age spectrum we were happy to see three octogenarians (one female and two males) finish with the vim and vigor of the other hundred participants. We even had a runner push a child in a stroller across the finish line. The winners were presented with beautiful wooden ribbon holders, hand-crafted by long-time Kiwanian and current Kiwanis Secretary, Bob Ribando.
This year five amazing local children’s charities will receive proceeds from the KID5K.:
The Salvation Army-Camp Happyland, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Ben Hair Just Swim for Life, Community Bikes, and Central Little League.
And none of this would be possible without the caring and energetic Kiwanis volunteers as well as the most generous support of our loyal sponsors. Please patronize the sponsors whenever you can and thank them on behalf of the children and youth of this community.
***Kiwanis Reaching Kids in Need Through Sports and Music
July 2, 2024 — Kiwanis volunteers everywhere are dedicated to “improving the world, one community and one child at a time.” In Charlottesville, Kiwanis members were recently informed of opportunities to work alongside organizations which have a similar goal–aiming to help children and youth in need reach their greatest potential–one through sports and the other through music. On June 3, Catie Dugan Vargas of the Tysons Kiwanis Club spoke to us about supporting a “Girls Rule the Court” tennis program for Charlottesville. See this story from Chamber: https://www.cvillechamber.com/2022/10/03/chamber-spotlight-girls-rule-the-court/ and this story on NBC29: https://www.29news.com/2022/10/06/free-tennis-lessons-taught-young-girls/ Catie stated that her organization is exploring the possibility of establishing a tennis court in a site in the historic Tenth & Page Street neighborhood where traditionally underserved young girls might have a location nearby to become engaged in a GRTC program.
And on July 1, the program for the evening at Timberwood Grill was presented by Katen Reynolds and Eli Ratzlaff from the Front Porch Music School. Katen explained that “we’re more than just a music school. We connect people through music. Our focus on music education extends outside of the walls of our Charlottesville location and into the heart of the city through our Roots & Wings outreach program. Our intimate listening room venue hosts concert experiences that will change your life. And our open jam program draws players from throughout Central Virginia.” Katen specifically invited Kiwanians to help Front Porch staff when they conduct a “Musical Instrument Petting Zoo” at a local public community event. Club President Cheryl Kirby (pictured presenting our speakers with the replica Kiwanis bell) suggested that Front Porch might benefit from a visit from caring Kiwanians on one of our fourth Monday service work nights, where we can do a variety of tasks, from stuffing envelopes, to assembling furniture, to painting and clean-up, inside and out. After all, “Kiwanis Is A Verb” in the words of Capital District Governor, our own, Eric Lamb.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Spend an Evening Caring for the Families at Ronald McDonald House
June 25, 2024 — For the fourth time in the past year and a half, Charlottesville Kiwanians designated their monthly service work night to helping out at the Ronald McDonald House. On the agenda was the preparation of dinner for the approximately 18 families who were staying at this most valuable local resource while their children are receiving treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital nearby. RMHC staff had several other sorting and wrapping tasks for the Kiwanians to perform, making sure that there were not too many cooks in the kitchen spoiling the broth. As usual, expressions of amazement were heard referring to the efficiency, talent, and boundless energy of Kiwanis volunteers. Kitchen Crew Chief, Club President Cheryl Kirby, remarked that it is our distinct pleasure to help “Serve the Children of the World” in this way.
***Three New Kiwanians Added to Charlottesville’s Club Roster
June 18, 2024 — Not since the Installation of Officers night in September had the Community Room at Timberwood Grill seen as many Kiwanians and guests. Upwards of 30 people filled the long table and crammed into the surrounding booths to enjoy dinner and fellowship. Club President Cheryl Kirby, with the help of Kiwanian Jack Compton, brought the meeting to order by conducting a raucous fifty-fifty drawing and then soliciting Happy Dollars. Kiwanis International Trustee and Club Treasurer Dennis Baugh provided a brief slide show explaining the agenda for the upcoming International Convention (ICON) to be held in Denver, Colorado on the 4th of July. Capital District Kiwanis Governor and Club Past President Eric Lamb then issued an invitation to the upcoming Capital District Convention (DCON) to be held in Portsmouth, Virginia on the weekend of August 23-24. Our special guest, Division Nine Lt Gov Susan Knick of the Jackson River Area Club addressed the group and introduced her successor, Marcia Geiger of the Waynesboro Club. Finally it was time for the highlight of the evening, the induction of THREE new members. Eric Lamb sponsored Betty Farrell. Cindy Reynolds sponsored Betty’s daughter, Donna Clark. And Immediate Past Club President Jim Hart sponsored Kristy Jones. Lt. Gov. Knick conducted a most dignified induction ceremony and the three new members were welcomed to the club with a standing ovation. To say the club is growing would be no surprise to the friendly staff at Timberwood Grill, who assisted everyone in the festivities in a most efficient manner.
***Community Bikes Benefits from a Visit from Caring Kiwanis Volunteers
May 24, 2024 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville designates a “Day of Caring” each month on the fourth Monday. It’s called the “Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night” and it has become one of the most popular regular activities for Charlottesville’s Kiwanians. On April 22, Community Bikes, a non-profit “bicycle shop that promotes environmentally-sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible in Charlottesville.” welcomed a team of a dozen eager Kiwanians, who were not afraid to get their clothes and hands dirty while pitching in to help fellow Kiwanian, Jake Oswalt, clean bikes, do general maintenance, and perform other organizing and clean-up work in the shop located in Preston Plaza. Jake is the operations manager for Community Bikes and became a Kiwanian in January, 2023. He has since risen to a position on the Kiwanis board and has taken on responsibility for fund-raising. When Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby took note of how Community Bikes uses dozens of rags in their grease-producing operation, she put out a call for another “Flash Mob” in order to produce a huge supply of rags in a hurry. Kiwanians and their families and friends did not disappoint Cheryl or Jake as the rags started pouring in almost instantly.
***New Members–The Lifeblood of Any Vibrant Civic Organization
May 21, 2024 — ” We have enough members to do what we ae doing, but we do not have enough members to do what needs to be done.” This was the mantra of Past Capital District Governor the late Bob Cressy. And Governor after Governor, before Bob and since, including the current Capital District Governor, our own Eric Lamb, remind us of the simple truth: “The more members we have, the more good work we can do serving the children of the world.” The board of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has voted to accept five new members in just the second quarter of this Kiwanis year. And recently we were pleased to welcome two of them into the club with especially dignified ceremonies held during our meetings at Timberwood Grill. The first new member inducted is Cindy Reynolds, CFRE, the daughter of Club member, Jack Compton, who sponsored her membership. Cindy is a Philanthropy Consultant with many years experience in the healthcare industry, including at UVA Children’s Hospital. Cindy has been tapped to represent Division 9 on the Capital District Foundation board as well as to serve on the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation board. Moreover, her seemingly boundless enthusiasm and cheery smile have brought a new-found energy to each of our club’s meetings and projects.
The other new member we inducted is Jim Battaglia, recently-named Development Director for the Salvation Army Charlottesville Corps. Jim comes to us with nine-years experience as a Kiwanian in Syracuse, New York and showed off his props as an “expert pancake flipper” at the club’s recent Pancake Breakfast, which raised funds for five amazing local children’s charities. Jim was sponsored by Salvation Army Advisory Board Life Member and Past Kiwanis President Bob Pflugfelder, who commented that Jim’s membership will solidify the very active collaboration Kiwanis Charlottesville has had with the Salvation Army in Charlottesville for more than 100 years. Welcome Cindy and Jim: #KidsNeedKiwanis and Kiwanis Needs You!
***Kiwanis All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast Is Back for the 16th Time During Charlottesville’s Dogwood Season
May 9, 2024 — A Charlottesville Dogwood Season tradition has made its return after a five-year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic. On Saturday morning, April 20, 2024 roughly a hundred hungry patrons made their way to the fellowship hall of Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church off Elliot Avenue between the hours of 7 and 10 a.m. to enjoy pancakes, sausages, strawberries, coffee, juice, and water in support of five amazing local children’s charities.
Proceeds from ticket sales, placemat sponsorships, and donations will benefit: Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, Central Little League, Ronald McDonald House , Salvation Army, and Community Bikes. BH-JSL funds certified Water Safety Instructors to conduct learn-to-swim programs to improve water safety in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area. Central Little League provides area boys and girls with an enriching, challenging, and exciting baseball and softball experience. Ronald McDonald House allows families who have children getting treatment at UVA Hospital to have temporary lodging nearby Salvation Army invites Charlottesville youth to attend the wholesome and exciting Camp Happyland each summer. And Community Bikes promotes environmentally sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible.
It was “all hands on deck” as more than 20 Kiwanians led by committee co-chairs Wendy Cooper and Dana Douglas made the event run “like a well-oiled machine.” Kiwanians were assisted by volunteers from Monticello HS Key Club, Key Club parents, and many spouses and guests of Kiwanians (“not-yet Kiwanians”), whose friendliness and enthusiasm spread like a healthy contagion throughout the hall. The appearance of our perennial favorite “Celebrity Pancake Flippers” amazed and delighted the young and the young at heart. Countless community members, many of whom have been faithful attendees for years, expressed their gratitude to the club for bringing back this popular fundraiser and urged us to “do it again.” Rev. Dr. Alvin Edwards, pastor of Mt. Zion, stated that his congregation was pleased to provide the venue for this event and suggested we consider “doing it again” later in the year. President-Elect Wendy Cooper was heard saying that she was “up for it” provided we can get sufficient volunteers, especially new members. No one can doubt that #KidsNeedKiwanis, President Cheryl Kirby stated, and “Kiwanis Needs You.”
***Kiwanis Sponsors Central Little League Team for 65th Straight Year
May 8, 2024 — If it’s spring time, it is time for baseball and, as the oldest sponsor of the Central Little League, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is geared up to cheer on Kiwanis at Pen Park. On Monday evening, March 25, as part of our traditional Dick Fowler Memorial 4th Monday Service Work Night, Kiwanians staffed the concession stand at Pen Park while the Kiwanis CLL team took on Boylan Heights in a Majors tilt. While Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby, Membership Chair Michelle LaRose, and new member Betty Farrell took snack orders, Kiwanis Club Secretary Bob Ribando and Club Foundation Board Member Tom Lowe met with the players and posed for a team photo. Other Kiwanians sat in the bleachers to cheer on the team and also talk up the upcoming Pancake Breakfast for which Central Little League was a designated beneficiary.
On a chilly Saturday morning, April 13 President Cheryl and Immediate Past Club President Jim Hart participated in Opening Day Ceremonies for Central Little League at Pen Park. Pancake breakfast tickets were sold to families who heard CLL President Alan Dalkin announce the event during the program. And on the big day, Saturday, April 20, dozens of Central Little Leaguers (in uniform) and their families came out to Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church to enjoy pancakes, sausages, strawberries, and a refreshing beverage before heading out to the ball fields for the morning’s games.
On Monday evening May 6, CLL President Alan provided a program for the Club’s 1st Monday Speaker Meeting at Timberwood Grill. A highlight of his presentation was a slide show profiling a half a dozen former Kiwanis team players he has known, who have gone on over the past 25 years to impressive careers in a variety of fields, including the ball field. Past Club President Jim reminded everyone that UVA Hall of Fame ball player and former Major League Baseball phenom, Mike Cubbage, started his sports career as a star on the Kiwanis Central Little League team that won the City Championship in 1962. CLL President Alan was presented with a replica Kiwanis bell by Club President Cheryl.
***“Service-Children-Community” — a Three-Part Catchphrase Draws the Interest of Kiwanians at Twice-Monthly Speaker Meetings
May 7, 2024 — Twice a month, on the first and third Monday evenings, Kiwanians gather at 6:30 p.m. at Timberwood Grill, 3311 Worth Crossing, Charlottesville VA 22911 across from Hollymead Town Center near Forest Lakes North. to enjoy dinner, have fun with fifty-fifty and Happy Dollars, and then engage with a guest speaker representing one of our community’s dynamic non-profits who offer life-changing and sometimes life-saving assistance to those in need in our community. Each speaker explains ways for Kiwanians to step into a collaboration with this non-profit which has the mutual goal of improving the community by serving the children, youth, and families in need. Looking back at just the past few months, on February 5, we welcomed Jon Nafziger, executive director of Child Health Partnership. Formerly known as Jefferson Area CHIP, Child Health Partnership “provides at-home support to children and parents, who need our help the most, to promote the health and well-being of families in our community.” This superb agency was the very first recipient of the Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Back Packs donation on April 6, 2017. Here’s a brief video description of the work Jon’s organization does in “partnership.”
On March 4. we had a visit from Ashely Schneider who told us about the work of Stepping Stone Charlottesville. “Families struggling to pay rent, utilities, and grocery bills often can’t afford the basics their children need every day. At Stepping Stone, we help fill this critical yet overlooked need. To build an inventory of essentials for families, Stepping Stone relies on the donation of new and nearly new items through individual giving and grassroots community drives. We sort, clean, and bundle items, and then our team of volunteers delivers them to parents, caregivers, and children.” Stepping Stone Charlottesville has been a frequent beneficiary of donations made possible by the Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts in Kind program.
Then on March 18, Jim Battaglia, the Development Director at The Salvation Army Charlottesville Corps told us about preparations for a capital campaign designed to greatly enhance the offerings of this highly-respected community resource. “Wherever there is a need in Charlottesville, you’ll find The Salvation Army.” Jim recently submitted his application for membership in the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville and looks forward to working together with us to improve the community by serving the children, youth and families in need. And then on April 1, the new CEO at one of our favorite children’s charities, Ronald McDonald House, Alisa Powell, informed us about how engagement with the community allows them to provide temporary lodging to families who have children receiving treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital. All of our speakers were presented with a replica Kiwanis bell by Club President Cheryl Kirby in appreciation for their efforts,
***Second-Ever Kiwanis “Flash Mob” Returns Dozens of Children’s Books for Use in Cozy Comforts Backpack Project
March 3, 2024 — This time the call came from Past Lt Gov Barb Ritter who heads up Charlottesville’s Signature Cozy Comforts Backpack Project. Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations. The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Items in each backpack will vary based on need but might include hand-made fleece blankets to surround them with warmth; books and puzzles to share together as a family; nightlights for security and safety; and personal care items to ensure health and well-being. In the past six years we have presented more than 280 backpack kits to six local agencies. “Our hope is that this small gesture and thought will bring a sense of security and comfort to these children and their families as they navigate the challenge of transition and ensure them that they are happy, healthy, safe, and loved,” said PLG Barb. Seizing on the success of the first-ever Kiwanis “FLASH MOB” held in November to provide children’s coats and winter wear to People Places, Inc., Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby appealed to Kiwanians and their friends, families, neighbors, and “Not-Yet Kiwanians” to pool their resources during the month of love (February) to help answer the call. At the end of the month three large paper sacks overflowing with new and gently-used books and puzzles were handed over to PLG Barb who now has a large inventory to choose from as she and her committee members assemble Cozy Comforts Back Packs ready for distribution to a worthy agency. In addition, several Kiwanians made cash donations that were turned over to Treasurer Dennis Baugh to add to the line item for Cozy Comforts in this year’s service budget. “Instead of mounting a long drawn out ‘campaign,'” President Cheryl said, “we thought we could stimulate Kiwanians to react in a flash (!) to meet the needs of children and families desperate for help. We are not reinventing the wheel to boost Cozy Comforts, we’re just looking ahead to meet the community need we know is out there.”
***Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Makes Annual Gift to UVA Children’s Hospital
February 24, 2024 — Kiwanis International Trustee Dennis Baugh presented University of Virginia Children’s Hospital a check for $3,000 on behalf of the Kiwanis Capital District Foundation. Also pictured are Erin Chandler, from the hospital, and Cheryl Kirby, President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. “Formed in 1972, this IRS 501(c)(3) foundation has been harnessing the generosity of Capital Kiwanians to positively affect the children of the Capital District. Every Kiwanian in the Capital District is a member of the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation.” Each year at the Capital District Convention (DCON) a “DUCKY DERBY” raffle is held as the foundation’s biggest fundraiser. All proceeds support eleven designated pediatric trauma centers spread throughout the district. Since 1987 the foundation has donated over $825,000 to hospitals in Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, and West Virginia. The University of Virginia’s Children’s Hospital has received more than $100,000 over the past thirty-five years. This year’s gift will be directed to the operations of a family-support supply storehouse providing a variety of healthcare resources to families with children being treated at UVA facilities. Dennis Baugh, who is Past Governor of the Capital District and currently serves as Treasurer of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, stated that “Kiwanians are proud to be able to support those who care for the most traumatic injuries suffered by children in the Capital District.“
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Honor the Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by Volunteering at All Blessings Flow
January 30, 2024 — Our monthly “Monday Evening Service Work Night” for January was held in conjunction with the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Caring at All Blessings Flow, a local faith-based nonprofit that provides medical equipment and supplies to adults and children in need. Fourteen Kiwanians turned out to work on a project assembling “Blessings Packs” that are given to each recipient of the medical supplies provided for free by All Blessings Flow. ABF gives away hundreds of these each month and so we needed as many volunteers as possible to accomplish maximum result. And the eager-beaver Kiwanians did not disappoint. Most of the volunteers helped with writing notes in the Bibles, on the little envelopes for the crosses, and in sealing the crosses in the envelopes using a little sticker. Other handy Kiwanians were tasked with doing maintenance and clean-up on the many items in the large warehouse which serves hundreds of clients two days a week in Charlottesville. Also, in cooperation with Sentara Healthcare, All Blessings Flow operates a Mobile Rural Outreach Program in the surrounding counties. ABF reminds us all to not only count our blessings, but to share them.
***Kiwanians Join Innisfee Village Aktion Club Volunteers at Annual Toy Lift Event
December 15, 2023 — One of the most favorite projects of the members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village is participating in Charlottesville’s annual Toy Lift which aims “to provide toys and books to area children ages newborn through 8th grade.” The selfless Aktion Club volunteers, led by Innisfree Village Activities Director Carol Evans were joined by Kiwanis Club president Cheryl Kirby and long-time Kiwanian Karen Dowell in sharing the Toy Lift mission: “Toy Lift Charities believe that every child is entitled to a happy and enriched childhood. Our mission is to support local families through volunteerism, community cooperation, morale building, and educational tools. We seek to provide that support through all of our events throughout the year.” On Friday morning, December 3, seven Aktion Clubbers and their counselor and two Kiwanians joined dozens of other community volunteers at the old Sears store at Fashion Square Mall which served as the massive warehouse (Toyland) for the more than 5,000 toys and other gifts (including hundreds of bikes) being donated by the community which drops them off at about five locations around the area, including at Fashion Square Mall where Santa, Toy Lift founder Tom Powell, and other celebrities take turns being lifted skyward on the legendary bucket truck “cherry picker.” The K-Family volunteers were assigned to about five locations in the massive warehouse, where they emptied the never-ending train of shopping carts delivering toys of all varieties–from sports supplies to stuffed animals to board games to books –all grouped by age and gender. Some volunteers were responsible setting up and breaking down cardboard boxes which assisted in the transfer of the deluge of donations. Watch this 5-minute you tube video to get an idea of this amazing 3-day operation that involves over 700 volunteers and many thousands of kids and families. All the area radio and TV stations were on site to document and promote this remarkable event. Kiwanis and the K-Family is proud to be part of it, year after year. The happy looks on the faces of our Aktion Club volunteers reminds us that this is “Why We Serve.“ Won’t you consider joining us at our next event and see how you can be involved? See our calendar highlights page for dates and times. Click this link: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/calendar/
***First-Ever Kiwanis “Flash Mob” Answers Call for the Children at People Places in Time for the Beginning of Winter
December 14, 2023 — The call came from Spencer Eavers, Outreach & Communications specialist for People Places, Inc., an amazing foster care agency serving families and children in Staunton, Harrisonburg, and Charlottesville for more than fifty years. Over the past six years, Kiwanis Charlottesville has provided People Places staff with no fewer than 100 unique Cozy Comforts backpacks to use while helping children during the first traumatic moments of entry into the foster care system. “We know Kiwanians care and we find ourselves right now in need of winter coats for some of our foster children. Is that something Kiwanis could help with?” Seeing an opportunity to try something fresh, new Kiwanis President Cheryl Kirby organized a “FLASH MOB” to gather in the third week of November, where Kiwanians would pool the resources of their friends, families, neighbors, and some “Not-Yet Kiwanians” to help answer the call from People Places. Three large plastic bags stuffed with gently-used and new little girl and little boy coats, gloves, scarves, shoes, and boots were made ready for Spencer to pick up on December 1. In addition, several Kiwanians made cash donations that were turned over to Spencer to be applied for specific clothing needs of the children in foster care just as the temperatures were beginning to drop. “Instead of mounting a long drawn out “campaign,” President Cheryl said, “we thought we could stimulate Kiwanians to react in a flash (!) to meet the needs of children and families desperate for help. We are not reinventing the wheel to help People Places, we’re just putting on snow tires appropriate for the conditions.”
***Kiwanis Club Brings Holiday Joy to Families at the Ronald McDonald House
December 13, 2023 — Ten volunteers, bearing gifts in the form of beautiful, fresh holiday greenery that Kiwanis has been known for in the Charlottesville area for generations, spent a recent Monday evening service work night at the Ronald McDonald House. On the agenda was the preparation of dinner for the approximately 18 families who were staying at this most valuable local resource while their children are receiving treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital nearby. RMHC staff had several other sorting and wrapping tasks for the Kiwanians to perform, making sure that there were not too many cooks in the kitchen spoiling the broth. As usual, expressions of amazement were heard referring to the efficiency, talent, and boundless energy of Kiwanis volunteers. After all, said President Cheryl Kirby, #KidsNeedKiwanis!
***Young Children Priority One–Topic of the First Program of the New Kiwanis Year in Charlottesville
December 12, 2023 — Young Children Priority One (YCPO) is an ongoing community service program of Kiwanis International that addresses the needs of early childhood (pregnancy to age five). All clubs are encouraged to carry out at least two YCPO projects per calendar year, though many clubs are able to do more—serving children, families, and communities. The first program of Charlottesville’s new Kiwanis year was presented by Meredith Locascio, the Senior Director of Ready Region Blue Ridge, a statewide network established by the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation to help coordinate early education programs with families in every community across Virginia. Ready Region Blue Ridge serves families living not only within the five-county service area of United Way of Greater Charlottesville but also those living as far north to Winchester, south to Buckingham County, west to Staunton and Harrisonburg, and east to Louisa. Ms. Locascio explained how Ready Region Blue Ridge supports all publicly funded birth-to-five programs in the area to help them improve the quality of the classroom experience and enhance the relationship between providers and the families who access birth-to-five programs.
Related to the interest of Kiwanians in early childhood education health, and welfare, NBC29 reported that educational leaders met Friday, December 8, to discuss new ways to increase access for families. Barbara Hutchinson with United Way of Greater Charlottesville spearheaded the Tom Tom Foundation’s Tomorrow Talks on early childhood education. Hutchinson says early childhood education is what gears our youth for the future. “It allows the the child’s brain to develop at the same time that a child’s learning, social interaction, self regulation, and then the beginnings of skills such as ABCs and 1-2-3s eventually when they’re in preschool,” she said.According to Hutchinson, those who don’t receive any form of early childhood education are more likely to head down a wrong path.”
One of the solutions presented in the Tomorrow Talks was for a Montessori School at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Wendy Cooper is a pastor at the church, and says the decision was made based on the great need in and around Charlottesville. “We’re going to help fill that gap and be able to provide some additional education, training, and learning for children so we can bring those margins down by opening up the school,” Cooper said. Wendy is President-Elect of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville and looks to her fellow Kiwanians to get behind community efforts to improve early childhood education in the spirit of Young Children Priority One. See the NBC29 story here: https://www.29news.com/2023/12/08/groups-working-improve-access-early-childhood-education-charlottesville-area/
***Turning the Page to a New Kiwanis Year: Charlottesville’s 102nd Installation of Officers and Awards Night
September 28, 2023 — Thirty Charlottesville Kiwanians and guests gathered at the Timberwood Grill for the 102nd annual Installation of Officers and Awards Gala on Monday evening, September 25. Outgoing President Jim Hart recognized a host of Kiwanians for making the 2022-2023 Kiwanis year such a success. Dana Douglas was recognized as Charlottesville Kiwanis’s “Top Banana” with a certificate and wooden banana hanger hand-crafted by Club Secretary Bob Ribando. Bob Pflugfelder received the “Community Booster Award” for his efforts in leading the club and the community in support of the local Salvation Army. Bob received a vintage autographed and framed certificate of thanks which had been presented to the club back in 2011 for its work that year at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. Jack Compton was hailed as the Kiwanis “Comeback Player of the Year” for having rejoined the club this year after a several year sojourn in the Richmond area. Jack received a Capital District Kiwanis license plate holder to show off his pride of membership to motorists far and wide. The following Kiwanians received certificates as well as gift cards to the Kiwanis International store in appreciation for the various contributions they made to the successful year of service to the children of our community and the world: Teresa Tyler, for leading the Holiday Greenery fundraiser; Cheryl Kirby for being race director for our 40th annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race; Barbara Ritter for chairing the Cozy Comforts Backpack Project; Eric Lamb, Charlie Krizek, and Tom Lowe for teaming up to carry out the phenomenally successful Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts-in-Kind Project; Dennis Baugh, Cheryl Kirby, and Eric Lamb for organizing the award-winning Innovative Service Project–decorating a Christmas Tree for the Ronald McDonald House; and Philip and Melody Day, Jim and Jeanne Masloff, Bob Ribando, and Eric Lamb for helping to make Jim Hart’s “Kiwanis Moment” during his illness and recovery last year.
Two very special awards were presented to long-time Kiwanians: first, Club Secretary Bob presented Ken Smith the Legion of Honor Certificate in recognition of his 60 years as a Kiwanian. Next, Kiwanis International Trustee, Dennis Baugh, and his wife Darlene, presented 26-year member Jim Hart with the George F. Hixson Fellowship in recognition of Jim’s significant contributions to Kiwanis’s history of generosity to the community.
The installation of officers ceremony was handled with dignity by Division 9 Lt Gov Susan Knick of the Jackson River Area Kiwanis Club. Outgoing board members, Charlie Krizek and Krister Briehl, were thanked for their service and continuing board members, Philip Day, Dana Douglas, and Cindy Harris, and new board members, Michelle LaRose, Bob Pflugfelder, and Jake Oswalt, were welcomed. The following officers were installed: Dennis Baugh, Treasurer, Matt Laird, Ass’t Treasurer; Bob Ribando, Secretary (with Dennis Baugh acknowledged as Ass’t Secretary.) And in the executive suite: Wendy Cooper was installed as President-Elect, while Jim Hart will occupy the slot of Immediate Past President
The final event of the night occurred when Lt Gov Susan invited Kiwanis International Trustee Dennis Baugh and Kiwanis Capital District Governor Eric Lamb to help her install Cheryl Kirby as President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for 2023-2024. Cheryl gave attendees small gift boxes which were meant to inspire members to be “present” in the upcoming year to help Kiwanis accomplish three main goals: 1) growing the membership; 2) reinvigorating and growing our Service Leadership Programs (SLPs); and all the while 3) not “reinventing the wheel.” Cheryl proudly accepted a special engraved gavel and used it to ring the Kiwanis bell (which has been in service since 1934) to adjourn the meeting.
***Kiwanis Participates in Westhaven Day and in a Community Bike Clinic Benefiting the Kids and Adults in Charlottesville’s Historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood
September 12, 2023 — One highlight of the 2022-23 Kiwanis year has been the success the Club has had in linking up with agencies providing services to children and youth in the under-served Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood of Charlottesville. Twice a month, the Club held speaker meetings at the Fellowship Hall of Pilgrim Baptist Church, at 211 Albemarle Street, giving Club members an opportunity to visit the neighborhood, enjoy a meal, and interact with friendly and welcoming church members. On August 12, Kiwanian Wendy Cooper and her husband Chris, who are the co-pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church, invited the club to participate in the 26th annual “Westhaven Day,” a service fair taking place along Hardy Drive in the heart of the Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood. The Kiwanis tent stood side-by-side with the Pilgrim Baptist Church tent and Kiwanis President Jim Hart staffed a table with information about Kiwanis activities, while giving away children’s activities books and tee-shirts to anyone who stopped by. On September 9th, Pilgrim Baptist Church hosted a “Bike Clinic and Community Bike Ride” through the neighborhood. The event was organized by Kiwanian Jake Oswalt, the operations manager of Community Bikes, a non-profit “bicycle shop that promotes environmentally-sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible in Charlottesville.” This time, Kiwanis member Jeanne Williams Masloff set up a tent and staffed a table with information about Kiwanis activities while giving away children’s activities books and tee-shirts to anyone who stopped by. One of the “Superpowers” exhibited by members of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is the ability to provide the Club’s leverage to agencies and groups already delivering valuable service to children, youth, and families in need with the intention of improving the world. It is well known that Kiwanians come from a variety of backgrounds and join Kiwanis for all sorts of reasons. Once on board, individual Kiwanians make known their special interests to other Kiwanians and look for opportunities to spread the word about how Kiwanians working together as a Club can provide leverage to those groups or agencies who are addressing unmet needs in our community and the world.
***Kiwanis Presents Piedmont CASA with Unique Gifts-in-Kind to Help Youngsters Aging Out of Foster Care
August 30, 2023 — “For an eighteen year-old taking those first crucial steps towards an independent life after years in fosster care, it is a great relief to know that friends are ready to help. That they are not moving into an empty apartment, because the seeds of a full life are being planted there.” So says Leah Cole, Director of Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success program. At the August 21 Kiwanis meeting held in the Fellowship Hall at Pilgrim Baptist Church a presentation was made by Past Division 9 Lt Gov Barb Ritter, the founder and committee chair of the Cozy Comforts Project. Barb presented two very large laundry baskets, one jam-packed with items any young person would need to outfit his or her kitchen in the new apartment. The other laundry basket was overflowing with items especially selected to be useful in outfitting the bathroom of a new apartment. Two of Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success coaches, Ashlie Munoz Nieves and Rory Macgregor, explained how they guide youth on a most difficult journey through adolescence and, for example, strive to help their mentees make decisions about how to proceed when setting up their own household for the very first time. PCASA’s Advancement Director, Lexie Boris, expressed her heartfelt thanks to Kiwanis for helping to turn the community’s attention to this unmet need among a most vulnerable young population of foster kids.
***One Charlottesville Kiwanian Installed in the Top Leadership Position in Capital District Kiwanis while Another is Recognized for Unmatched Faithfulness to Kiwanis Ideals
August 30, 2023 — It’s official! Past Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Eric Lamb was installed in the position of Governor of Capital District Kiwanis for 2023-2024. There are more than 170 Kiwanis Clubs in the Capital District across the states of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. ‘Way to go, Eric! The ceremony took place at the 103rd annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention held August 18-20 at the Richmond Marriott Hotel where six Charlottesville Kiwanians attended and participated. Wendy Cooper gave a most rousing nomination speech for Eric at the Saturday’s House of Delegates meeting, and Charlottesville’s President-Elect Cheryl Kirby accepted the Home Club Banner at the Sunday ceremony. At the Saturday House of Delegates session, Immediate Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh (who could not attend) was recognized nonetheless for having been elected to a three-year term on the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees. This election took place at the Kiwanis International Convention held in Minneapolis this past June. Good going, Dennis, we are very proud of you! Another distinction we enjoyed was when Past Lieutenant Governor in Two Divisions Ken Smith was recognized at the fellowship luncheon as being the Kiwanian with the most years of service at the convention—60 years! He was the “last man standing” when the traditional salute to Legion of Honor recipients was made Be sure to congratulate Ken, Governor Eric, and KI Trustee Dennis when you see them at our next Kiwanis event,
***Kiwanis Eager Beavers Tackle Shrubbery in Front of Salvation Army Family Store and Return to Complete More Tasks
August 29, 2023 — SERVICE NIGHT UPDATE: Salvation Army Family Store Manager, Kailee Root, was so impressed with the work done at the July 24 service work night that she invited Kiwanis back for another go at the “punch list” that she and Salvation Army Life Advisory Board Member Bob Pflugfelder compiled. On Monday evening August 28, twelve Kiwanians turned out to continue trimming the overgrown bushes along the steet in front of the Cherry Avenue location. Also, several of the hard-working Kiwanians were able to put a new coat of paint on the dressing rooms. The team took a well-deserved break to enjoy pizza and fellowship after completing a job well done.
August 1, 2023 — In just about an hour and half six hardy Kiwanians crossed off several items from the extensive “punch list” compiled by new Salvation Army Family Store Director, Kailie Root at the monthly Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night on July 24. First, Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh worked alongside long-time Virginia Kiwanian, Tom Lowe, in transferring an amazingly large rack of plastic clothing hangers in the store’s back room, giving staff more room to organize the huge amount of donations received by the store every day. Next, Club Secretary Bob Ribando, single-handedly hauled out the tall ladders and gave the “squeegee treatment” to the store’s massive front display windows. All the while, Capital District Governor-Elect Eric Lamb and Salvation Army Life Advisory Board Member Bob Pflugfelder set about to tame the overgrown shrubbery across the parking lot. Extension cords were untangled, electric trimmers were set abuzz, and finally the ample clippings were raked into huge drop cloths and disposed of. After a job well done, the eager beaver Kiwanians retired to Applebees for a much-deserved dinner meal. The Salvation Army is near and dear to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, as both agencies have been to this community for more than 100 years. Every year Kiwanians ring the bell “to keep the kettle boiling” at Christmas time. And for the past dozen or so years, Kiwanians have issued a challenge to all other civic groups in the area (yes, including Rotary) to participate in the annual September Telethon raising hundreds of thousands of dollars that stay right here locally to help the Salvation Army “Do the Most Good” for those in desperate need.
***Monticello High School Key Clubber Honored as Kiwanis Teenager of the Year
July 24, 2023 — Recent graduate of Monticello High School, Lily Simpson, was honored at a recent Monday evening meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville as Teenager of the Year for 2022-2023. In a unique “double presentation,” Lily was cited first by Lieutenant Governor of Division 9 of Capital District Kiwanis, Samantha Bosserman, as the Division 9 candidate in the Capital District competition which took place this spring. Charlottesville club member, Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh, presented Lily with a beautiful framed certificate. Division 9 consists of seven Kiwanis Clubs including Charlottesville, Waynesboro, Staunton, Shenandoah Valley, Harrisonburg, Alleghany Highlands, and the Jackson River Area club . Then, the President of the Charlottesville Club, Jim Hart, handed Lily another certificate along with a check in the amount of $500, recognizing her as the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Teenager of the Year for 2022-2023. Lily, who was secretary of the Monticello High School Key Club, is distinguished for having founded several years ago, along with her older sister, Cville Sock Love, an organization which provides “fun, uplifting socks to hospitalized children.” They expanded this mission in 2020 to serve all “under-resourced” in this community. (For more information, click the hyper link above and see the story below about Lily’s presentation to the club on March 6, 2023.) Lily is preparing to begin studies at the University of Virginia this fall and plans to major in Kinesiology in the School of Education and Human Development. Lily’s other academic interests and accomplishments are numerous. She was also an active soccer player while at Monticello High School. Important for all Kiwanians is Lily’s stated interest in joining CKI (Circle K International) at UVA to continue her service efforts in the community and to appreciate leadership development opportunities. Lily’s parents were happy to attend this ceremony at Pilgrim Baptist Church and were invited to come visit with us again and even consider becoming members of KCOC.
***“Service-Children-Community” — a Three-Part Catchphrase Draws the Interest of Kiwanians at Twice-Monthly Speaker Meetings
July 20, 2023 — Twice a month, on the first and third Monday evenings, Kiwanians gather at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Pilgrim Baptist Church, 211 Albemarle Street, Charlottesville VA 22903, in the historic Tenth & Page Street Neighborhood to enjoy dinner, have fun with fifty-fifty and Happy Dollars, and then engage with a guest speaker representing one of our community’s dynamic non-profits who offer life-changing and sometimes life-saving assistance to those in need in our community. Each speaker explains ways for Kiwanians to step into a collaboration with this non-profit which has the mutual goal of improving the community by serving the children, youth, and families in need. Looking back at just the past few months, we can point to presentations made by Lily Simpson for Cville Sock Love, Troy Robinson of The Fountain Fund, Eric Lamb on behalf of the Benjamin Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, Raymond Klein, executive director of Love INC, Tricia Howell of C4K, (also known as Computers 4 Kids), Athena Gould of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge, and Andrea Fasciano along with Alex Weathersby of the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE). There are hyper-links to each of these amazing organizations. We invite you to click on the hyper-links to see how you might join us in helping to improve the community by providing service to the children, youth and, families aided by them. Below are a few photos documenting appearances at our Kiwanis Club meetings. See our calendar highlights page for details about upcoming speaker meetings. Don’t hesitate to contact us for an invitation to join in on a fun and information-filled evening.
***40th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race Big Success
July 7, 2023 — BIG SUCCESS: KID5K–Saturday, July 1, The 40th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race (KID5K), (a “Charlottesville Summer Holiday Tradition”) took place at Lakeside Middle School running through Forest Lakes North and South. Beneficiary for the 5th straight year was Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge, Presenting Sponsor for the 17th straight year was Better Living Inc. See race results at the Charlottesville Track Club web site: https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Charlottesville/KiwanisIndependenceDay5
Pictured below are the first-place female and male finishers in this year’s race: Tiffany Polychrones and Chris Butko. They were each presented with a unique ribbon holder crafted by 35-year Kiwanian and current Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Secretary Bob Ribando.
***Kiwanians Turn Out to Help J-MRL Ready Books for Children’s Summer Reading Program
May 20, 2023 — “It’s not too early to get ready to welcome eager young readers to the library for summer fun,” said Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Assistant Director and Central Branch manager Krista Farrell. Fourteen Kiwanians answered the call on Monday evening, April 24, and, under the tutelage of Children’s Section Director Karen Gillaspie, helped put stickers on literally thousands of books that will be made available to children and youth coming to all eight branches of J-MRL this summer. “This is one of the most favorite locations for the Kiwanis Club’s fourth Monday evening service work nights,” said Club President Jim Hart, “and it was good to be back after an almost two-year absence.” Besides doing indoor work, Kiwanians spread mulch in an area along 2nd Street and trimmed overgrown bushes on the 3rd Street side of the historic building. A delightful pizza party took place in the Swanson Case Court Room allowing for fellowship and rewarding all involved for demonstrating the meaning of the slogan “Kiwanis is a Verb,” a saying oft promoted by Kiwanis Capital District Governor-Elect Eric Lamb.
***WAHS Key Club Blanket Makers Replenish the Supplies for Cozy Comforts Back Packs _
May 1, 2023 — “Our younger generation has so much potential, we just need to guide them,” a comment made by Jay James, WINA Radio morning anchor during a recent “Tell Me Something Good” segment. Along these lines, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville salutes the Western Albemarle High School Key Clubbers who were able to make more than a dozen fleece blankets during WAHS Cares Day on April 17. The Key Clubbers, working under the guidance of Past Kiwanis President Teresa Tyler, used scissors and rulers and piles of colorful fleece to construct cozy blankets to be included in back packs given to children who are in emergency or transitional situations. Each back pack contains a hand-made blanket to surround the child with warmth; books and puzzles to share together as a family; a nightlight for security and safety; and personal care items to ensure health and well-being. The fleece was provided by Past Division 9 Lt Gov Barb Ritter who heads up the Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Back Packs Program. Over the past five years, Kiwanis has given more than 250 back packs to several local agencies who work with children and families in need. Among these agencies are People Places, DePaul Community Resources, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), and Piedmont CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates). And we are looking for more agencies that can use our help.
And Kiwanis is looking for more blanket makers. On February 27, the club dedicated its regular fourth Monday service work night to the task of making fleece blankets. Once again Barb Ritter provided the fleece and the simple tools as well as instructions for the group. A wonderful time was had by all and more than a dozen blankets were completed. If your group, club, or even your family would like to engage with us in making fleece blankets for the Cozy Comforts back packs, please contact us.
***Monticello HS Key Clubber Tells Inspiring Story “Warming Hearts and Feet Alike“
April 17, 2023 — The co-founder of Cville Sock Love, Monticello High School Key Clubber Lily Simpson, was the guest of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville at their March 6 speaker meeting at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Lily, who is a graduating senior and secretary of the Monticello High School Key Club, explained that she and her older sister, Lindsay, created an organization several years ago in order to provide “fun, uplifting socks to hospitalized children.” They expanded this mission in 2020 to serve the under-resourced, as well. The web site states: “For families of hospitalized kids, socks and slippers are easily-forgotten items. They’re needed for trips to the bathroom and walks in chilly hallways. When it comes to socks for ailing kids, the more fun the designs, the better! Socks are a basic need that we all share. Plain or patterned, socks protect our feet and keep us warm. Too often, we take a fresh pair for granted. For the unsheltered, a clean pair is a sought-after item.” Besides donating socks to all central Virginia hospitals, Cville Sock Love has established partnerships with more than a dozen local organizations serving children and families in need, including The Haven, PACEM, The Salvation Army, Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), the Ronald McDonald House, and People Places. Kiwanians were impressed not only by Lily’s enterprising and caring spirit, but were inspired by her energetic, outgoing and friendly personality. This spring Lily took the message of her organization to Mountain View Elementary School’s Kind Kids Club and helped the fifth-graders organize their own sock drive to benefit The Haven. (Click here for a link to the story that ran on NBC29.) Congratulations to Lily and all the volunteers and supporters of Cville Sock Love, Lily’s accomplishments show that our community’s future is in good hands.
***“Kiwanis is a Verb” becomes a Mantra for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
March 29, 2023 — The fourth Monday evening of every month is designated as a “service work night” for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. As a result, Kiwanians are sure to demonstrate the meaning of what has become a mantra coined by Capital District Governor-Elect Eric Lamb: “Kiwanis is a Verb.” Fourteen Kiwanians made themselves available to refresh wrought iron lawn furnishings, trim a garden plot, and sanitize a massive collection of lego toys in an hour and a half blitz of service at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville on the fourth Monday evening of March. The staff of RMHC never ceases to be amazed at how much good Kiwanis volunteers can do in a short span of time. And they keep coming back for more. Month after month, the Charlottesville Kiwanis team proves the truth of another maxim: “You never know how far you can reach, until you stretch.” The photos below show energetic Kiwanians can really stretch!
***For Kiwanians “Collaboration” is the Name of the Game
February 17, 2023 — One the “Superpowers” exhibited by members of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is the ability to provide the Club’s leverage to agencies and groups already delivering valuable service to children, youth, and families in need with the intention of improving the world. It is well known that Kiwanians come from a variety of backgrounds and join Kiwanis for all sorts of reasons. Once on board, individual Kiwanians make known their special interests to other Kiwanians and look for opportunities to spread the word about how Kiwanians working together as a Club can provide leverage to those groups or agencies who are addressing unmet needs in our community and the world.
One example of how the Kiwanis Club can impact our community for good came from the recent Community Collaborative meeting hosted by Goodwill Industries of the Valley on Thursday January 13. Representatives from more than a dozen organizations came together “to discuss solving problems related to a challenging job market, including issues such as employee recruiting, retention, and engagement.” The Human Resources Director from Pepsi Cola CVA , Hunter Johnson, was the key note speaker. Pictured in the forefront is Cheryl Kirby, Present-Elect of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, along with several other partners of Goodwill of the Valleys, including Kiwanian Jennifer Mammi, Community Engagement Coordinator for Goodwill of the Valleys. Not pictured is Jim Hart, President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville who also attended the meeting.
Another example of successful collaboration came on January 16 when Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect Eric Lamb accepted the Outstanding Community Partnership Award on behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville from Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries, an organization whose volunteers have for twenty-five years been “walking alongside each family within the Prospect Avenue community, providing spiritual development, academic support, and economic empowerment.” .There is an old saying that “you never know how far you can reach until you stretch.” Kiwanians in Charlottesville have been helping community service organizations stretch their capacity for more than 100 years. Won’t you consider joining us? See the calendar highlights page to learn of your next opportunity to visit us and see us in action: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/calendar/ . Follow this link for a membership application: https://k00733.site.kiwanis.org/join-kiwanis/
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Decorates Valentine Cards for Kids at Greer Elementary School
January 27, 2023 — “‘Tis the Season for Hearts, Candy, and Flowers” and the Kiwanis Aktion Club decided to do something to share the excitement of upcoming Valentine’s Day this year with the children at Greer Elementary School in Albemarle County. Meeting after lunch in the community hall at Innisfree Village the Aktion Club teamed up with their co-workers to hold a card-making party before heading off to their various work-stations across the Village. In a little over a half-hour more than fifty colorful creations were crafted by the selfless volunteers who were encouraged by Innisfree Village Activities Director, Carol Evans, and two Kiwanians, Dana Douglas and Jim Hart. After the cards were collected, and the crayons and markers put away, the Aktion Club members held a planning meeting for their activities and projects in the coming months. Carol Evans announced that the Innisfree Village MusicFest will be held on the first Saturday of June and the Aktion Club would like Kiwanis help in setting up a booth to sell ice cream as a fundraiser. Kiwanians and Kiwanis-family members who would like to join in with Aktion Club in the planning and execution of this endeavor and other projects are urged to contact Dana Douglas for information about how to volunteer.
***Kiwanis Club Prepares Evening Meal for 18 Families at Ronald McDonald House
January 25, 2023 — “We Love Kiwanis and the Kiwanis Aktion Club!” such was the exclamation that greeted a “RockStar Team” of Kiwanians and Kiwanis Aktion Club members when they turned up on Monday afternoon, January 23, to prepare a scrumptious three-course meal for 18 families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville. Team leader President-Elect Cheryl Kirby planned the menu, shopped for the ingredients, and then orchestrated the preparation and packaging of the meal. The five Kiwanians on her team were: Matt Laird, Barb Ritter, Jack Compton, Eric Lamb, and Michelle LaRose. Also present for this event were two members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club from Innisfree Village, led by their Activities Director, the amazing Carol Evans. The Aktion Club baked brownies for dessert and brought freshly baked bread from the Innisfree Village bakery to go along with the meal. It has been suggested that since the event went so well, the Kiwanis Club should schedule such a service project at least once a month. No objections were heard from Melissa or Rita at RMHC.
***Jake Oswalt Welcomed as New Member of the Kiwanis Club
January 18, 2023 — The most important event for any volunteer community service organization is the welcoming of a new member. On Monday evening, January 16, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville held such an event at its regular 3rd Monday speaker meeting at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Jake Oswalt, operations manager for Community Bikes was presented by Kiwanian Tom Lowe on behalf of Jake’s sponsor, Gov-Elect Eric Lamb. Tom had some very kind words of welcome for Jake as he described how Jake became familiar with us through the Kiwanis/Walmart gifts-in-kind program. Past Lt. Gov. Herb Ely then conducted a dignified induction ceremony, which included Jake being presented with an official certificate of membership, the latest club roster, and several other mementos for the occasion. Jake then joined the executive director of Community Bikes, Lauren Riegl, in a presentation outlining the amazing work that this 501 (c) (3) agency is doing especially for the children and youth in the at-risk under-served neighborhoods in our town. Lauren said that Community Bikes is a “bicycle shop that promotes environmentally-sound transportation, recycles bicycles, and makes cycling accessible in Charlottesville, VA.” Hearty welcome, Jake!
***Fantastic Kiwanis-Walmart Partnership Produces Big Time Benefits Just in Time for Christmas
December 23, 2022 — “I could not work, and now I can,” exclaimed the recipient of a pair of steel-toe work boots distributed by Tristan Kabesa of Come As You Are Charlottesville in a holiday giveaway supported by “gifts-in-kind” supplied by the Charlottesville Walmart Store #1780 in cooperation with the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. On Friday, December 16, Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect Eric Lamb reported that Kiwanis received an “overwhelmingly large” donation of overstock in our Walmart project. PLG Eric, who conceived of this project a little over four years ago, leads a small but dedicated team of Kiwanis volunteers, on a weekly visit to Walmart, where they pick up at least a pallet load of overstock merchandise that Kiwanis then makes available to more than a dozen agencies as gifts-in-kind. Eric wrote on Facebook: “When Walmart blesses you with over $75,000 worth of product in one donation. You call in Come as You Are Cville , Abundant Life, Community Bikes , Love Inc and Pilgrim Baptist Church to benefit from this amazing gift. Hundreds of people will be blessed by this amazing gift.“
Since this exclusive partnership has been in effect, more than $400,000 worth of gifts-in-kind have been made available by Kiwanis to the community. These gifts include non-perishable items like clothing, small electronics, toys, school supplies, sports equipment, household items of all types, lawn and garden items, and more. “Amazing things are happening daily,” says Eric, as he describes the IMPACT the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has for those in need in our community through a solid collaboration with Walmart.
***December is Busy Month of Service for Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village
December 22, 2022 — After participating in Charlottesville’s annual Toy Lift on Friday, December 5 (see story below), Kiwanis Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village accomplished two more December service projects in support of children in need in our community. As they did last year, the entire Innisfree community participated in a holiday card-making party on December 14 after having lunch in the community center building. The fun event was organized by Aktion Club leaders Carol Evans, the Activities Director at Innisfree Village, and Kiwanian Dana Douglas, and resulted in the creation of forty colorful holiday greeting cards for children in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School in Albemarle County. These children receive a weekend meal package from a special outreach project (Grab A Bag) at the Church of Our Saviour, and also are the ones who benefit from a special school supply drive that has been conducted by the Aktion Club with the Kiwanis Family each August for the past several years–also in collaboration with Church of Our Saviour. In addition, Aktion Clubbers responded to an appeal from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Charlottesville for children’s books and winter clothing to be distributed to the families of newly arrived refugees in our community. The IRC has led the resettlement effort for upwards of 500 individuals (mostly women and children from Afghanistan) who arrived in our area just since September of 2021. The need is great and ever-increasing, and it is truly remarkable to see how Aktion Club members (small in number but mighty in other ways) not only do not shrink back from responding to calls for help but also bring along the neighbors, staff, and families and friends of the unique Innisfree Village in their selfless endeavors.
***Forty-Five Children Presented with Unique Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Back Packs
December 22, 2022 — Just in time for Christmas, representatives from three local agencies serving children facing extremely difficult situations accepted 45 uniquely packed Kiwanis Cozy Comforts backpacks to have on hand for presentation to the children when the need is most acute. Officials from Piedmont CASA, DePaul Community Resources, and from the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) met with Cozy Comforts Committee Chair PLG Barb Ritter and Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect Eric Lamb at “the shed” to make selections for the kids in their care. Committee Chair Barb explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations . . . Items in each backpack vary based on need but most certainly include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” Erika Robinson of SHE described a situation where they currently have seventeen kids ranging in age from 2 to 17 receiving trauma-informed services in their shelter system. Working with generous volunteer organizations such as Kiwanis, SHE is able to create a true “community of support” for victims of domestic violence in our area. DePaul Community Resources and Piedmont CASA are members of the Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition (FCAAC) who toil year round to assist more than 200 of the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Kiwanis is proud to work together with agencies such as these to help strengthen these families and prevent child abuse and neglect.
***Kiwanians Back “In Person” Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army
December 21, 2022 — Charlottesville Kiwanians were back in person staffing the kettle for the Salvation Army on Saturday, Dec. 17, from 10 a.m. until 6 :00 p.m. at Kroger Rio Hill. We have enjoyed working this busy location in recent years (until the pandemic–when we resorted to filling the “virtual” kettle.) Club President Jim Hart circulated a sign up sheet several weeks before the date and fourteen Kiwanians took the opportunity to ring in one-hour shifts. This good turn out of volunteers allowed us to have two Kiwanians (or K-Family members) at each shift for fellowship and security. Salvation Army HQ reported that our kettle contained $330 as a result of our efforts. On Tuesday evening, December 20, Kiwanians and their guests at their annual Christmas Party at Carmello’s Restaurant donated another $170 to the kettle while “giving thanks” through Happy Dollars. Kiwanis is proud to stand with the Salvation Army in providing help to those friends and neighbors in desperate need in our community year round.
***Kiwanians Help Assemble “Hope Packs” for Presentation to Inmates at County Jail
December 13, 2022 — “Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Merry Christmas” — that was the theme of a “packing party” led by one of the newest Charlottesville Kiwanians, Richard Van Arsdale, a Chaplain at the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail. More than fifty volunteers, including three other Kiwanians, spent a couple of hours at Christ Community Church Monday morning, December 12, assembling 500 “Hope Packs” — consisting of inspirational pamphlets containing quotes from other inmates,, treats, crossword puzzles, greeting cards — to be distributed in time for Christmas to all 500 inmates and staff at the local county jail. Chaplain Van stated that he received such a Hope Pack when he was imprisoned in Illinois as a very young man at a most challenging and stressful time of his life. “Even for just the day, it changes the entire environment of a cell block,” he said. This is the second year in a row that the Good News Jail Ministry in Charlottesville distributed these Hope Packs, and the idea has spread to scores of other jails and prisons around the world where there is a Good News Chaplain present. This year some 50,000 Hope Packs will be distributed. And next year, Chaplain Van hopes to extend this gift of hope to those youth being held at Blue Ridge Juvenile Detention and to the women at Fluvanna Correctional Center. Past Capital District Kiwanis Governor Dennis Baugh noted that for Kiwanians to participate in such a community volunteer exercise is consistent with Kiwanis Object #1: To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. A very moving five-minute video featuring Chaplain Van’s testimony can be viewed at this link: https://youtu.be/Q_HYFScmHDM NBC29 reported on the packing event and the delivery of the packs to the jail. Their stories can be accessed here:
***Community Foundation Official Addresses Kiwanis Club
December 6, 2022 — On Monday evening Dec. 5, at Pilgrim Baptist Church, the president of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation, Ed Schmitz, introduced our speaker, Mr. Ryan Jacoby, Operations Director for the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (CACF) Ryan shared a very impressive Impact Report brochure with the large audience and explained how in recent years “the Community Foundation introduced its Enriching Communities, Strengthening Systems, and Shaping Futures grant programs and has awarded over ten million dollars from their discretionary programs to local nonprofits and community-based organizations who provide a necessary safety net for many of our residents as well as cultural programs that make our region a remarkable place to live.” He said that it was important for CACF to recognize what he called a “Legacy of Generosity” demonstrated by this community over the last century and become in tune with the force for good that the Legacy affords donors. President Jim Hart noted that the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, now in its 100th year of operation, exemplifies this community’s Legacy of Generosity. Ryan agreed and encouraged all Kiwanians to contribute and solicit contributions to the endowment fund managed by CACF so that Kiwanis can continue to serve the children of this community and the world well into its second century and beyond. Contact Ed Schmitz to learn the various ways you can make an impactful and tax-deductible gift to this endowment fund–especially now during the holiday season and during the end-of-year planning period.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Helps Out at Toy Lift Once Again
December 3, 2022–One of the most favorite projects of the members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village is participating in Charlottesville’s annual Toy Lift which aims “to provide toys and books to area children ages newborn through 8th grade.” The selfless Aktion Club volunteers, led by Innisfree Village Activities Director Carol Evans and Kiwanis liaison Dana Douglas, share the Toy Lift mission: “Toy Lift Charities believe that every child is entitled to a happy and enriched childhood. Our mission is to support local families through volunteerism, community cooperation, morale building, and educational tools. We seek to provide that support through all of our events throughout the year.” On Friday morning, December 2, six Aktion Clubbers and their counselor joined three Kiwanians at the old Sears store at Fashion Square Mall which served as the massive warehouse (Toyland) for the more than 5,000 toys and other gifts (including hundreds of bikes) being donated by the community which drops them off at about five locations around the area, including at Fashion Square Mall where Santa, Toy Lift founder Tom Powell, and other celebrities take turns being lifted skyward on the legendary bucket truck “cherry picker.” The K-Family volunteers were assigned to about five locations in the massive warehouse, where they emptied the never-ending train of shopping carts delivering toys of all varieties–from sports supplies to stuffed animals to board games to books –all grouped by age and gender. Some volunteers were responsible setting up and breaking down cardboard boxes which assisted in the transfer of the deluge of donations. Watch this 5-minute you tube video to get an idea of this amazing 3-day operation that involves over 700 volunteers and many thousands of kids and families. All the area radio and TV stations were on site to document and promote this remarkable event. Kiwanis and the K-Family is proud to be part of it, year after year.
***Kiwanians Decorate Tree for the Annual Virginia Gingerbread Christmas to Benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville–Tree Wins First Prize as “People’s Choice”
November 30, 2022 — Five Kiwanians put their holiday decorating skills to the task by decorating a pre-lit Christmas Tree to be put on display at the Virginia Gingerbread Christmas event held at the Marriott Residence Inn (West Main & Ridge Street) during the week of December 3 – December 8. People will visit and have a chance to purchase ballots and vote for their favorite tree and/or gingerbread house and even participate in a silent auction to purchase a tree. And all the funds raised go to benefit the Ronald McDonald House. District Governor-elect Eric Lamb and Club President-elect Cheryl Kirby led the effort aimed at showing off the blue and gold colors of Kiwanis and highlighting the various ways the club serves the children and youth of our community. This beautiful creation was fittingly selected as the “People’s Choice” winner.
***Service Work Night at Piedmont CASA Accomplishes Two Important Tasks
November 29, 2022 — On Monday evening, November 28, six able Kiwanians came out to the headquarters of Piedmont CASA to accomplish a holiday mailing for the volunteers of this outstanding agency serving the most desperate of our children and youth in this community. Once the task was complete, the Kiwanians presented Piedmont CASA with beautiful greenery that they will use to decorate the front door of their building for the holiday.
***PVCC Workforce Services Official Addresses Kiwanis Club
November 23, 2022 — On Monday evening, November 21, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was pleased to have as its guest speaker, Mr. Frank Squillace, employer relations liaison at the WorkForce Services Division of PVCC. Many of us have known and worked with Frank over the years, whether at Martha Jefferson Hospital, Church of the Incarnation, or the Chamber of Commerce, and it was helpful for us to learn from him about how PVCC serves many of the low-income and at-risk families that Kiwanis is also seeking to help out as the opportunities arise. Dinner, hospitality, and fellowship was provided ably by Pastor Wendy Cooper and her team at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Frank explained that “Workforce Services provides short-term training programs for industry credentials, employee professional development, adult core skills and language acquisition, lifelong learning and youth career exploration. Programming includes open enrollment courses for individuals as well as contract and custom courses for regional businesses and organizations. TJACE and KidsCollege programs are housed within the Workforce Services academic division.”
***HOLIDAY GREENERY FUNDRAISER–Local Delivery Has Arrived–Extras Are Sold Out (YAY!)
November 23, 2022 — Past President Teresa Tyler submitted the order to Sherwood Farms on November 2 and the Local Delivery items have arrived (16 boxes). Kiwanians have bee notified and they are arranging to pick them up and are delivering them to their customers. SOLD OUT Because they are coming in case lots, we have a limited number (SOLD OUT) of beautiful Holiday Greenery items for sale. These items have already been paid for by the Club and will need to be sold in order for us to avoid a loss. The Direct Delivery items will come to customers here and all over the United States in the two weeks before Christmas. Last year, our customers were very happy with the freshness and beauty of the Holiday Greenery they received.
This fundraiser allows Kiwanis to maintain our SLPs (four High School Key Clubs, a CKI at UVA, and an Aktion Club at Innisfree Village), two Youth Baseball programs (Central Little League and Buddy Ball in Greene County), and several other programs which are not covered by our Signature Projects. SOLD OUT It’s not too late to purchase Holiday Greenery from the extra items (SOLD OUT) that will arrive before Thanksgiving. Contact us for list of items available. (SOLD OUT) Also, please do consider making a donation to this fundraiser (by check or using the Square site link) to help us attain success.
*** Chronological Review of Activities in October:
The first and third Monday evenings (Oct. 3 and Oct. 17) were speaker meetings and we gathered at Pilgrim Baptist Church. Pastors Wendy and Chris have designated a large parking area for us which can be accessed from West Street. We had dinner starting at 6:30 in the fellowship hall and the the program took place there as well. We ended at 8 p.m. as usual.
On Oct. 3 the speaker was David Barton of Twice is Nice Upscale Resale Boutique, affiliated with the Jefferson Area Board for Aging. “Twice is Nice, with two locations and a two-part mission, features gently used furniture, clothing, collectibles, jewelry and housewares. Twice is Nice promotes sustainability and recycling by finding new homes for old stuff. Our proceeds benefit community non profit programs dedicated to supporting quality life for seniors in need.”
At the October 17 meeting we reviewed Kiwanis International’s Youth Protection Guidelines. As the premier provider of youth service clubs and programs, Kiwanis International holds itself and its members to the highest standards of conduct and awareness. Each year, more than 300,000 youth take part in Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs like K-Kids, Builders Club and Key Club. And Kiwanis reaches millions more youth around the world through club and district service projects. When we work with and mentor youth during projects and activities, their care and welfare are entrusted to us. Kiwanis members must know how to protect the youth with whom we interact. When we all share this commitment, we also protect ourselves and the organization we value. Kiwanis International has taken extensive action to equip Kiwanis clubs, districts and Service Leadership Programs with the tools to provide safe and secure environments for youth.
Service Project: Thursday, October 6, 5 30 – 7 p.m. with Abundant Life Ministries at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Fontaine Ave. EXT. , Kiwanians enjoyed fellowship with the Abundant Life family at their Fall Festival. We shared the evening with Board members, Staff, and supporters of the Ministry. Abundant Life thanked the community for the support and donations of our sponsors in support of the children and family of the Prospect Avenue Neighborhood.
The second Monday evening (Oct. 10) was scheduled as our first Club Board meeting of the new year (our 101st). The meeting was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Club business was conducted by email, including the approval of the 2022-2023 Project and Administrative Budgets. The budget was developed in discussions held at a board retreat led by Immediate Past District Governor Dennis Baugh on September 29.
Service Project: Wednesday-Thursday, Oct. 19 – Oct. 20, any time: Piedmont CASA called for Kiwanis volunteers to come in and help them with an important Fall mailing. Advancement Director Lexie Boris is our contact person at PCASA. Kiwanis has established a good relationship with this superb agency caring for the foster children and other children and youth in desperate need in this community.
Service Project: Friday evening, October 21, , 4 – 7 p.m. Kiwanians celebrated with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge at Ix Art Park, 2nd St. SE. This was the 2nd Annual BBBS Fall Fair at IX Park. The event was open for all to attend. The fair featured carnival games including, Hi Striker, Football Toss, Basketball Double Shot, Radar Speed Pitch; photo booth, cotton candy, popcorn, face painter, and more. Food trucks were on site. All proceeds went to support BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge mentoring programs. BBBS was the beneficiary of the 39th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race.
Kiwanis One Day — Saturday, October 22– This year, Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh organized a Kiwanis Cville 1 team to walk and raise money in the annual Alzheimer’s Walk which took place Saturday morning, Oct. 22, at the CFA Institute, the old location of Martha Jefferson Hospital. Dennis sent out a recruiting spread sheet for this and also indicated that Kiwanians and friends could support the cause by making a donation or by showing up to cheer on the walkers and enjoy the festivities. Our own Michelle LaRose was the Walk Director for this event! There was a good showing of enthusiastic Kiwanians and K-Family members at the event and Team Kiwanis Cville 1 exceeded its fundraising goal.
Service Work Night: normally fourth Monday evening (Oct. 24). BUT, it was also the day of the second annual In Search of Excellence Golf Tournament Honoring Dr. Bob Rotella at the Club at Glenmore. (10:30 – 5 p.m.) Eric Lamb headed up this project last year and we had a good turnout of Kiwanis volunteers. Matt Laird is in charge of our volunteers this year and a similar large group of enthusiastic Kiwanians came out to assist with the event and to support the cause.
Interclub: On Tuesday evening, October 25, five Charlottesville Kiwanians traveled to the James Madison University Campus to help the Kiwanis Club of Harrisonburg celebrate its 100th anniversary. The key note address was given by Kiwanis International President-Elect Katrina Baranko.
Service Project: Saturday, Oct. 29, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fashion Square Mall. Kiwanians had a table with kids activities and Good Will Industries of the Valley held a Kids Fun Run and Job Fair. Our own Jennifer Mammi brought together community organizations to promote the resources available through Good Will to those families in need in our community. Family Fun Day and Multi-Employer Job Fair. The job fair will go along with the events of the day. Fun Run at 11:00. They kids ran from Sears to JCPenney where they had the job fair and other events set up. Everyone who’ had a table at the job fair did some sort of activity for the kids — be it a ring toss, a fishing behind a board — something for kids to do while their parents talked about job opportunities.
***Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Annual Awards Presentation Accomplished in a “Laid Back” Style
September 28, 2022 — The 101st rendition of the Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Annual Awards Night was accomplished in a “laid back” style in the wonderful back yard of the home of PLG Barb Ritter on Monday evening, September 26. A catered meal from Wegman’s accompanied by a marvelous array of pot luck items from soup to nuts contributed by members and guests began the evening. After President Jim Hart cut the lovely decorated cake, he rang the bell to signal the beginning of the business side of the evening. District Governor Elect Eric Lamb introduced three new members of the club (Jack Compton, Jennifer Mammi and her husband Nick Mammi) and presided over their induction ceremony. Then President Jim and Immediate Past District Governor Dennis Baugh handed out a variety of special awards to deserving Kiwanians. PLG Eric Lamb was honored for heading up the Service Project of the Year: the Kiwanis/Walmart Program, which over the past four years has contributed nearly $500,000 in gifts-in-kind to more than a dozen community organizations in the area. PLG Barb Ritter received the Signature Project Innovation Award for expanding the Cozy Comforts project in a special way to support youth aging out of foster care who are engaged in Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success program. Past District Governor Dennis Baugh was saluted for his extraordinary work in chairing “Task Force 100” and organizing a most wonderful Centennial Celebration at the Club at Glenmore on August 29. Finally, Wendy Cooper was hailed as the Kiwanis Rookie of the Year for having jumped into action “with both feet” once having joined the club in the spring of this year.
Next, President Jim made special presentations to four Champions of Kiwanis who had their pictures appear on Wheaties (the “Breakfast of Champions”) cereal boxes: Tom Lowe for his eagerness to participate in anything having to do with the Kiwanis shed; Past President Teresa Tyler for her leadership of the Holiday Greenery project; President-Elect Cheryl Kirby for her last-minute assumption of direction over the Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race; and Edward Schmitz for his work in managing the “reboot” of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation.
Finally, Lieutenant Governor Sam Bosserman of the Waynesboro Club took charge of the installation of officers and directors for 2022-2023. She first thanked outgoing board members for their service and then introduced individually the members of the 2022-2023 board and installed them in their various offices. The expanded board includes Krister Briehl, Charlie Krizek, Wendy Cooper, and Cindy Harris (they join Dana Douglas and Philip Day as directors); Matt Laird as Assistant Treasurer; Dennis Baugh as Treasurer and Assistant Secretary; Bob Ribando continuing as Secretary; Cheryl Kirby as President-elect; and, finally, Jim Hart repeating as President for the fourth time. In his closing remarks, President Jim reminded the audience of how the club will proceed both with the transition into the “new normal” of a post-pandemic era and also take its first bold steps into the Club’s second century of “Service to the Children of our Community and the World.” He then rang the same bell which the Club has had since 1934 to adjourn the event.
***Neighborhood Back-to-School Celebration Assisted by Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
September 20, 2022 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville did something special for the kids of the Tenth & Page Neighborhood. As its September Service Work Night, Kiwanis assisted Pastors Chris and Wendy Cooper at Pilgrim Baptist Church, 211 Albemarle Street, in a Neighborhood Back to School Gathering. A picnic meal was prepared by church members while Kiwanians served. After the meal youth from the church presented a special musical program followed by an inspirational talk by one of the older teens. Finally, school supplies and other useful and fun gifts were handed out. The bulk of these gifts came thanks to the Kiwanis/Walmart Gifts-in-Kind Program while the club supplemented these with additional gifts. The club also underwrote the cost of the meal. This event was the club’s first effort to get to know the youth from the neighborhood where Chris and Wendy are pastoring. Many of the youth participate in other neighborhood enrichment efforts such as City of Promise and it is good for Kiwanians to lend our support to encourage the development of these fine programs in our community.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Join Division 9 Kiwanians and K-Family at Annual Picnic at Elks Lodge in Waynesboro
September 1, 2022–The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville accomplished an interclub (Eric Lamb, Dennis Baugh (w/Darlene), Wendy Cooper, Jim Hart) at the annual Division 9 picnic, hosted again this year by Waynesboro at the Waynesboro Elks Lodge. The turn out was great, food was plentiful, and much good Kiwanis fellowship took place.
***Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Celebrates 100th Anniversary with Festive Affair at the Club at Glenmore
August 30, 2022 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville commemorated its 100th year of “service to the children of the world” at a gala anniversary celebration dinner held Monday evening, August 29, at the Club at Glenmore. Immediate Past Kiwanis International President Art Riley was the key note speaker. Immediate Past Capital District Kiwanis Governor Dennis Baugh shared with the audience special proclamations from the Charlottesville City Council, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, and from the President of the University of Virginia, saluting the contributions made by the service club which has done amazing work for the children and youth of this community for the past century. Current Kiwanis President Jim Hart, a 25-year member of the Charlottesville Club, recognized past and present Kiwanis leaders in attendance, many of whom who are giants in their communities and serve as inspiration for the Club as it looks forward to its next 100 years of service. Popular radio talk show host Joe Thomas kept the affair running smoothly as Master of Ceremonies.
Guests had an opportunity to participate in an exciting “silent auction” to benefit the endowment fund of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation (501 c, 3), which will help ensure that the Club will continue to do its important work into its second century. Period music and a slide show were presented and guests browsed a splendid display of historical artifacts and memorabilia from the club’s illustrious record of service to the community over the past 100 years.
***Kiwanis Volunteers Help Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries Prepare Space For Youth Programs
August 23, 2022 — A strong contingent of a dozen Kiwanians turned out for the August Monday evening service work night organized at Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries at 780 Prospect Avenue. After receiving a brief tour led by Director Eddie Howard of the two headquarters buildings operated for the past 25 years by Abundant Life in the heart of one of Charlottesville’s “at-risk” neighborhoods, the volunteers were shown a basement area that the agency plans to convert to program space for the growing academic support, youth mentoring, and healthy after-school projects that Abundant Life conducts for more than 150 children and youth in the community. Shelves full of supplies of all sorts were moved, cleaned, repackaged and re-arranged. Trash and recyclables were hauled away. And a general sweeping, mopping, and scrubbing was accomplished in a space that will begin welcoming youth in the next few days as school begins. The group then enjoyed a picnic-style meal and fellowship while hearing from Community Outreach Director Faith Kelley about the impact Kiwanis efforts made this evening.
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Tapped to Top Leadership Positions in the Capital District and Recognized for Unmatched Faithfulness to Kiwanis Ideals
August 22, 2022 — It’s official! Past Division Nine Lieutenant Governor Eric Lamb has been elected to the position of Governor-Elect of Capital District Kiwanis for 2022-2023. Way to go, Eric! This took place at the 102nd annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention held this weekend at the Baltimore Sheraton Inner Harbor where seven Kiwanians and one K-Family member attended and participated. At the same House of Delegates session, Immediate Past Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh was unanimously endorsed to run for the position on the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees. This election will take place at the next Kiwanis International Convention to be held in Minneapolis in June of 2023. Good luck, Dennis, we are very proud of you. Another distinction that we enjoyed, our dear Dr. Jim Masloff was recognized at the fellowship luncheon as being the Kiwanian with the most years of service at the convention—58 years. He was the last man standing when a gentleman from the Manassas, Virginia club had to sit down after reporting that he had “only” 57 years of service. Be sure to congratulate Dr. Jim, Gov-Elect Designate Eric, and KI Trustee-candidate Dennis when you see them at our next Kiwanis event, And while you are at it, send thanks and congratulations to Past Division Nine Lieutenant Governor Barb Ritter who prepared and donated a special Cozy Comforts back pack for the Caring Corner raffle–a popular and very effective fund-raising event for the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation. It was reported that the back pack was won by a Lieutenant Gov Designate who then met with Barb and collected ideas about starting that project in her own Division. Nice job, Barb!
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Members Once Again Collect School Supplies for Agnor-Hurt Elementary School
August 19, 2022 — Aktion Club Kiwanis liaison Dana Douglas reported that for the fourth straight year the school supply drive organized with the help of Activities Director Carol Evans at Innisfree Village was a big success. Pictured are three charter members of the Aktion Club happily sorting some of the supplies, which Dana delivered to Church of Saviour on East Rio Road. The Outreach Ministry at Church of Our Saviour assists about 45 kids in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School with a Grab-a-Bag weekend meals program. They also help out in the school’s efforts to make sure all students are well-equipped for the beginning of the school year. Dana also reports that supplies gathered through the wildly successful Kiwanis-Walmart Gifts-in-Kind program were added to the amount collected by the Aktion Club and donated to the school. Nice going, Dana!
***Goodwill Industries of the Valley Offers Guideposts on the Road to Success
August 2, 2022 — Jennifer Mammi, business & community engagement specialist with Goodwill Industries of the Valleys provided a program for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville gathered at Pilgrim Baptist Church on Monday evening, August 1. Jennifer spoke to us on zoom back in January and attended one of our meetings at Hibachi Grill in March She explained that Goodwill is reaching out to various agencies in Charlottesville/Albemarle who work with young people (especially those in at-risk situations) to alert them to opportunities provided by Goodwill for job training and other career and life enhancement programs. She stated that funding for these programs come largely from the sales in their successful stores in our community. Jennifer was accompanied by Christy Morris, one of Goodwill’s talented Success Coaches. Mrs. Morris, who has been featured in a long-running TV commercial for Goodwill, most recently transitioned from her role as Jail & Prison Re-Entry specialist to Success Coach, where she provides case management and helps set career goals directly with Goodwill employees. It was good for us to hear this young woman’s inspiring success story (Click here to see her 3-minute You Tube video.). Kiwanis looks forward to helping Goodwill connect especially with youth and young adults seeking direction on the road to success in the community.
***Partnering Opportunities Sought with Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries
July 20, 2022 — Kiwanis members were pleased to have Executive Director Eddie Howard of Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries and CALM’s Advancement & Communications Director Faith Kelley provide a program for us at our meeting at Pilgrim Baptist Church on July 18. We are looking forward to finding partnering opportunities with them where our Kiwanis superpowers can be leveraged for the benefit of the families in the Prospect Neighborhood. Prospect is one of five federally-defined low-income neighborhoods in the city of Charlottesville and is home to a vibrant and diverse community of nearly 400 families. For twenty-five years, CALM volunteers have been “walking alongside each family within the community (holistically), providing spiritual development, academic support, and economic empowerment” through a wide variety of programs based on the principles of Christian Community Development (CCD). Among these principles are: reconciliation; listening to the community; leadership development, empowerment; redistribution. As the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville enters its second century of “Service to the Children and Families of the World,” we strive to be present in those neighborhoods where the need is greatest.
***39th Annual KID5K Race Big Success
July 4, 2022 — BIG SUCCESS: KID5K–Saturday, July 2, 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. The 39th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race (KID5K), took place at Forest Lakes North. Beneficiary for the fourth straight year was Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge, Start/Finish line at Lakeside Middle School. Presenting Sponsor is Better Living Inc. See race results at the Charlottesville Track Club web site: https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Charlottesville/KiwanisIndependenceDay5K
BBBS Facebook post on July 5: “Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for organizing the 39th Annual Independence Day 5k to benefit BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge. We appreciate your continued support of our mentoring programs.”
***Pilgrim Baptist Church Hosts Kiwanis In-Person Meeting and Presents Program Celebrating Juneteenth
June 21, 2022 — New Kiwanian Wendy Cooper and her husband Chris are the Pastors of Pilgrim Baptist Church on Albemarle Street in the historic 10th & Page Neighborhood of Charlottesville. They invited Kiwanis to come to their church for the regular third Monday in-person meeting, enjoy dinner, and participate in a commemoration of Juneteenth. Kiwanians did not know what a treat they were in for. Following a scrumptious three-course meal prepared and served by church members, Wendy introduced a West African Drum and Dance ensemble who explained the meaning of the holiday and provided us with a stirring demonstration of this traditional art form. And another church member sang beautiful inspiring spirituals that gave us all pause to reflect. Division 9 Lt Gov Pam Warren made her official club visit and even agreed to join club president, Jim Hart, in learning of few steps of the dance. Chris and Wendy mentioned that the church’s youth group meets on Monday evenings and would be interested in meeting with Kiwanians to establish a mutually beneficial relationship. Kiwanians in attendance heartily endorsed this idea and thanked the Coopers for their inspiring hospitality. See the brief video on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/KiwanisCville
***Piedmont CASA Touts the Impact of the Kiwanis Partnership in The Advocate Newsletter and on Facebook
See the June edition of The Advocate, PCASA’s monthly newsletter: https://conta.cc/3aSFLT3
“The $500 Kiwanis sponsorship enabled us to offer prizes to winning bluebirds as well as raffle drawings for everyone who submitted a bluebird work of art. Thanks to their support, we received over 160 bluebird works of art.–thus meeting our goal of having one unique bluebird to represent each child in the foster care system in our community. You can see many of the bluebirds here: http://thebluebirdproject.org/bluebird-art-2022/
***Kiwanians and Friends Bring Good Luck to the Tom Sox
June 7, 2022 — On Monday evening June 6, twenty-five Kiwanians and friends came out to Charlottesville High School baseball field to enjoy a picnic-style meal and cheer on the home town Tom Sox as they took on the Staunton Braves in a Valley League contest. Gathering under and around two large Kiwanis tents over the left field fence, the Kiwanians and their guests (including a youth group from Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries) honored America when Kiwanis family-member Melody Day gave a stirring rendition of our national anthem just before the umpire intoned “Play Ball.” Kiwanis banners were hung from the fences along third base and an info table staffed by Jim Hart was set up between the bleachers behind home plate. The PA announcer declared it to be “Kiwanis Appreciation Night” and especially noted that it was our 100th anniversary this year. The Tom Sox trailed for mot of the game but rallied in the seventh inning to take the lead and hang on for their first win of the young season. Melody commented that she seems to bring good luck to every team where she has been invited to sing the national anthem. Nice going Melody! You made us all proud!
***Boys & Girls Club Receives Another Large Donation of Toys and School Supplies from Kiwanis Charlottesville
May 19, 2022 — As a result of the phenomenal success of the collaboration between our local Walmart and the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, where over the past three and a half years more than $330,000 worth of gifts-in-kind has been distributed to more than a dozen community agencies, Club President Jim Hart and Club Secretary Bob Ribando were able to deliver a car load of toys to the Cherry Avenue Unit of the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia this week. Pictured are Hart (l) and Ribando flanking Cherry Avenue Unit Director David Cook and four of his young coaches as they accepted dozens of toys and games, which will be made available to the kids who participate in the after-school programs and summer camp at the Cherry Avenue location. As it slowly recovers from the restrictions caused by the pandemic, the Cherry Avenue unit alone aims to serve on average more than 200 children and youth every day in its after-school program. David Cook expressed his great appreciation to what he pointed out is the long-standing relationship Kiwanis Charlottesville has had with the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia. He described a unique “Points Program” managed through an APP, where the kids are encouraged to excel in various character-building and extra-curricular educational activities in order to qualify for rewards available to them through these Kiwanis donations. The kids are also taught basic financial literacy skills while becoming gratified with toys, school supplies, or other items they desire. Charlottesville Kiwanians can take pride in the partnership that we have built with this excellent and expanding local agency which serves hundreds of children and youth in Central Virginia.
***Piedmont CASA Director Speaks to Kiwanis about Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Month
May 17, 2022 — May is National Foster Care Month — when people and organizations all across our community create bluebird works of art, each one as unique as each child we care for.
“Our goal is one bluebird to represent each child in foster care.” You can see them all here: http://www.thebluebirdproject.org For the second year in a row, Kiwanis Charlottesville stands shoulder to shoulder with Piedmont CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and the Foster Care Adoption and Awareness Coalition and supportive businesses who care for the foster children and families in our community. Kate Duvall , President and CEO of Piedmont CASA spoke to the club at the Monday evening speaker meeting, May 16, at Hibachi Grill. Kate thanked Kiwanis for our outstanding support for the Blue Bird Project (including the Bluebird Parade, Art Exhibit and Art Auction on-line) as well as for the special attention we are paying in support of their unique Bridges to Success program A presentation was made by Past Division 9 Lt Gov Barb Ritter, the founder and committee chair of the Cozy Comforts Project of a specially-designed care package consisting of household items to be presented to teens involved in the Bridges to Success program. Teens involved in this program will be aging out of foster care soon and are being mentored by volunteers recruited and trained by Piedmont CASA. Barb presented two very large laundry baskets, one jam-packed with items any young person would need to outfit his or her kitchen in the new apartment. The other laundry basket was overflowing with items especially selected to be useful in outfitting the bathroom of a new apartment. Piedmont CASA’s Bridges to Success coaches, who have been guiding these youth on a most difficult journey through adolescence, will be able to help their mentee make decisions about how to proceed when setting up their own household for the very first time. Kate Duvall expressed her heartfelt thanks to Kiwanis for helping to turn the community’s attention to this unmet need among a most vulnerable young population of foster kids.
***Kiwanis Charlottesville Extends Support to New Bambino Buddy-Ball Baseball League in Greene County
May 5, 2022 — Did you know that Kiwanis Charlottesville has supported the Central Little League for more than 60 years? We have continued that support this year and have been notified that a record-number of more than 300 boys and girls are engaged this spring in Little League baseball and softball at Pen Park. Additionally, Central Little League counts on more than 110 volunteers who help as Board Members, Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Managers, in Field Maintenance, and in the Concessions Stand. New for Kiwanis Cville this year, Bambino Buddy-Ball in Greene County. Read on . . .
This spring, PLG Eric Lamb championed support for the development of a Bambino Buddy-Ball Baseball program through the Greene County Youth Center in Ruckersville. Part of Babe Ruth Baseball, Buddy-Ball is designed for players 5-22 years of age who have a physical, cognitive and/or emotional disability. A buddy helps the player swing a bat, run the bases and catch the ball. Everyone gets to hit and everyone is playing defense, so no one is sitting on the bench in Buddy-Ball. They work together and learn the game of baseball and have lots of fun playing games. To see the CBS19 story click here. And for the Greene County Record story, click here.
***Kiwanis under the Big Tent as Community Partner During Ready Kids 100th Birthday Bash
May 1, 2022 — Six hardy Kiwanians unfurled the big tent displaying our banners and oodles of PR-type information alongside a bowl of candy and a bead-making activity all in the hopes of showing off Kiwanis as an energetic partner for 100 years with the wonderful community agency Ready Kids at their 100th Birthday Bash held on Saturday, April 30 at their headquarters at 1000 East High Street. Upwards of a hundred kids and families strolled through the grounds visiting dozens of tents and tables staffed by Ready Kids staff who explained the multi-faceted activities of this organization and dozens more of community partners who entertained all visitors with a tremendous variety of games and activities from a bounce house to a sandbox scavenger hunt to mention a few. Pizza from Domino’s and scrumptious baked goods from KrissyCakes kept the crowds happily fed. There was even a shiny red fire truck for the kids to explore, courtesy of the Charlottesville Fire Department. Both Kiwanis and Ready Kids pledge to continue working together as we both enter our second century of service to the children of the world.
***Kiwanis Co-Sponsors Easter Egg Hunt and Toys Give Away Conducted by Come As You Are Cville (CAYA Cville)
April 20, 2022 — In accordance with a unique initiative devised by Tristan Kabesa, founder of this new Charlottesville agency, volunteers and community partners helped Come As You Are Cville take an Easter Egg Hunt and Toys Giveaway directly to the kids living in four “at risk” communities in Charlottesville on a beautiful Easter Sunday afternoon. In just two hours, kids at Prospect (Greenwood at 5th), Friendship Court, Hardy Drive, and Riverside chased one another for the coveted Easter Eggs, accepted gifts of small toys and candy from the Easter Bunny, and even had a chance to examine a real live Charlottesville Fire Engine. Come As You Are Cville, only recently became enrolled as a beneficiary organization of the Kiwanis/Walmart Gift-in-Kind Program where Mr. Kabesa is able regularly to select from a large quantity of toys, household goods, and various clothing items. His organization then distributes these to residents in need at one of several “at-risk” communities in the city during the last week of each month and on special occasions such as Easter and the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday.
***Ready Kids Boosted as 2022 Kiwanis Dogwood Season Beneficiary
April 19, 2022 — Citing our mutual 100-year history spanning “from pandemic to pandemic,” Ready Kids Finance Director, Bill Barefoot addressed the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville at its Monday evening speaker meeting at Hibachi Grill on April 18. Ready Kids opened its doors in 1921 as the Children’s Home, serving 30 kids who were orphaned by the Spanish flu epidemic. By the 1940s, with support from the UnIted Way (then called the Community Chest), they were serving about 350 children and adolescents. In the 1970s through the 1990s, the agency’s outreach extended to families at risk, offering parenting education, foster parent recruitment, counseling and emergency services for abused and neglected children, in Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. In the new century, the agency known as Children Youth and Family Services expanded its early childhood education services as well as support for pre-school education and in-home daycare settings. By 2013, CYFS was serving more than 5,000 children and youth and their families. Changing its name to Ready Kids in 2014 and after greatly expanding it headquarters at 1000 East High Street in 2019, records showed that the agency impacted more than 7,000 local kids, families, and early childhood educators in FY21. In recognition of this outstanding record of success in serving the children of our community, and to acknowledge the long-standing active partnership provided by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, a grant of $3,500 was made to Ready Kids. Kiwanis volunteers also participated at the annual Pin Wheel Planting at the Freedom of Speech Monument on the Downtown Mall on April 13, helping Ready Kids raise awareness for April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. And on April 15 Kiwanis was present to enjoy the annual Ready Kids Community Luncheon where the John L. Snook Child Advocacy Award was presented. Plans were announced and invitations extended at this event for a 100th Birthday Bash to take place at Ready Kids on Saturday, April 30 and, as so often happened over the past 100 years, Kiwanis stepped up to offer its collaboration as a community partner.
***Four New Members Introduced to the Kiwanis Club on the 100th Anniversary of the Charter Signing
April 5, 2022 — Twenty-five members and guests celebrated the 100th anniversary of the signing of our charter yesterday at Hibachi Grill in a most fitting fashion–by inducting four of our newest members: Matt Laird, Dennis Baugh, Cheryl Kirby, and Wendy Cooper. No fewer than five Past Lieutenant Governors (LTGs) participated in the ceremony–Bill Jones, Ken Smith, Herb Ely, Barb Ritter, and Eric Lamb. The Immediate Past Governor of Capital District Kiwanis, Dennis Baugh, addressed the gathering and encouraged us all to live up to the charge “Kiwanis is a Verb” by stepping up the level of service we can deliver to our community and the world. I was moved to remember the words of Past Capital District Governor, the late Bob Cressy, who said: “We have enough members to do what we are doing, but not enough members to do what needs to be done.” Let’s remember these words as we strive to be the best we can be this year and for many years to come.
From the Archives:
“The organization meeting was held April 3, 1922, 62 were present of the 64 invited to join the new club. Happy 100th Birthday, Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville http://kiwaniscville.org#KidsNeedKiwanisThe idea of a Kiwanis Club for Charlottesville originated with Norman T Shumate, President of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. He visited his friend, Giles H Miller, Vice-President of the Lynchburg National Bank and a strong believer in Kiwanis Mr Shumate became thoroughly imbued with the ideals of Kiwanis. When he returned home he called together some of the representative businessmen of the community and explained to them the possibilities for community growth and civic betterment which would result from the organized effort of the men of the community. They wrote International, who sent Field Representative George Selig to Charlottesville to assist in letting the club properly start. From the very first, Mr Selig had the hearty cooperation of all those who were asked to join. Charter officers of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville: President Norman T Shumate, Vice President John L Manahan Secretary-Treasurer Lawrence A Davis, Trustee Dan O Via.”
For more history see: http://history.capitaldistrictkiwanis.org/clubs/charlottesville.html
***Founder of “Come As You Are Cville” Makes Presentation to Kiwanis Club
March 22, 2022 — On Monday evening, March 21, Charlottesville Kiwanians returned to Hibachi Grill for its second in-person speaker meeting of the month. Our guest was Tristan Kabesa, the founder and executive director of Come As You Are Cville. His web site explains: “At Come As You Are Cville, we have adopted community, compassion, dignity, and equality as our core values. Each day this is displayed in the extraordinary measure through the unified effort of our staff, volunteers, and supporters. Located in Charlottesville, Virginia, Come As You Are Cville has been serving people throughout the area since 2018 and seeks to provide access to resources that empower people experiencing homelessness to progress on the road toward economic and personal stability.” CAYA Cville became enrolled last Thursday as a beneficiary organization of the Kiwanis/Walmart Gift-in-Kind Program when Mr. Kabesa visited with PLG Eric Lamb at the shed and was able to select a large quantity of toys, household goods, and various clothing items. His organization will distribute these to residents in need at one of five “at-risk” communities in the city during the last week of this month. Mr. Kabesa also announced that his second annual summer camp for kids from these specific neighborhoods is being organized at this very moment. He said that there are many ways Kiwanis and Kiwanians can join with CAYA Cville to help improve the lives for children and families in need in this community. NBC29 did an interesting story on this organization back in January. To check it out click here:
***Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Backpacks Donated to DePaul Community Resources
March 18, 2022 — PLG Eric Lamb met at the shed with Chris Tompkins of DePaul Community Resources and presented twelve Cozy Comforts backpacks on Thursday, March 17. Committee Chairman PLG Barb Ritter explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations . . . Items in each backpack will vary based on need but most certainly will include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” Kiwanis Cville is proud to stand with DePaul in assisting those kids in most desperate need in our community:. A quote from DePaul’s web site explains: “The youth in our Foster Care program are looking for a place to belong, hope for tomorrow, and often times, healing after experiencing abuse and neglect. DePaul’s dedicated, professional staff support foster parents every step of the way, utilizing a collaborative team approach that helps young people in foster care to heal from trauma.” In just this current Kiwanis year, which is just about half over, Charlottesville Kiwanians have packed and distributed 45 of these gifts of love and warmth. The agencies who receive them keep these treasures on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they find themselves suddenly thrust into the most difficult circumstances in the coming months.
***Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Makes Annual $3,000 Gift to UVA Children’s Hospital
March 11, 2022 — Over the past 30 or so years, the Capital District Foundation has contributed upwards of nearly $100,000 to the UVA Children’s Hospital. Foundation Board Member, Dennis Baugh who also serves as the Capital District Kiwanis Immediate Past Governor, recently provided UVA Children’s Hospital NICU a check for $3,000. Dennis is pictured here with Ms. Erin Chandler, Assistant Director of Development for Children’s Miracle Network and Annual Giving. They are standing in front of the Battle Building, which was named to honor the family of John S. Battle, past Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Past President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. The great UVA Children’s Hospital is one of nine pediatric trauma centers supported every year by the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation through the proceeds largely gained from the Ducky Derby held at District Convention (DCON).
***Official from AHIP Makes Presentation to Kiwanis Club
March 10, 2022 — Twenty enthusiastic Kiwanians and their guests came out to enjoy the first in-person club speaker meeting after the disruptions of the omicron surge and nasty winter weather. The Hibachi Grill on Seminole Trail provided a spacious, private room and guests partook of a scrumptious Asian Fusion-style buffet meal. On the agenda, much to his surprise, was the awarding of a special Legion of Honor certificate to two-time Club President and Past Club Foundation Chair, Philip Day. Philip was cited for 25 years of loyal service to the children of the world through Kiwanis. Philip hardly ever misses a service work night, and he is front and center at all of our major projects. Congratulations, Philip! The program Monday night was presented by Elise Noyes, Development Manager for AHIP (The Albemarle Housing Improvement Program). Elise shared inspiring stories of families, who, with AHIP’s help, have become “Safe at Home.” She described specifically their Emergency Repairs Program; the Rehab Program; and the Energy Retrofit Program. There are many ways Kiwanis and Kiwanians can join with AHIP to help improve housing for families in need in this community–contact Elise at 434-817-2447 (ext 29) or check out AHIP’s web site at https://ahipva.org/about-2/
***Kiwanis Charlottesville Accomplishes Inter-Club at Capital District Mid-Year Meeting in Williamsburg
March 6, 2022 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville accomplished an interclub on the weekend of March 4-6–that means that four Charlottesville Kiwanians (Barb Ritter, Dennis Baugh, Eric Lamb, and Jim Hart) attended the Capital District Mid-Year Conference at Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. Click on this hyper-link to see recordings of the presentations.) Barb presented a popular workshop session on Cozy Comforts while Eric provided a stimulating talk on Effective Communications. Eric also was awarded a certificate of achievement for his distinguished performance as Lt Gov of Division 9 in 2020- 21. Doing the awarding was Immediate Past District Governor Dennis Baugh, who accepted many plaudits for his outstanding year of leadership from all in attendance, including most especially from Kiwanis International President Peter Mancuso and his immediate predecessor Past Kiwanis International President Art Riley. Looking ahead, we have the Kiwanis International Convention slated from June 8-11 in Indianapolis, and the Capital District Convention set for Baltimore, August 19-21. Please save the date and make plans to attend these educational and fun events. Especially exciting will be the DCON in Baltimore because the District announced on March 4: “Past Lt. Governor Eric Lamb of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville with the support of the Kiwanis clubs of Division 9 has been officially certified today as a candidate for the office of 2022-2023 Capital District Kiwanis Governor-Elect.”
***Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village Goes All Out for Residents at Ronald McDonald House
February 28, 2022 — On Tuesday afternoon (2/22/22) at (approximately) 2:22 p.m. ten members of the Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village prepared and packed up a marvelous home-cooked dinner for the people staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Charlottesville. This effort was coordinated and led by Innisfree’s amazing activities counselor, Carol Evans. Fifteen individually packed trays of meatloaf, gravy, broccoli, mash potatoes, and rolls; along with three dozen eggs sourced from their farm, a hundred fresh-baked chocolate chip and blueberry nut cookies; and two bags of apples and oranges were delivered to RMH-Cville by Kiwanians Jim Hart and Dana Douglas. As you know, families are able to stay at the facility for free while their children are being treated at the great UVA Children’s Hospital, one of the nine pediatric trauma centers supported every year by the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation through the proceeds from Ducky Derby.
***Disabled Marine Veteran Praises Kiwanis for Support and Encouragement
February 20, 2022 — President Jim Hart presented Rob Gillette, who spoke to us on ZOOM back on February 7, a replica of the Kiwanis bell as a token of our appreciation for his talk. Rob expressed his own deep appreciation to Kiwanis for all we do supporting disabled veterans and their families. Rob, who was seriously wounded while serving in combat in both Somalia and in Bosnia, explained that having a highly-trained service dog with him has made it possible for him to remain gainfully employed as a barber at His Barber Shop (formerly Staples) in Barracks Road Shopping Center. Many veterans, he said, suffer in lonely silence while dealing with the many challenges that they face every day as a result of their injuries. Rob specifically applauded the Club’s recent financial support for the training of a service dog through the Leashes of Valor program.
***Kiwanis Cozy Comforts Backpacks Donated to Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE)
December 23, 2021 –Another piece of very good news just in time for Christmas is that Committee Chairman PLG Barb Ritter and PLG Eric Lamb met with Kayla Ferguson of the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) and presented fifteen Cozy Comforts backpacks on Tuesday, December 21. PLG Barb explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations.The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Items in each backpack will vary based on need but most certainly will include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” The SHE Shelter, as it is familiarly known, is “the only agency in the city of Charlottesville and the surrounding counties that provides comprehensive services to women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Each year the Shelter responds to over 1,000 hotline calls, provides over 5,000 nights of safe shelter to more than 200 women and children, and assists many other victims of domestic violence through outreach services.” Over the past four years, Charlottesville Kiwanians have packed more than 200 of these gifts of love and warmth and distributed them to six agencies who keep these treasures on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they find themselves suddenly thrust into the most difficult circumstances in the coming months.
***Kiwanis Answers the Challenge and Establishes Virtual Red Kettle for the Salvation Army
December 22, 2021 — Answering the challenge from our friends at the Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club and conceding that many Kiwanians are hesitant or unable to come out in public during the pandemic’s latest surge, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville established a virtual Red Kettle and issued its own challenge to Kiwanians and Kiwanis Family members to donate in support of the local Salvation Army‘s good work here and around the world. To date, more than $1,200 has been raised towards meeting our $1,500 goal. This amount included a whopping $170 that was collected in Happy Dollars at the Kiwanis Christmas Party held Tuesday evening, December 21, at Carmello’s Italian Restaurant. It is hoped that friends will consider donating as part of their end-of-year giving and thereby help us meet the goal and endorse the efforts of the Salvation Army all year long.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Organizes Successful Gift-Card Fundraiser to Help Welcome Afghan Refugees to our Community
December 18, 2021 — “Think Globally, Act Locally” is a motto that the Kiwanis Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village takes literally. Having gotten word of the dynamic collaboration that is developing between Kiwanis Charlottesville and the Blue Mountains Rotary Club to help welcome the hundreds of Afghan refugees who are being settled in Central Virginia by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), Aktion Club leaders sprung into, well, action. They designed and created hand-made signs to post throughout the Village and utilized the occasion of the Village’s annual holiday party to publicize the cause and solicit gift-cards that IRC will hand directly to the families being settled in our community so they can meet their needs. When all was said and done, $500 worth of generic Master Card and Visa gift cards was collected and sent to IRC headquarters in Charlottesville. The Aktion Club gesture will likely be accepted as a challenge when the Kiwanis/Rotary Joint Fundraiser gets organized shortly after the new year, all for the benefit of our new neighbors setting down new roots in our community.
***Five Kiwanians Volunteer to Assemble Christmas Gift Bags for Inmates and Staff at Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail
December 16, 2021 — “This small gift has created the opportunity for countless conversations with those who feel as though they’ve been forgotten” — such is the way Richard Van Arsdale, Chaplain at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail (and prospective Kiwanis member) described the impact of a collaborative effort to assemble five hundred Christmas Gift Bags to be donated next week to the inmates and staff at the local jail. Three hundred of the bags were put together by 25 volunteers (including five Kiwanians) in a “bucket brigade” session at Christ Community Church on December 13. Another two hundred bags were completed at a separate event by the students at Covenant School. The entire packing process took about 35 – 40 minutes and concluded with Chaplain Van’s blessing of the bags and an informative Q&A session with staff of the jail alongside Chaplain Van and Senior Chaplain Joseph. Kiwanian Charlie Krizek expressed his amazement of how much good could be accomplished in such a short time through the collaborative efforts of volunteers who just had a heart. Kiwanis President Jim Hart agreed and endorsed this project as a good example,of our club’s intention to fulfill Kiwanis Object #1: to give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Sends Holiday Greetings to Children-in-Need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School
December 15, 2021 — The Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village met on Friday afternoon to make Holiday Greeting Cards to go to fifty children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. These children receive a weekend meal package year-round from a special outreach project (Grab A Bag) at the Church of Our Saviour. These are the same kids that the Kiwanis Family has helped out for the last several years, following Aktion Club’s lead, for our school supply drive in July and August (again in collaboration with Church of Our Saviour’s outreach program.) Another aspect of community collaboration for a good cause is the fact that members of the entire Innisfree community participated in the card-making party, which was organized by Aktion Club leaders to take place after lunch in the Community Building at Innisfree Village.
***CKI at UVA Hosts 12th Annual “Breakfast with Santa”
December 12, 2021 — Returning after a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Circle K International (CKI) at the University of Virginia organized the 12th iteration of “Breakfast with Santa” on Saturday, December 11. Six enthusiastic volunteers, led by CKI President Kate Dudley, decorated Ern Commons in the McCormick Road area of UVA Grounds. They then prepared and served an expansive breakfast/brunch buffet for upwards of thirty community children and their families who came out to play games, do arts and crafts, and, of course, welcome Santa. Three members of the Western Albemarle High School Key Club joined CKI in guiding the kids in their games and helping with arts and crafts. Smiles abounded, especially when Santa made his entrance and invited them to a socially-distanced meet and greet.
***Holiday Greenery Fundraiser–Local Delivery and Direct Delivery Orders Have Arrived–Patrons Report Satisfaction
December 9, 2021 –The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville did its holiday fundraiser slightly differently this year. As far as anyone knows, this was the first time in more than 85 years that we did not sell Christmas trees. But through the month of October, we took orders for beautiful wreaths, garlands, centerpieces, and swags provided by Sherwood Forest Farms in Seattle, Washington. This company had provided greenery for the Albemarle High School Key Club’s annual holiday fundraiser for many years before the club decided to stop doing this just a few years back. Our order was placed by Past President Teresa Tyler on November 1. Club board member Sean Horn was cited for having sold, by far, the most greenery. Those members who were not able to sell greenery were encouraged to make a financial donation in support of this project.
The greenery items ordered for local delivery arrived at Club Secretary Bob Ribando‘s garage in the week before Thanksgiving, a bit earlier than we had expected. Bob and Teresa coordinated the delivery of the greenery by about 15 Kiwanians to customers (friends, relatives, neighbors, local businesses) in time for Thanksgiving. Since we had to order in case lots, about 30 items were “left over” and available for sale. Again, Bob and Teresa coordinated the sale of all but 10 or 12 of these items over the next three weeks. The remaining items were cheerfully donated to non-profit agencies and other special friends of Kiwanis.
In the meantime, word came that the direct delivery items started arriving at the homes and businesses of customers (friends, relatives, business associates and patrons) located in places as far apart as Louisiana, Florida, and Massachusetts, as well as in Charlottesville and the surrounding counties. And the reports were nearly unanimous in their positive assessment of the beauty and freshness of the greenery. These reports were especially gratifying in that the Kiwanis Christmas Trees had a well-deserved reputation among generations of Charlottesvillians for being the freshest and most beautiful in town. As is always the case, 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser go towards the support of the children and youth of our community. Especially designated are funds to support scholarships for outstanding graduating Key Clubbers. There is also money budgeted for general support of all of our Service Leadership Programs (four Key Clubs, the CKI at UVA, and the Aktion Club at Innisfree Village and VA Institute of Autism’s Adult Academy.) The holiday fundraiser also maintains our long-time sponsorship of a baseball team in the Central Little League and a Holiday Party for Persons with Disabilities at WorkSource Enterprises. To be sure, the club learned a lot from our experience this year and we are already planning a bigger and better fundraiser for next year–one that we hope will reach out to many of the loyal customers whom we served at the tree lot for decades and decades. All of this moves us forward to the fulfillment of our mission: “Serving the Children of the World.”
Kiwanis Garland Donated to Piedmont CASA on Public Display on Their Front Door
***Good News! A Second Chaplain has been Assigned to Help the Inmates and Staff at ACRJ
December 7, 2021 — The program for the Monday evening Kiwanis dinner meeting at Shadwell’s on December 6 was presented by Chaplain Van (Richard) Van Arsdale of the Good News Jail & Prison Ministry who recently joined Senior Chaplain Joseph Varaksa serving at the Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail. Chaplain Van, a native of northern Illinois, shared an inspiring personal story about how he came to a career in Jail Ministry. He also explained how the Good News Ministry, which has been here at ACRJ since 1983, continues to come into the lives of the inmates and staff by providing spiritual support, inspiration, and motivational materials to those in desperate need, especially now during this time of pandemic and also during what for many people in a most festive time of the year. Chaplain Van invited Kiwanians to volunteer in a Christmas bag packing event next Monday at Christ Community Church. Several Kiwanians in attendance immediately stepped forward to sign up. We should all welcome Chaplain Van and his family to Charlottesville, and let him show us how we each might put into practice Kiwanis Object #1: To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club Members from Innisfree Village Volunteer at Annual Toy Lift
December 4, 2021 — The Kiwanis Aktion Club from Innisfree Village once again this year helped out with Toy Lift at the Fashion Square Mall. The “Mighty Five” volunteers, including their Innisfree counselor, Carol Evans, and their Kiwanis adviser, Dana Douglas, met at the old Sears store, which had been transformed into Toyland, and they helped sort toys from 11 until 1 on Friday, December 3.. Kiwanis President Jim Hart was there as the “6th Wheel” to greet and cheer on everybody (with name tags) and, of course, to take some photos . We heard that some 3,600 children (1,600 families) benefited from this annual toy drive extravaganza. Congratulations to our Aktion Club for helping out in this way!
***Kiwanis Service Work Night Helps Piedmont CASA Launch Important Holiday Mailing
November 30, 2021 — Six faithful Kiwanians joined the President and the Director of Philanthropy at Piedmont CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates) on Monday evening, November 29, and put a big dent in a 1,200 piece mailing that was slated to go out in time for the holidays. PLG Eric Lamb took the remaining envelopes and address lists to the Ben Hair Foundation office and promised to recruit Kiwanians to finish the task by the end of this week. Way to go, Eric! Also, we decided to present Piedmont CASA with two of our 10′ garlands left over from the Greenery Sale. When you drive by the intersection of 9th Street and High you can admire how the garlands grace their beautiful front double doors on their HQ building.
Kiwanis President Jim Hart with Piedmont CASA President Kate Duvall
***Kiwanis and Rotary Propose Collaboration to Help IRC Settle Afghan Refugees in our Community
November 16, 2021 — “It all starts by getting acquainted.” This was the idea for the program presented at the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Monday dinner meeting at Shadwells on November 15. Kiwanis had invited Ronda Puryear from Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club to be our guest , get acquainted, and listen to brief presentations by two community leaders who have accepted the challenge of welcoming and helping to settle hundreds of recently evacuated Afghan residents in our community. Russ Linden, Task Force Chair of Welcoming Greater Charlottesville, and Harriet Kuhr, executive director of the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Charlottesville, explained that just since October 1, some 200 Afghans have arrived in Charlottesville and are being housed in hotels while the IRC staff works with volunteer community members to find adequate housing for these recent arrivals. More than half the arrivals are children, many of whose needs include establishment as soon as possible in a school situation. Almost all the new arrivals have serious medical concerns related to the traumatic circumstances of their very recent evacuation from Kabul to safety in several countries in the Middle East and Europe and eventually to one of a dozen military bases across the United States. IRC has been officially designated by the US State Department to lead the effort of resettling these recent arrivals in Central Virginia (Richmond-Lynchburg-Charlottesville-Waynesboro-Staunton). IRC has been in Charlottesville since 1998 and has settled more than 6,000 refugees coming from all over the world. But never have they received such a sudden large influx of people in desperate need of assistance. Thus came the call to neighborhood groups, church congregations, civic groups, and the like to work together to meet this unusual challenge in the most humanitarian way possible. For Kiwanis and for Rotary, “this type of challenge is right in our wheelhouse,” said Jim Hart, current President of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. “Both of our International Presidents have been encouraging local clubs to collaborate on the various humanitarian challenges of the day, especially those that impact children and youth,” Hart continued. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for January 5, when Kiwanis members will get acquainted with Rotarians at their breakfast meeting at Farmington. In the meantime, individuals from both clubs are encouraged to step forth and volunteer with offerings of time, talent, and financial assistance where appropriate in support of this effort. Watch for information about how you too might become involved for the good of all concerned.
***“Key Club Week” Celebrated at Monday Evening Kiwanis Meeting
November 2,, 2021 — The Kiwanis Key Club is the largest and oldest youth service leadership program in the world, with chapters on more than 5,000 high school campuses in the United States alone. The Charlottesville club sponsors four Key Clubs in this area (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging more than 300 students in energetic community service and thoughtful leadership development. On Monday evening, November 1, the president and vice president of the Albemarle High School Key Club, along with their faculty adviser, Mr. Ian Lyons, gave an inspiring report to the Kiwanians assembled for dinner at Shadwell’s Restaurant on Pantops. The Key Clubbers each had their own reasons for coming to Key Club and explained how they actually feel driven to share their experience with as many of their classmates as possible, especially with the younger students just making their way through the high school challenges. And both graduating seniors pledged to look for opportunities for service and leadership with Circle K International (CKI) when they get to college. Mr. Lyons was presented with the coveted replica Kiwanis bell, which he promised to bring to the next Key Club meeting on Friday.
During the meeting, Club President Jim Hart announced the news that the Capital District Kiwanis Key Club board, representing more than 14,000 Key Clubbers across Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, has recognized the Albemarle High School Key Club as Key Club of the Month of October. The citation reads that the AHS Key Club went “above and beyond” by completing 200 service hours as a club during the month of October, and noted that the Officers are “incredibly communicative and involved.” Hart remembered that the Western Albemarle Key Club was similarly saluted as Key Club of the Month for May of 2021. Past President Teresa Tyler, a former faculty adviser at AHS, was praised for her role over the past many years as Capital District Key Club Zone Administrator for Division 9A and 9B, leading more than a dozen Key Clubs on this side of the Mountain and in the Valley. And long-time SLP Committee chair and founder of and faculty adviser to the Albemarle Key Club for some thirty-five years, Past President Don Foss, received an especially loud round of applause from all in attendance.
*** Holiday Greenery Fundraiser–Order Placed!
November 2, 2021 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is doing our Holiday fundraiser slightly differently this year. We are not selling trees, but we are selling wreaths, garlands, centerpieces and swags. Your purchase helps us support the youth of our community. Won’t you help? The order has been placed. Items will be coming for local delivery in the days before Thanksgiving. Orders being directly shipped to customers will arrive in the two weeks after Thanksgiving. We will have a limited number of items available for sale or donation once the local delivery arrives. If you did not have a chance to order, please consider making a donation to this project. (Please make checks payable to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville.) All proceeds are returned to the community in support of our children and youth. Thank you!
***AHS Key Clubbers Join Kiwanians Making Blankets for the Cozy Comforts Project on Kiwanis One Day
October 26, 2021 — Following upon the successful “In-Meeting Service Project” at last Tuesday’s CKI meeting at UVA, PLG Barb Ritter provided the raw materials and the instructions for another K-Family effort in support of the Cozy Comforts Back Pack Project. The weather was absolutely horrible, scuttling plans to work outdoors at the Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation office on a variety of tasks related to Kiwanis One Day. The art director at Hospice of the Piedmont called to cancel her participation, and several Kiwanians begged off because of the drenching rain, lightning and thunder. But six intrepid Albemarle High School Key Clubbers and ten hardy Kiwanians braved the elements to make our monthly Dick Fowler Memorial Service Work Night a big success. While Jeanne Masloff and Club Secretary Bob Ribando joined Barb and the Key Clubbers making blankets around the large board room table, the seven other Kiwanians went to work in the shed sorting the most recent delivery of in-kind donations from Walmart. Club President Jim Hart selected toys to taken over to the Boys & Girls Club later in the week by Bob Ribando. Club Past President Teresa Tyler gave a report on the progress being made in our Holiday Greenery Fundraiser and collected orders and payments from sellers. The deadline for this project in support of our SLPs is next Monday evening, November 1, when we will meet to celebrate Key Club Week at Shadwells.
***CKI at UVA Makes Blankets for Cozy Comforts Project During In-Meeting Service Effort
October 20, 2021 — “If you can tie your shoes and handle a pair of scissors, you can make a fleece blanket.” So read the instructions handed out by PLG Barb Ritter during the CKI general meeting at Newcomb Hall on the University of Virginia Central Grounds on Tuesday evening, October 19. Twenty CKI members, ranging from UVA 1st through 4th years, led by CKI President Kate Dudley, gathered around the large board room table and pitched in to complete between a half dozen and ten beautiful, colorful, soft, and cozy fleece blankets, while listening to music and enjoying collegial fellowship. PLG Barb, who founded this project and chairs the committee, explained that “Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations.The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Items in each backpack will vary based on need but most certainly will include hand-made blankets to surround children with warmth.” On the previous Monday afternoon, PLG Barb and PLG Eric Lamb handed over fifteen Cozy Comforts Back Packs to representatives from People Places, one of Charlottesville’s premier foster care agencies. Over the past four years, Charlottesville Kiwanians have packed more than 200 of these gifts of love and warmth and distributed them to six agencies who keep these treasures on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they enter the foster care system in the coming months. Another set of back packs are ready for donation to the Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) who will present them to children who are victims of domestic violence and who are currently being cared for by this agency. And a third set is prepared for Ready Kids, an agency with which Kiwanis has worked closely over the past hundred years for the good of the children and families in need in our community.
***Kiwanis Volunteers Help Out at Kids ISO Excellence Golf Tournament at the Club at Glenmore
October 6, 2021–Our friends at the Club at Glenmore pulled out all the stops to honor world-renowned sports psychologist, Dr. Bob Rotella, by raising money to support scholarships to his Junior Golf Academy. With the solid backing of Dairy Market, Virginia National Bank, and Premium Service Brands/Kids Lift Foundation, Glenmore hosted the first annual Kids ISO Excellence Golf Event. More than one hundred golfers braved the slight threat of rain to answer the challenge of one of the area’s premier courses, while keeping in mind “young people who possess the drive and passion to chase excellence in golf but lack the financial resources.” A dozen Kiwanians and potential Kiwanians led by Past Lt Gov Eric Lamb followed the detailed instructions of the golf pro and helped greet the golfers, assist in registration and other pre-tournament preparations, and then helped monitor several of the challenging “best shot” holes along the course. Many comments were received from golfers and Glenmore staff alike about how wonderful it was to have so many friendly and enthusiastic Kiwanians on the course actively helping to make things run smoothly for the good of the kids.
***Leadership Transition for Kiwanis as it enters 100th year in Charlottesville
September 28, 2021 — As the saying goes, “the third time’s the charm.” Having served twice already as Club President, Jim Hart was handed the gavel for a third time in an elegant installation of officers ceremony at The Club at Glenmore on Monday evening, September 27. Teresa Tyler was recognized by Capital District Governor Dennis Baugh for not only guiding the club through the onset and progress of the pandemic in her year as president, but also for taking back the gavel in mid-year when President Jackie Waymire had to leave office and the club due to her husband’s job transfer overseas. Teresa is now happy to serve as our Immediate Past President. Governor Baugh thanked outgoing board members Charlie Krizek and Karen Dowell and welcomed new board members Dana Douglas and Philip Day. He installed Krister Briehl continuing as treasurer and Bob Ribando carrying on as secretary. In his closing remarks, Jim Hart reminded the audience of how the club in this centennial year will look towards our second century of service while “standing on the shoulders” of our distinguished predecessors who were civic leaders of great stature in their own right.
Besides a fabulous dinner and the raucous fellowship in the company of all our special guests, including five members of the newly chartered Jackson River Area Club, the evening saw the presentation of numerous awards to our Kiwanis servant leaders. Immediate Past Lt Gov Eric Lamb handed the Home Club banner to new Division 9 Lt Gov Pam Warren of the Jackson River Area Club. Lt Gov Pam awarded Legion of Honor certificates to PLG Bill Jones (35 yrs), Gordon Merrick, Philip Day, and Jim Hart (25 yrs each). Teresa Tyler awarded special gifts to Eric Lamb and Jim Hart for their outstanding assistance during her year and a half as president. Teresa graciously accepted a specially engraved pewter Virginia Cup recognizing her efforts in support of the children and youth of our community. A unique presentation of Wheaties boxes bearing the images of three “Kiwanis champions” — Charlie Krizek, Dana Douglas, and Martha Sites — entertained the crowd. Last but certainly not least, Jeanne Williams Masloff was awarded the prestigious George F. Hixson Award for her dedication to the mission of Kiwanis– “Serving the Children of the World.”
***Aktion Club Sends Tasty Autumn Greeting to Ronald McDonald House
September 13, 2021– The Kiwanis Aktion Club gathered for their September meeting at the Community Center at Innisfree Village on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon. The club decided it was time to turn their thoughts to the families who are staying at Charlottesville’s Ronald McDonald House while their children are undergoing treatment at the great UVA Children’s Hospital. Aktion Club Staff Counselor Carol Evans guided the Aktion Clubbers in baking no fewer than six dozen chocolate chip and cranberry chip cookies. Other Aktion Clubbers worked with Kiwanis adviser Jim Hart to create handmade greeting cards to be delivered to the families later that afternoon. The Aktion Club also gathered four dozen eggs from the Innisfree Village farm and several loaves of gluten-free sourdough bread produced by the Innisfree bakery and placed them in specially decorated packages. Club members and advisers were encouraged in their selfless efforts by a message received from RMHC executive director, Rita Ralston, who stated that Aktion Club’s generosity “helps families feel special and cared for regardless of the difficulties of their situations.”
***Boys & Girls Club Receives Large Donation of Toys and School Supplies from Kiwanis Charlottesville
August 26, 2021 — Following a substantial re-organization of the Kiwanis shed at Monday evening’s service work night, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was able to deliver a car load of toys, school supplies, and other items to the Cherry Avenue Unit of the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia. Club Unit Director David Cook expressed his great appreciation to what he called the long-standing relationship Kiwanis has had with the Boys & Girls Club. Pictured are Kiwanians Jim Hart (l) and Bob Ribando flanking David Cook as they presented hundreds of kites, t–shirts, packs of colored pencils, mini-bottles of spray sanitizer, and six nifty razor kick scooters for the use of the kids who participate in the after-school programs at the Cherry Avenue location.
Almost all of these gifts-in-kind came to Kiwanis through the Walmart Good 360 Program with the intention that they be distributed to community agencies in need. David Cook took Ribando and Hart on a tour of the facility, specifically describing a unique program they have where kids are encouraged to excel in various character-building and extra-curricular educational activities in order to qualify for rewards available to them through these Kiwanis donations. For example, the kids are taught basic financial literacy skills while becoming gratified with toys or other items they desire. Charlottesville Kiwanians ought to take pride in the partnership that we are building with this excellent and expanding local agency which serves hundreds of children and youth in Central Virginia. Before the pandemic, the Cherry Avenue unit alone was serving on average more than 200 children and youth every day in its after-school program.
***Lamb and Hart Represent Charlottesville at Capital District Kiwanis Education Leadership Conference (ELC) in Roanoke
August 23, 2021 — Division 9 Lt Gov Eric Lamb and Charlottesville President-elect Jim Hart constituted what might be called a “half an interclub” by their participation in the second annual Education Leadership Conference of the Capital District Kiwanis, held at the luxurious Hotel Roanoke from August 21 until August 22. Lt. Gov. Eric played a prominent role in the line up of speakers by presenting a unique, interactive speech entitled “Kiwanis is a Conjunction” wherein thousands of Lego pieces were distributed to the 130 Kiwanians in attendance who brought out their inner child and constructed cube-like structures which Eric explained represented how each Kiwanis club has a variety of diverse shapes, colors, and other attributes–all functioning together in conjunction to provide service to the children of the world. Lt. Gov. Eric’s talk was a more than fitting follow-up to a dynamic speech given by Past International President Jane Erickson, who gave a rousing talk about what is means when we say “Kiwanis is a Verb.” The host club of Roanoke provided excellent hospitality and ran a very enjoyable conference, which included a Friday evening informal get-together, and featured excellent keynote speakers at Saturday’s breakfast and lunch, as well as at Sunday’s breakfast. The Governor’s banquet Saturday evening was hosted by Harrisonburg’s Gov. Dennis Baugh. It was a gala affairs where recognition of the accomplishments of the Capital District Kiwanis Family in the past year were recognized with much enjoyment.
Lt Gov Eric was named “Distinguished Lt Gov” for Division 9 from 2019-2020, Charlottesville was saluted for membership recruitment (including our success in sponsoring the new Jackson River Club) . The Saturday afternoon business section saw the election of Jen Wolff as our Governor-Elect and confirmed Elana Gardner as Governor for 2021-2022. The business session also finalized the inclusion of the West Virginia District into the Capital District starting on October 1, 2021. The annual Ducky Derby Raffle smashed through its goal and raised more than $12,000 for the Capital District Foundation’s support of the nine Children’s Trauma Hospitals (including the great Children’s Hospital at UVA). On Sunday morning, the Capital District’s leadership team for 2021-2022 was announced along with details about upcoming District-wide and International conventions and get-togethers. For more information about al things Capital District see the Capital District Kiwanis website by clicking the hyperlink. You will find that the entire weekend was recorded by Capital District Executive Secretary Jeffrey Wolff. Attending ELC (either in person or virtually) was almost as much fun as attending DCON. Try it, you’ll like it!
***“Big Check” Delivered by Charlottesville Kiwanis to Piedmont CASA to Encourage their Efforts in Support of Foster Children
August 17, 2021 — In place of their annual Dogwood Pancake Breakfast, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville was proud to support Piedmont CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates) and The Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition–FCAAC–in their annual project to raise awareness and to benefit the foster children of our community: The Bluebird Parade. For the second year, due to the pandemic, the parade (art show) of unique art work creations was held on-line. The Kiwanis Club sponsored the creation of a special web site for this project so that the community could submit and view their art, vote for their favorites, and participate in a fund-raising auction. Folks from all across the community created a flock of amazing bluebirds who are like our foster kids, each one unique.
Kiwanis Charlottesville is so very proud of the selfless efforts of the members of its Aktion Club at Innisfree Village in support of the children and families in most desperate need in our community and around the world. Pictured at the top of the photo collage below is the Aktion Club’s multi-media creation entitled “It Takes a Bluebird Village.” Our Aktion Club’s submission was selected for an Honorable Mention Award by the community voting in the Bluebird Parade. Kiwanis support for Piedmont CASA also extends to special efforts for their unique “Bridges to Success” program for teens aging out of foster care, a most-vulnerable youth population in our community.
***Aktion Club Comes Through Again for the Kids in Need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary
August 17, 2021 — Once again The Jefferson Area Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village took the lead in organizing a school supply drive for the children in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. The call was put out in early July by the Outreach Commission at the Church of Our Saviour, where before the pandemic the Aktion Club had been holding its monthly meetings. “Back-to-school time will be expensive for families struggling to deal with COVID-19 impacts in addition to their normally limited resources,” said Diane and Bruce Dotson, co-chairs of the Outreach Commission. “We will collect pens, glue sticks, notebook paper (wide ruled) small boxes of crayons, magic markers, composition books, loose leaf notebooks and three hole punched zippered pencil pouches. We already have plenty of pencils.” But how do you conduct a drive, go shopping, collect items, sort them into boxes, and deliver them to the church while living in “a bubble” at Innisfree Village in remote western Albemarle County?
Not to worry, at their meeting on July 20, the Aktion Clubbers led by their Innisfree counselor, Carol Evans, met with Kiwanis advisers, Dana Douglas and Jim Hart, and put together decorated collection boxes and colorful posters to set up at prominent locations in the Village. They also voted to use the Amazon gift card prize that they received for their submission to the Bluebird Parade art project to purchase supplies and get the collection started. Finally, they called on members of the Kiwanis Family in Charlottesville to match what they could collect and deliver it to Church of Our Saviour before the deadline of August 16. Kiwanis Div. 9 Lt Gov Eric Lamb was able to locate two large boxes of school supplies in the Kiwanis shed (donations from the Walmart Good 360 project), and then several other generous donations came in from Kiwanians in time for the deadline. Jim Hart made sure they were delivered to the church who sorted them and delivered them to the school. The Dotsons expressed their great thanks for the selfless efforts of the K-Family once again this year in support of the children in need at Agnor-Hurt Elementary.
***Kiwanians Engage in Lively Discussion on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
August 17, 2021 — “Racism of any type is intolerable, and we will not allow it in the Capital District.” So reads the opening line of the Joint Official Statement published on June 7, 2020 by Capital District Kiwanis, Capital District Key Club, and Capital District CKI. To enable Charlottesville Kiwanians to embrace this charge in their daily lives as well as in the execution of the Mission and Vision of Kiwanis International, President Teresa Tyler organized two free-wheeling, interactive workshops, held during the Monday evening club meetings on May 17 and August 16 at the AHS Pod Classroom. Participants were encouraged to reflect on the Mission and Vision of Kiwanis and, to the extent they felt comfortable, assess the level of their individual feelings about racial identity and diversity. President Teresa and her colleague, Albert Toole, the educational technology director, at Western Albemarle High School, shared their own personal experiences and guided the participants in a discussion that many felt was eye-opening though fairly uncomfortable. Participants agreed, no matter what, to 1) stay engaged; 2) expect to experience discomfort; 3) speak their own truth; and 4) expect to accept a lack of closure on these issues. Thank you President Teresa and Mr. Toole for moving the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville “with urgency and determination in the direction of living up to the Objects of our various Kiwanis Family branches.”
***Kiwanians Team Up with AHS Key Clubbers for Service Night at Central Library’s Children’s Department
July 27, 2021 — “Many hands make light work” and tonight we had many, many hands. A dozen Charlottesville Kiwanians were joined by sixteen Key Clubbers from Albemarle High School for a most successful service night at the Central Library’s Children Department on Monday evening, July 26. The Library’s Summer Reading Program for children is going strong, despite the pandemic, and staff provided the masked eager beaver K-Family members with hundreds and hundreds of books that needed to be labeled with stickers and made ready for lending. Other Kiwanis volunteers were tasked with assembling hundreds of “Make & Take” craft bags for the August take home programs. After about an hour and a half, books and bags were boxed up and the hungry volunteers retreated to a welcome pizza party upstairs in the historic Swanson Case Court Room. Central Library Branch Manager, Krista Farrell, congratulated the Kiwanis Club on its return to the library for another very successful service work night.
***Local Major League Baseball Phenom Shares Memories of Playing for Kiwanis Central Little League Team 60 Years Ago
July 27, 2021 — “We were the champs of Charlottesville back then and there was no doubt about it!” That’s how Mike Cubbage described his fond memories of playing Little League baseball in Charlottesville. President-elect Jim Hart met with the affable former major leaguer at his home and was very glad to share these memories and more. Mike opened a scrapbook his mother kept for him to the page with an article from the Daily Progress in the summer of 1962. The headline reads: “Kiwanis Tops Barracks Road” The Barracks Road Shopping Center team won the championship of the Dixie Little League while Kiwanis won the championship of the Central Little League, and the two teams faced off in an exhibition match in McIntire Park. Kiwanis came out on top, 5 – 2, with Cubbage knocking in four runs, including a solo home run. The winning pitcher for Kiwanis was Lindsay Sadler, who held the Barracks Road team to two runs. Among his many other souvenirs, Mike showed Jim his Kiwanis uniform from back in the day. Mike presented this to the Kiwanis Club to keep as a memento of the club’s many decades of support of the Central Little League. Jim was thrilled to accept the uniform (and several other precious items) and assured Mike that it will have a prominent place among other keepsakes being collected for the centennial celebration of the club’s founding in 1922. Mike stated that he can still remember how it felt to get all dressed up in a suit to attend the Kiwanis Club dinner meeting at the Monticello Hotel. He said the president even let him “ring the Kiwanis bell!” Jim explained that that same bell has been used by Kiwanis since 1934 and will be rung with pride in service to the children of the world as long as the club survives.
***Kiwanis/Walmart “Good 360” Partnership Keeps Rolling Along
July 10, 2021 — The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation agreed to extend for at least one more year Kiwanis participation in the “Good 360” Project acting as the donation arm for Walmart Store #1780 in Charlottesville. Non-perishable items like clothing, small electronics, toys, school supplies, sports equipment, household items of all types, lawn and garden items, and more are made available to Kiwanis on a weekly basis for distribution to community agencies in need of gifts-in-kind. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville in turn has reached out to more than a dozen community agencies since this partnership began in November, 2018. And more than $250,000 worth of gifts-in-kind has been distributed to agencies such as: The Salvation Army, The Haven, the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia, Boy Scouts of America, Ready Kids, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Shelter for Help in Emergency, SARA, Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, Ronald McDonald House Charities, People Places, Love in the Name of Christ, Ben Hair Just Swim for Life Foundation, FBC Soup Kitchen, Region Ten CSB. Pictured are Kiwanians Eric Lamb and Tom Lowe with a couple of recently donated bikes ready to go to a worthy community agency serving kids in need.
***38th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Run/Walk Benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge
July 5, 2021 — More than a hundred runners came out to Lakeside Middle School in the Hollymead Subdivision on the most beautiful and refreshing day of the summer to make the 38th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Run/Walk a big success.
Twenty Kiwanians and Kiwanis Family volunteers, led by race directors Sean Horn and Matt Haas, followed the directions of the Charlottesville Track Club and Blue Ridge Timing to present a most delightful and proficient morning workout through Forest Lakes North and South on Saturday, July 3. Major sponsor Better Living Inc. and more than a dozen other businesses (such as Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Fdn., Jefferson Asset Management, MIncer’s, Crutchfield, Ragged Mountain Running Shop, and Pepsi Cola CVA made generous financial and in-kind contributions so that Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge will get a significant boost from our efforts. NBC29 ran stories both before and after the race to keep the Central Virginia community informed about this Charlottesville summer holiday tradition. The Daily Progress and CvlleCalendar.com listed the race on their Holiday Event Pages.
***The Tom Sox Show Their Appreciation to Kiwanis and the Kiwanis Family
Play Ball! It was time once again to come out to Crutchfield Park at Charlottesville High School to enjoy a night with the Charlottesville Tom Sox. On Thursday evening, June 10, a dozen Kiwanians and their guests gathered under our own big white tent to enjoy a picnic-style meal and marvel at the finest players in college baseball this side of UVA as the Tom Sox took on the Staunton Braves in a Valley League contest.
Free admission was granted to all Kiwanians, K-Family members, and their guests. Kiwanis was honored throughout the game by the PA announcer for the club’s contributions to the community. The “Serving the Children of the World” banner was strung on the fence along the third base line and Kiwanians proudly wore their Kiwanis gear and invited fans to meet us and learn about Kiwanis. On the following Thursday evening, June 17, the Tom Sox showed their appreciation for our friends at the great Ronald McDonald House of Charlottesville. Our Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village came out in force and not only enjoyed the game but took the opportunity to present executive director, Rita Ralston, with a collection of hand-painted rocks to be donated to the RMHC rock garden. Rita praised our selfless Kiwanians for their efforts.
***Kiwanis Key Clubbers Recognized for Excellence
June 5, 2021–The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville recognized the accomplishments of two graduating seniors from Key Clubs at local high schools with $500 scholarships in memory of long-time community leader and Kiwanian, J. T. Graves. The following students were selected by school officials for outstanding academic achievement and for inspiring leadership among their peers in community service: Serena Shepard, Albemarle County High School, and Karen Raphael, Western Albemarle High School;
The Kiwanis Key Club is the largest and oldest youth service leadership program in the world, with chapters on more than 5,000 high school campuses in the United States alone. The Charlottesville club sponsors four Key Clubs in this area (Albemarle, Western Albemarle, Monticello, and Charlottesville), engaging more than 300 students in energetic community service and thoughtful leadership development. The Capital District Kiwanis Key Club board recognized the Western Albemarle High School Key Club as Key Club of the Month of May. The citation read that the WAHS Key Club went “above and beyond” by raising money for the Eliminate Project partnering with the local Chipotle and for maintaining an on-going “Pen Pal Project” with the seniors at English Meadows in Crozet. Other service leadership programs sponsored by Charlottesville Kiwanis are a Circle K International (CKI) Club at the University of Virginia and the Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village and VIA’s Adult Academy, Funds to support these programs are raised mainly through our Christmas Tree and Wreath Sales.
***Aktion Club Participates in Bluebird Parade to Raise Awareness about the Needs of Foster Children in Our Community
June 1, 2021 — UPDATE** Our Aktion Club’s submission (pictured below) has been selected for an Honorable Mention Award by the community voting in the Bluebird Parade–they will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Congratulations to our creative and selfless Aktion Clubbers at Innisfree Village!
May 15, 2021 — Folks from all across the community created a flock of amazing bluebirds who are like our foster kids, each one unique. Enjoy the “5th Annual Bluebird Parade for Children in Foster Care” sponsored this year by the amazing Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. Kiwanis Charlottesville is so very proud of the selfless efforts of the members of its Aktion Club at Innisfree Village in support of the children and families in most desperate need in our community and around the world. Pictured at the top of the photo collage below is the Aktion Club’s creation entitled “It Takes a Bluebird Village.” You can watch the entire parade and vote for your favorites by following this link : https://bit.ly/3f8tOqP And please take the time to learn more about Piedmont CASA and the good work of the other members of the Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition by following this link http://thebluebirdproject.org/ Remember #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Second Service Work Night helps Ronald McDonald House
April 27, 2021 — “We are so honored to have great partners like the Kiwanis Club. Thank you so much to the Kiwanis for coming to plant flowers, blow leaves, and paint rocks for our new rock garden. We LOVE our volunteers! (Thank you to Everyday Café’s yummy barbeque for providing them with the fuel to get it done!)” that’s how Rita Ralston, Executive Director, feels about the steadfast support provided over the decades to Ronald McDonald House by Kiwanis Charlottesville and indeed by the entire K-Family. We were thrilled to find memorial bricks donated by the Albemarle HIgh School and Western Albemarle High School Key Clubs in 1995 among the many still beautifully maintained on the terrace.
***Kiwanis Central Little League Team Off to Hot Start
**April 14, 2021–With the most exciting play in baseball, the Kiwanis Central League team stole home in the bottom of the 6th inning to trip up the Boylan Heights team 5-4 in a game last night at Geer Family Field in Pen Park. This win brought their record up to 2-0, having beaten the same Boylan Heights team 6 to 1 in their season opener on March 30. Team Manager, Jason Ness, is preparing his team to meet the challenge of a strong Falcon Club team in their next tilt on April 15. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is sponsoring a “Majors” team this Spring. This is the most competitive of the divisions in Central Little League, composed of player ages 9 – 12 who are drafted up from the Upper Minors and who compete for the League Championship and then represent the Central Little League in the City Championship. All-Star players are eligible to be elected to play in the Virginia District 14 Tournament. More than 200 youngsters play in Central Little League across all four divisions: Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, Upper Minors, and Majors. Follow this link to see the schedule and standings and get more info about Central Little League, where Kiwanis Charlottesville has sponsored a team for many decades. Come out to the ballpark and cheer on Kiwanis! Wear your Kiwanis gear, as do the players, coaches, and their families and fans. #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Service Work Night Helps Ronald McDonald House
On Monday evening, March 29, 6 – 7:30 p.m. we put together a 1,400-piece mailing for our friends at the Ronald McDonald House . Eight Kiwanians and guests gathered (masked and socially distanced) at the Ben Hair Swim for Life Foundation offices. Before the pandemic, for some twenty years, Kiwanis Charlottesville had traditionally reserved the fourth Monday evening of each month to perform a service work night at a local non-profit in memory of the great Kiwanian PLG Dick Fowler . This is the first such work night the club has attempted now that some of the restrictions are being lifted. If all goes well, we plan to gather at the Ronald McDonald House itself on the fourth Monday evening in April to do some outdoor yard maintenance and possibly some cleaning and scrubbing in the downstairs family game and activity room. See the calendar page for the latest information.
***Kiwanis Donates $3,000 in School Supplies to Three Albemarle County Schools
March 20, 2021 The answer was a “no-brainer,” according to Kiwanis Past President and current Division 9 Lieutenant Governor Eric Lamb. “It was a case of do we wait until we have a school supply drive next summer, or are we in a position to help the kids RIGHT NOW?” Faced with the on-going but necessary task of having to sort and account for an abundance of school supplies accumulating in the Kiwanis shed as a result of the weekly donation of overstock through the local Walmart Good 360 Program, Lamb reached out to his friends at Greer Elementary School, where Lamb once served as principal. “Yes, we do have kids who deserve a boost, and especially a gift that will certainly help them succeed in their studies,” was the response from Dorothy Spencer and Darla Ullery, Greer front office staff members who are pictured below Lamb inquired about whether they knew of other schools in particular need, and a contact was given for Walton Middle School, who was more than happy to send a staff member over from the southern end of the county to select supplies for donation. At the same time, Lamb’s fellow Kiwanian, Charlie Krizek,learned of a special need at Broadus Wood Elementary from his daughter who teaches at the Earlysville school. As a result, a third donation was prepared for Broadus Wood. The estimated value of the school supplies donated by Walmart for this distribution to the community by Kiwanis was $3,000. Earlier this year, Kiwanis made a similar donation of Walmart-sourced school supplies valued at $1,500 to Buford Middle School. The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation matched that in-kind donation with a grant in the amount of $2,000. Lamb commented “It’s who we are:”
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers, both men and women, dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.
***Our Special 2021 Dogwood Season Project: “May is National Foster Care Awareness Month.”
In place of the annual Dogwood Pancake Breakfast, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville is proud to support Piedmont CASA and The Foster Care and Adoption Awareness Coalition–FCAAC–in this project to raise awareness and to benefit the foster children of our community. Please join us! Click here for details https://conta.cc/3qfwMxh or email [email protected] or better yet visit the new website http://thebluebirdproject.org/ Join The Bluebird Parade and vote for your favorites! https://bit.ly/3f8tOqP
Your bluebird can be a painting, sculpture, wood, fabric, glass – any medium you like. You can compose a bluebird song – or create a video – or show us your bluebird in a poem or prose. Just get it to us by May 7 and we’ll post it on our Bluebird Project website.
On May 10, when all the bluebird art is posted, the community will be invited to vote for their favorites. So spread the word! Share your bluebird with friends and family because the three bluebirds with the most votes will win prizes!
The Bluebird Project is a creation of the Foster Care Adoption and Awareness Coalition of these local nonprofits: Community Attention Foster Families (CAFF), the Departments of Social Services in Albemarle and Charlottesville, DePaul Community Resources, Great Expectations, PeoplePlaces, Piedmont CASA, and UMFS.
PLUS RAFFLE PRIZES: Everyone who submits a bluebird will have a chance to win one of many raffle prizes. These prizes are possible thanks to our generous sponsor, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville…
Click here to see the wonderful bluebirds from last year’s Bluebird Parade:
Send your bluebird to:
[email protected]
Email a photo of your bluebird art in a PNG or JPG format
Email your file in MP4 format, or send a link to it
Attach it as a PDF, or send an audio version in WAV or MP3
[email protected]
***Special Speaker for March Tells Kiwanis About the Burley HS Bears
Our special speaker on Monday evening, March 15, at 6 p.m. via ZOOM was James Hollins, president of the Burley Varsity Club. He spoke to us about the Burley Bears football team.
In 1956 if you wanted to watch winning football you went to see the Bears, at Burley, the Black High School. UVA had a disastrous season and Lane High School football wasn’t much better. The Burley Bears won the state championship and did not give up a single point.
Mr. Hollins told us about the Bears and what was lost when Burley High became Burley Middle School in 1973. There is an excellent 45-minute film about the Bears made by Lorenzo Dickerson. You can watch Color Line of Scrimmage here: https://vimeo.com/175644113
***Capital District Kiwanis Holds Virtual Mid-Year Conference
Thank you for all of our speakers and attendees at the 2021 Midyear Conference. Click here to view a recording of the event. Passcode: WGK8.sw3
To download all the Powerpoint Presentations used: Click here
To view photos from the Kiwanis Club of Nakawa Uganda: Click here
To download and watch the Roanoke DCON21 Promo Video: Click here
A session you did not want to miss: Cavanaugh Bell is the 8-year-old Chief Positivity Creator of the bullying prevention nonprofit, Cool & Dope. With a mission to end all bullying worldwide by 2030, Cool & Dope creates family volunteer and activism opportunities to empower youth to speak up and to speak out. For the pandemic, Cavanaugh used his life savings to make care packs for senior citizens and was able to quickly mobilize global donations to create the Love is Greater Than COVID-19 Community Pantry that has served 12,000+ people since April 2020, including sending $32k of critical COVID supplies and food to the poorest community in the Nation, the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Cavanaugh has been awarded a Congressional Certificate of Recognition by House of Representative David Trone, been named a 2020 CNN Young Wonder and the National Action Network’s 2020 MLK Award Recipient as well as has had his work acknowledged by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, President Trump, and Vice President Kamala Harris.This guy can inspire us all to be the best that we can be!
“This 8 year old just inspired us all. At 8 years old he has formed a nonprofit to combat bullying and feed the underserved. My mind is blown!!!!” #coolanddope www.coolanddope.com
***Special Speaker for February Tells Kiwanis about Ready Kids
Our special speaker on February 15 was Allison Henderson, Director of Philanthropy for over nine years at ReadyKids. In her role, Allison oversees all fundraising, communications and marketing for the organization. Kiwanis is for Kids!–first and foremost, for kids in schools and pre-schools; but also for kids with special needs and for kids in transitional and/or difficult situations. Our club is proud of our partnership with ReadyKids for more than nine decades.
The coronavirus pandemic has made some teenagers feel isolated and lonely. That’s why ReadyKids is stepping up to help those who may be feeling alone during this time. See story on NBC29:https://www.nbc29.com/2021/02/05/readykids-offering-free-virtual-support-group-teenagers/?fbclid=IwAR3VyevF9LeiP_fGshcxILAJaupCilE9KQ8HA5mXLYYJP5N5OKpIh92UVXM
Another agency achievement we learned about is how even during the pandemic the STAR Kids educators from Ready Kids are able to engage kids at MACAA Headstart and Barrett Early Learning Center classrooms in social-emotional learning with the help of puppets Al, Keisha and Ty.
***Kiwanis Service Leadership Clubs Reach Out for Valentine’s Day
Feb. 15, 2021 — On the Tuesday before Valentine’s Day, members of two of the six Service Leader Programs sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville devoted time, energy, and creativity to reach out to those in our community undergoing medical challenges or perhaps those just needing a friendly “pick-me-up.” In the afternoon of Feb. 9, members of the Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village met to bake goodies and make colorful Valentine’s greeting cards for the children, youth, and their parents who stay at the Ronald McDonald House while their loved ones are receiving treatment from the great UVA Children’s Hospital. Kiwanis Adviser Jim Hart met with the group through video messaging and applauded the group for its selfless activity. In the evening of the same day, the CKI Club @ UVA held it first meeting of the spring semester via zoom and together created Valentine’s cards for the residents of the Senior Living Community called Martha Jefferson House. Members were also encouraged to participate in a project sending e-cards to the famous St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Participants chose card designs based on patient art and added their own personal message. We salute the members and advisers of all six of our Service Leadership Programs for continuing to meet during the pandemic and remaining active in performing meaningful service to the community.
*** “Cozy Comforts Backpack Kits” Given to People Places by Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville
Feb. 4, 2021– “Thank you SO MUCH Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville for the generous donation of Cozy Comfort Backpacks! Youth coming into care appreciate them so much!” That’s how the staff of People Places in Charlottesville expressed their feelings on Facebook. Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations. The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. Cozy Comforts Project Director, Past Lt Gov Barb Ritter, explained that our Cozy Comforts project gives a backpack with a handmade fleece blanket, books, personal care items, and toys and games to children entering foster care. These treasures will be kept on hand, ready to be given to children immediately as they enter the foster care system in the coming months. In the past three years our club has presented more than 200 backpack kits to 6 local agencies working with children in transitional and/or difficult situations.
***Kiwanian Retires Wreath-Making Machine and Converts it into a Planting Bench
January 15, 2021. When 35-year Kiwanian, Bob Ribando, took the wreath-making equipment and supplies back to WorkSource Enterprises, he got the idea of decommissioning the oldest of the three stands the club has been storing in Chuck’s closet. It is easily 40 years old and probably hadn’t been used in 20 years. Bob’s initial plan was to recycle the metal and use the wood as kindling, but then he realized it was much too valuable for such a fate. So Bob got the idea of making it into a planting bench. Here is what it looks like now after reducing its width by 6″ and replacing some of the rotten wood.
Bob didn’t spend a dime on anything. “The tile on top is from our kitchen back splash; the vertical elements in front are recycled shower curtain rods. the decorative ‘filigree’ on the front is the stuff used to keep leaves out of the gutters.” All fasteners, glue, mortar, grout, paint, etc. was stuff Bob already had in his shop. “Now I think it is too nice for a planting bench and am looking for a church or other non-profit that needs a new pulpit or lectern.” Kiwanis thinking green; recycling Christmas!!
***Buford Middle School Receives $3,500 School Supplies Donation from Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation
January 11, 2021. What can Charlottesville Kiwanians do right now to show their love for the kids of Charlottesville? This question came from a teacher at Buford Middle School who observed that many Buford students lacked the necessary supplies to help to them be successful in their studies. Teacher Elaine Sites brought this question in November, 2020 to her mother, Kiwanian Martha Sites, who raised it with her colleagues on the board of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation. Past Kiwanis President Eric Lamb, current Division 9 Lt Gov., learned of the need and got involved. He coordinates the “Kiwanis/Walmart Good 360 Project”, which on a weekly basis distributes on average two pallets of a variety of overstock and returned items (such as clothing, small electronics, toys, household items of all types, and more) from Walmart as “gifts-in-kind ” to more than a dozen local community organizations. He noted the overstock included school supplies such as pencils and notebooks that were on the list of needs for the Buford students. As a result, those items (and others) valued at more than $1,500 were donated to the Buford project, along with an initial cash donation of $250 from the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation. With this donation, Kiwanis filled an important gap for a planned first round distribution of school supply kits to Buford’s 575 students that took place in December 2020. The assembled kits are pictured below.
Also, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville Foundation treasurer Barb Ritter is pictured presenting a check in the amount of $1,806.08 to Elaine Sites which will allow a second distribution to be made to students on January 22, 2021. NBC29 did a story on this event, highlighting the club’s partnership with the local Walmart. The video was not archived, but here is the story https://www.nbc29.com/2021/01/22/buford-middle-school-holds-school-supply-distribution-event/ Hats off to the Kiwanis Club for this splendid effort and for its pledge of continued support for the children and youth of our community.
***Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village Makes Holiday Cards for Children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School.
December 16, 2020. Members of the Kiwanis-sponsored Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village, once again working in cooperation with the Western Albemarle High School Key Club, created colorful holiday greeting cards at their regular meeting on December 15 while thinking of the children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School who participate in the Grab-A-Bag program of Church of Our Saviour. Aktion Club is a unique service leadership program for adults with disabilities sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville. Their regular meeting place is “The Mission” at Church of Our Saviour, where the church’s food pantry is also located. The church operates a “Grab-a-Bag” program where 45 children in need at Agnor-Hurt receive foods for the weekend every Friday during the school year and even during the period of the pandemic when the children are not able to be in school. Church of Our Saviour volunteers were able to share these cards with the children with the “Kiwanis Family’s” best wishes of JOY and PEACE to all in this wonderful season.
***Virtual Salvation Army Kettle
January 11, 2021 UPDATE:
Thanks to all who participated in this year’s drive, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville met its goal and raised $1,500 for the Salvation Army.
December 11, 2020.
Calling all Kiwanis Family members and Friends! Join us in helping fill the Salvation Army kettle virtually this year. Help us to support the great work The Salvation Army does all year long. #KidsNeedKiwanis
The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has been ringing the bell for the Salvation Army probably as long as we have been selling Christmas trees and wreaths–possibly longer! Because of the health and safety precautions taken by many of our members due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to raise money this year with “a virtual kettle” in order to support the good work The Salvation Army does all year long. See my facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/jim.hart.336).
Please check out the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville’s virtual fundraising page at the link below and consider making a donation!: You can also share my post, if you like, to all our K-Family friends (such as our Key Clubbers and other SLPs) so that they can help contribute to the cause. Thank you.
***Tree Lot Opened Black Friday; Sales are Brisk; Sold Out by Dec. 12.
The First Day of Christmas Tree Sales (our 88th year): Black Friday, the Day After Thanksgiving , November 27, 2020–10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Seminole Square Shopping Center in front of Marshalls. Look for the Capitol Shed! 100% of proceeds go to support our Service Leadership Programs (Key Club, CKI, Aktion Club), Little League Baseball, and the annual Holiday Party for Persons with Disabilities. Both NBC29 and CBS19 have featured our sale in news stories: see: https://www.nbc29.com/2020/11/28/patrons-support-kiwanis-christmas-tree-sale/ and https://www.nbc29.com/2020/11/27/kiwanis-tree-sale-begins-charlottesville/ and https://www.cbs19news.com/story/42990104/christmas-tree-stands-give-back-during-holiday-season
We will have only 100 trees to sell this year, so we expect to sell out fast. Kiwanians will staff the lot in three-hour shifts: 10-1; 1-4; 4-7. Saturday-Sunday hours are 10 – 7; Monday-Friday, 4 – 7. Members can sign up to serve using the google spreadsheet sent out by Past President Teresa. Or simply call or email Teresa or President Jackie to claim a shift. Wreath-Making is set for Monday and Tuesday Nov. 30-Dec. 1, at 5:30 at a location TBA. During all activities, strict COVID-19 safety precautions will be observed Please cooperate.
***Charlottesville “Kiwanis One Day” Project Delivers Books to Ronald McDonald House Family Library
November 19–Kiwanis One Day! This year Kiwanis Charlottesville collected books (scores of books) for the children, youth, and their parents who stay at the Ronald McDonald House while their loved ones are receiving treatment from the great UVA Children’s Hospital.
On the morning of November 19 President Jackie delivered exactly 165 books to this remarkable community resource, where staff and volunteers will sort them and make them available in the library of the family room of the facility located adjacent to UVA Hospital.
All books have been discreetly labeled with a friendly Kiwanis sticker expressing our long-term and on-going support for the Ronald McDonald House. At the same time, the Jefferson Area Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village met on Tuesday, November 17, and as a service project baked two dozen gluten-free muffins to be delivered soon to Ronald McDonald House Charlottesville. #KiwanisOneDay #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Kiwanis Aktion Club at Innisfree Village Raises Funds for Save the Children
October 17, 2020–Members of the Jefferson Area Aktion Club teamed up with the Western Albemarle High School Key Club on a beautiful fall Saturday afternoon to conduct a bake sale fund-raiser during the annual Innisfree Village community hay ride event. Amidst all the smiles and laughs and socially-distanced fun and fellowship, $241 was collected in support of Save the Children, a very well-known and respected international organization dedicated to improving the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities. Founded in London in 1919, Save the Children also provides emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts and is at work in 120 countries around the world. (See https://www.savethechildren.org/) Aktion Club counselor, Carol Evans, commented that it is fitting that the local Kiwanis family take on such a project as this in order to confirm our commitment to making a difference in global issues of importance while at the same time acting locally.
***Kiwanian Honored by Salvation Army During Annual Telethon
September 29, 2020–The Charlottesville Salvation Army, in partnership with CBS19, hosted the Eighth Annual Charlottesville Salvation Army Telethon Presented by Better Living, Inc. on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. The social distancing hosts included Dan Schutte (CBS19 News Anchor) and Joe Thomas (Joe Thomas in the Morning on talk radio WCHV). The community’s support is vital to the programs and services of The Salvation Army. This year’s goal was to raise $175,000 during the Telethon to support the soup kitchen and social service programs, and thanks to the receipt of two major challenge matching grants, one for $50.000 and another for $25,000, the community responded by donating $183,000. Other major supporting sponsors were Cathcart Properties and Neighborhood Properties.
Thirty-five year Kiwanian Bob Pflugfelder issued his annual Kiwanis Club Challenge to all service clubs in the area during the TV broadcast. Bob also posted a fundraising appeal for this event on his Facebook page. More than $2,000 came in through this challenge! Bob is a Life Member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and was presented at the telethon with a special award for his efforts over many decades. This rare salute called the “Others” award from The Salvation Army recognizes Bob for 34 years of service and his dedication to helping “Others” in need in the Charlottesville area. Congratulations, Bob, for an honor well-deserved.
***Refreshed Leadership Team Installed and Accomplishments Recognized at 99th Annual Kiwanis New Year Shindig
September 21, 2020–“Out with the old and in with the new” is a commonly heard shout at New Year’s celebrations. So let’s recognize and thank Teresa Tyler who is now our Immediate Past President, Don Foss, past treasurer, and outgoing board members Gordon Hair, and Christina Horton. Let us welcome new board members Sean Horn and Sandy Glennie, new treasurer Krister Briehl, and new president of the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, Jackie Waymire. Hail, Jackie! The position of president-elect remains open. We should all be thinking about asking the right person to fill this position in 2020-2021 so that he or she can assist Jackie in her work this year and can contemplate leading the club as it enters its centennial year in 2021-2022. For more information about preparations for 2022, please follow the Task Force 100 page which can be found on the About Us tab. For the full slate of directors and board members for 2020-2021, also see the About Us tab.
President Teresa presented the following awards: for Excellence in Service to Jeanne Williams Masloff, who received a monogrammed (J–her favorite letter) travel case with elastics to hold essential oils; for Excellence in Leadership to Christina Horton, who received a monogrammed Yeti tumbler; for being “Mr. Kiwanis–The Nice One” — Jim Hart, who received a Kiwanis sweater quarter zip pullover; for being “The Shining Light” — Lt Gov Eric Lamb, who received a vintage Halloween blow mold for his collection; and for being “The Lifesavers” — Bob Ribando, Charlie Krizek, and Don Foss, who each received a #KidsNeedKiwanis cloth face mask –potentially life-saving accoutrements.
***Three Long-time Kiwanians Join Legion of Honor
September 21, 2020–How is it possible for the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville to have become the great organization that it is today? Look no further than to the strong and active service provided by its long-standing members. Three such selfless veterans were singled out for recognition at the 99th Annual Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Gala on Monday evening, September 21. Hats off to Ray Hogan (40 years), Bob Pflugfelder (35 years), and Bob Ribando (35 years). Each has served the club in many capacities, including in the club’s top leadership position as president. All members of the club, including especially our most recent members, should look to these leaders for inspiration as well as for encouragement as the club approaches its centennial year in 2022. #KidsNeedKiwanis
***Tom Lowe Awarded the Walter Zeller Fellowship
September 21, 2020–In recognition of his many years of outstanding service to the children of the world while a member of the Kiwanis Club of Middlesex and now the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, Tom Lowe was presented with the prestigious Walter Zeller Fellowship at the 99th Annual Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Gala on the evening of September 21. Past President Bob Pflugfelder commented: “Tom Lowe is most deserving of a Zeller, as he is the hardest working man that I have been fortunate to know through our Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, and our KCOC Foundation. Tom is the consummate professional, ready to get going on a project for a non profit, lead us in a patriotic song, and reach out to help those in need. Thanks Tom Terrific .” The Zeller Fellowship represents a $1,250 contribution from Kiwanis Charlottesville and from Capital District Kiwanis to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund in support of the Eliminate Project. Through the Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus—a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 31,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. This Kiwanis Worldwide Service Project launched in 2010 has thus far resulted in the elimination of MNT in 46 out of 58 targeted countries around the world. The money raised through Kiwanis ($110 million) since 2010 has helped UNICEF and its partners combat maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) across the globe through education, outreach, and mass immunization drives. Tom’s award means that 694 women have been vaccinated, protecting them and their children forever from the scourge of neonatal and maternal tetanus. Since 2010, the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, together with its various Service Leadership Programs, has donated more than $34,000 to the Eliminate Project. Congratulations, Tom, and thank you for your enduring service!
***99th Annual Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Night
September 21, 2020– About twenty-five Kiwanians and guests gathered on Monday evening, September 21, in the beautifully decorated backyard of the home of PLG Barb Ritter for the 99th edition of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Installation of Officers and Awards Gala. All COVID-19 health and safety precautions were observed throughout the event which featured a scrumptious four-course meal catered by The Local, remarks of greetings and congratulations by Capital District Governor-Designee Dennis Baugh, a welcome and presentation of awards by outgoing President Teresa Tyler, and finally the installation of officers by Division 9 Lt Gov Eric Lamb who presented the gavel to our President for 2020-2021, Jackie Waymire, who addressed the group and adjourned the meeting by striking the historic Kiwanis bell. For details about all the many awards and citations, please see the stories that appear on this page.
***Kiwanis Family School Supply Drive Succeeds Amidst the Pandemic
August 24, 2020–The Jefferson Area Aktion Club members at Innisfree Village took the lead this year in spurring the Charlottesville Kiwanis family to respond to the call for school supplies for the children at Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. The call was put out by the Outreach Commission at the Church of Our Savior, where the Aktion Club holds its monthly meetings. “Back-to-school time will be expensive for families struggling to deal with COVID-19 impacts in addition to their normally limited resources,” said Diane and Bruce Dotson, co-chairs of the Outreach Commission. The most-needed items: pencils, pens, glue sticks, notebook paper (wide-ruled), small boxes of crayons, magic markers, composition books, loose leaf notebooks, and three-hole punched zippered pencil pouches. But how do you conduct a drive, go shopping, collect items, sort them into boxes, and deliver them to the church while living in “a bubble” at Innisfree Village in remote western Albemarle County? Not to worry, at their meeting in early August the Aktion Clubbers decided to purchase $100 worth of the needed school supplies and then set up a “store” in the Innisfree Village, where community members could come and purchase items for donation. Aktion Club staff advisor, Carol Evans, then arranged her schedule to make sure the items would be brought to the church on East Rio Road on the designated Saturday, between 11 a.m. and 12 noon, for the “contactless drive-up drop off.”
Inspired by the selfless effort made by the members of our very special service leadership program, Kiwanis Aktion Club advisor Jim Hart appealed to the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville to come up with a way to match this effort. Almost immediately, PLG Barb Ritter and Division Nine LTG Eric Lamb put their heads together and searched the Kiwanis shed where weekly donations from Walmart are kept for distribution to local agencies as in-kind gifts. They found a plethora of school supplies that had been placed in reserve for the Cozy Comforts backpack program. A decision was made to make use of these supplies now to match the support given Agnor-Hurt by the Aktion Club. Eric boxed up the materials and brought them to Pen Park where the Kiwanis Club was having its regular Monday evening open-air meeting. Barb placed them in her vehicle and arranged her schedule to make sure they could be delivered to the church on the upcoming Saturday morning or to the school directly. Other Kiwanis members were encouraged to bring supplies to Pen Park to add to Barb’s collection. And, in addition, Kiwanians were invited to make cash donations directly to the church’s outreach seasonal ministry in support of their efforts helping Agnor-Hurt Elementary School. The church’s food pantry operates a “Grab-a-Bag” program where 45 children in need at Agnor-Hurt receive foods for the weekend every Friday during the school year and even now through the summer and during the period of the pandemic when the children are not able to be in school.
On behalf of the Agnor-Hurt families, the Dotsons applauded the efforts of the Kiwanis Aktion Club in showing innovation and leadership amidst these challenging times to meet the needs of children and families in need. For Charlottesville Kiwanis, it was just another example of how we realize: “Life is short. Do stuff that matters.”
***Charlottesville Kiwanians Play Big Role At 101st Annual Capital District Convention
August 23, 2020–The 101st Annual Capital District Convention had been scheduled for August 21-23, 2020, in Richmond, VA. As Convention Chair, past Charlottesville Kiwanis President and present District Nine Lt Gov Eric Lamb had been working tirelessly for more than a year to make this the best DCON ever. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District board needed to convene an “emergency” House of Delegates meeting. It was held via video conference at 7 p.m. on Friday, August 21. The District conducted the business of the typical House of Delegates with District Delegates-at-Large only. These included the District Officers, District Board Members, and Past District Governors. Congratulations to Dennis Baugh on his election as Governor designate and Elana Gardner on her election as Governor Elect designate for the 2020-2021 year. Amendments to District Bylaws were approved and the State of the District address took place
Lt Gov Lamb had organized a splendid program for what the District has called A Kiwanis Education Day scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thanks to the cooperation of many leaders throughout the Capital District, (including Charlottesville Kiwanians Teresa Tyler, Jim Hart, Christina Horton, Don Foss, and of course Eric Lamb, the “Education Day” Program took place virtually and went on right on schedule without a hitch. All of the on–line presentations were recorded by Past Gov Jeff Wolf and published to the District website and are available now for all to view at any time. For a PDF of the program called “Vision for the Future” click here https://drive.google.com/file/d/128KXluySYuJdI7bjJ2kQwZILpFBnsbUv/view
***Cozy Comforts Backpacks Donated to Three Local Agencies
July 30, 2020– Kiwanis Cozy Comforts is a gift of love and support for children and families in transitional and/or difficult situations.The goal is to show these families and children they are warm, safe, and cared for and to inspire them to have fun together as well. In the past two weeks forty-five backpacks were distributed to representatives of Ready Kids, Elk Hill, and Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE), who will make sure children in their care receive them in their time of desperate need. Each back pack includes a hand-made fleece blanket to surround a child with warmth; books and puzzles to share together as a family; nightlights for security and safety; and various personal care items to ensure health and well-being. Our hope is that this small gesture and thought will bring a sense of security and comfort to these children and their families as they navigate the challenges of transition and ensure them that they are happy, healthy, safe and loved. More than 170 backpacks have been donated by the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville over the past several years to a half-dozen local agencies serving children and youth who are in transitional and/or difficult situations.
***Kiwanis Charlottesville Awards $1,500 in Three J.T. Graves Key Club Scholarships
July 20, 2020–The Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville recognized the accomplishments of three graduating seniors from Key Clubs at local high schools with $500 scholarships in memory of long-time community leader and Kiwanian, J. T. Graves. The following students were selected by school officials for outstanding academic achievement and for inspiring leadership among their peers in community service: Jonathan Swap, Albemarle County High School; Chloe Kienzle, Western Albemarle High School; and Hannah Alther, Monticello High School.The Kiwanis Key Club is the largest and oldest youth service leadership program in the world, with chapters on more than 5,000 high school campuses in the United States alone. The Charlottesville club sponsors four Key Clubs in this area, engaging more than 300 students in energetic community service and thoughtful leadership development. Other service leadership programs sponsored by Charlottesville Kiwanis are a Circle K International (CKI) Club at the University of Virginia and the Jefferson Area Aktion Club at Innisfree Village and VIA’s Adult Academy, Funding to support these programs comes mainly from the annual Kiwanis Christmas Tree and Wreath sales project, looking forward to its 88th year.
***Kiwanians Craft Necklaces and Bracelets Showing Care for Kids
July 13, 2020– Charlottesville Kiwanians met at Pen Park Shelter #1 for a board meeting at 5:30, followed by a general club meeting. Dinner prepared by Tropical Smoothie was served picnic-style to attendees who maintained proper physical distance while socializing. Following dinner, members engaged in a service project where they crafted colorful bracelets and necklaces composed of exactly 206 beads. Why? I’d bet you did not know that each Kiwanian impacts an average of 206 kids per year? 1 bead =1 child impacted. That means this year sixty Charlottesville Kiwanians have the potential to impact 12,360 kids. Do the math! #KidsNeedKiwanis.
***Kiwanians Provide Support for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge through the 37th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K Race
July 1, 2020–All Kiwanians and K-Family members are encouraged to participate in the 37th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K race, taking place VIRTUALLY on July 3-4-5. We are all invited to participate in support of BBBS even though we will not gather as a group as we have done for the past 36 years. First, visit the Charlottesville Track Club site http://www.cvilletrackclub.org/july-4.html There you will find all the information you need regarding the format for this year’s virtual event. We are raising money for a great kid nonprofit, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge and we’ve received a generous head start with outstanding contributions from Better Living Inc. and Magellan Health. You too can contribute to the cause–simply go on-line as if to register and find the “donate” button. You will see that a goal has been set of $1,000. You can donate right there and help us reach and exceed the goal. You can also register to run or walk–it’s good for your health; consider participating in that way. I hope to see the names of many Kiwanians and K-Family members registering and donating for the 37th Annual Kiwanis Independence Day 5K.
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